Bubba Chainsaw and Lockers (No Counter?)

ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

Alright, now I haven't played Bubba since I first started DBD very very long ago, he was basically the first killer I leveled for BBQ and that's it.. but I've always enjoyed playing him in the past even though I never went back to finish leveling perks on him..

Coincidentally right before the rework, literally the day before, without even knowing that he was going to get reworked (not joking) I leveled all his perks I wanted to use for him and started playing him. Then he got reworked the next day, and so now I'm continuing to play him.. but I have a huge concern that I'm noticing now as I am facing more and more Red Rank Survivors in my matches..

There was a time that I remember (at least I am pretty sure I remember this correctly unless it was actually just a bug) that CHAINSAW SWINGS could penetrate the lockers if a survivor is hiding inside of it. I believe you still Tantrumed for hitting an object, but you would saw through the locker and the survivor would fall out of the locker and hit the ground. This actually made perfect sense to me, and I am not sure why this was changed...

Because now there is a new issue that I am facing playing Bubba that I never knew could possible be such a big issue until I started facing these red ranks that keep abusing it. Apparently, if you dive into a locker real quick, it doesn't matter if the Chainsaw is basically touching you right on top of you, the Chainsaw will 100% miss, and the survivor will enter the locker safe from harm. You can try to Tantrum and hit the locker but it makes no difference. Then they will either "Head On" you if they are running that perk, or simply exit the locker and start running away safely knowing that you have used up your Chainsaw Charges and cannot use your saw again for a moment.

I can understand this being a mechanic if it were to happen, lets say just a few times during a single match at the most. I just played a game against 4 Survivors who ALL kept doing this the entire game long, and no matter what I did, even if I had a 100% successful Chainsaw that was going to hit right on top of them, they kept diving into lockers and avoiding the damage. It happened so often and slowed down my ability to down players so much so that all 4 escaped, and I barely got any hooks at all.

Sure, Lockers are "situational" and you have to find one to abuse this, but believe me on certain maps there are plenty, and if survivors are smart enough to keep running you to them, sometimes the exact same ones over and over again, which they absolutely can, it gets really unfair real fast.

I'm not sure why it was ever changed that you can no longer chainsaw someone through a locker even when they jump into it, I don't see why it would matter now anyways with how Tantrum works and how long it lasts, but it would be awfully nice to see that back in the game because I can already tell that this is going to basically make Bubba impossible to consistently do well in Red Ranks against survivors who have caught on..

Honestly it was so bad that I genuinely was scared of making this post because I don't want more people to know and make it harder for myself, but at the same time I am curious what your guys' thoughts are and if this is actually something that is meant to be as is or could be worked on in the future possibly?

All I can tell you is that it can be really rough, even when you are on a roll overall playing well without making any mistakes, there's is literally NO Counter at the moment to a Survivor just jumping into a locker right as you begin to saw.


  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    Actually that's pretty smart! Though my Bubba build doesn't really have room for that perk necessarily, without giving up something crucial to the build itself, but I do like the idea and I will for sure test it out soon!

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Exactly! For only €6,99 and a day or two grind all your problems will be solved. ;^)

  • nesseychomp
    nesseychomp Member Posts: 7

    Sooo you want to chainsaw through lockers... Even though its one of the only counters to new bubba. If they run into a locker dont tantrum just let it go and its pretty much a free hit on them once they get out the locker. The only ways to avoid a bubba saw is a window, wasting a pallet, or running in a locker. His new saw is good enough he can run around loops with it easily making people drop pallets allowing him an easy way to make dead zones around the map to screw over survivors later. Plus if you run iron maiden just let the saw run out when they are in the locker then m1 when they come out and you have your instant down with no counter play except to waste pallets or pray for a window.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101
    edited July 2020

    oh, yeah, I just played iron maiden game and that's amazing. I also run this perk of nurse occasionally since survivors like using them to dodge blinks too

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Its very easy to time your m1 so that you grab the survivor as they exit the locker. Otz tested this with people on his stream and the timing for a survivor to escape has to be very precise.

    The killer has the advantage in this situation. Survivors only hope is Head On.

  • JFF
    JFF Member Posts: 166

    There's a thing called shrine, you should check it out! (it's located in upper section in store) or you could spend in-game currency called shards to buy the killer and get the teachable within 2-3 hours of playtime. I'm giving advice to guy that struggles with lockers, unless you have better idea or suggestion, please refrain from pointless sarcastic comments. :o)

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    Maybe if you only use one charge with bubba, but if you use all 3 charges you have a big 3 sec cooldown before you can act again, giving survivor plenty of time to get out

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,394

    Jane can also just be brought with shards and doesn't need to be brought with real money.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I use that perk on Nurse and lemme tell ya

    Its amazing

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Ah, yes, we have the Shrine. Check your luck today. It show 4 perks out of 154 perks, and it updates weekly. You will get it eventually, we promise. ;D

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704
    edited July 2020

    pretty easy counter, just tantrum into the locker, if they jump out they instantly die, and if they wait out the tantrum just grab them.

    only thing they can do to stop it is if they have head on/D strike or you miss your timings

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    That's evil, versed a Billy with maiden last night. Pretty cool.

    Was disappointed he had NOED though.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Finally, someone else that calls them bs hits. Like vaulting through a window, and being 3 steps on the other side and still get hit. Killers see it just as well as we do, and still take credit for it.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Locker juking bubba was always a thing, the timing to get out and not get hit is a bit precise but works if you can hop out correctly

    i think stuff like that is good for the game, reward for strong game knowledge

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Locker tech use to be a free hook but I’m not sure how it is now since there are longer cooldown depending on charges used tho using all charges then tantruming could make them mess up and jump out too quick

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Just fyi, what you probably were talking about is what happens when a survivor doesn't jump in in time or jumps out too early. Chainsawing people that were still in lockers was never a feature.

    My suggestions on what to do: start a rev near a locker and keep the bar near the start. When a survivor jumps in, end the chainsaw and grab the survivor out of the locker. This works usually all the time for me as Hillbilly. The other option may or may not be a thing, but I'm 25% certain that your tantrum is longer if you use up all of your charges before hitting a locker, and if the survivor doesn't have Head On (which Enduring should affect *cough*), the survivor will most likely be thrown off by the length and possibly jump out too early.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    Or a lucky week in the shrine... It was there recently lol

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    Lockers are too safe for too many reasons... Being able to just take DS and jump in a locker completely safe is kind of insane too

    I think DS is a necessary skill but you shouldn't be able to just avoid all confrontation because of a red box. DS should just not work in lockers. Timedlr continues as is. It would fix the problem in all ways. It wouldn't effect DS as it's intended to work but doesn't allow for survivors to get away for free unless the killer wants to wait a whole minute (which let's be honest, isn't realistic in ANY high rank game)

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Tombstone should work vs lockers too. (Only the full Judith's, not the tombstone piece.) I'd argue 70% of Evil Incarnate achievement attempts that fail at 3/4 survivors dead is because the last survivor just yeets into a locker. They're dead no matter what but they choose screwing you out of your achievement. (The other 30% are split between the last guy getting hatch or disconnecting mid-mori, which doesn't count for the achievement either.)

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170
    edited July 2020

    Bubba never had the ability to chainsaw through lockers. Pretty sure you are talking about a bug exploit that happened a while back. Funny you learned bubba during that time and think that's his basekit mechanic.....

    There absolutely are counters to jumping in a locker. I have done all of these. Lockers aren't OP.

    Easiest way, slowly rev your saw down and tap M1 when they hop in or out of the locker for a grab. Simple.

    Second way, and most effective, literally charge your saw right into the locker and cause a tantrum, 4 out of 5 survivors do not know the proper timing and will jump into your saw. If they do know the timing they are still right there to M1 and are now out of the locker.

    Third way, rev your saw down while moving out of head-on range, then bait the head-on by walking in and out quickly, swing once the head-on animation ends to avoid dedicated latency stuns. Once you get the timing down for head-on baits you will never get hit with head-on again.

    Lockers are easily counterable if you know how to approach them. I don't think bubba should be able to saw through them. I play at rank 1 and no one's jumping in lockers left and right. That happened to me only 2 times tonight and I tantrummed both of them, they both jumped out into my saw. I think you just had some bad games.

  • DeVTO
    DeVTO Member Posts: 12

    Honestly 9/10 times I tantrum on the locker and the survivor almost always jumps too soon. And then if they do wait it out then they jump too late and I can grab them in the animation. If Bubba has good timing it's actually pretty unsafe to use lockers. No helping head on though

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    This was actually good advice and I really appreciate it!

    Yeah a long time ago I was able to chainsaw people in lockers, but perhaps that was a bug or not working as intended. Unfortunately I prefer it that way but I suppose either Iron Maiden or using some techniques that you mentioned above would be helpful.

    The thing is, I agree that I have managed to still get many of the survivors that tried doing this, and usually if it just happens a few times in a match its no big deal whether they get away or not..

    What I was referring to in my Original Post is that there was a match where ALL 4 Survivors kept doing it constantly the entire match, it happened to be a map with a ton of Lockers, and I basically have no choice because they were REALLY good at it and even there were times where on my screen I was 100% sure that I hit them, and they still somehow managed to get safely in to the locker and then escape..

    Sure these survivors were probably really really good and veteran players, but the problem I see is that when this does happen it actually makes playing Bubba feel very useless. I mean I hardly got any down's all game long even trying my hardest, it made him feel like a much weaker killer than most other killers.

  • jayru
    jayru Member Posts: 64

    I had a survivor loop me around a locker. I almost got them, but my chainsaw overheated and they got away. oh wait that was hillbilly

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    I'm not worried, the amount of people that jump out of a locker when tantrum is going is funny 🤣 they either forgot or just dont pay attention. I do the exact same thing as a survivor agasint Bubba.

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