Low wall loops
Can anyone give me a good reason that low wall, walls with holes in them, or essentially just loops where you can see each other almost the entire time exist? It just takes almost all mind games out of the loop.
Are we keeping them in just because they work well for a few specific killers like Huntress/Deathslinger?
Trying to find some good points here for their existence unless they really are just bad design.
Good Survivors can loop a low wall perfectly for ages, but bad Survivors can get caught with quick Killer movements at said loops. I think the key to catching good Survivors at low wall loops is to just hold W instead of trying to do quick moves or anything like that... then, after they drop the pallet, get them on the worse side of the loop and break it. It's worked for me against red rank Survivors (although rank =/= skill most of the time!).
I think low wall loops are just aesthetically pleasing for most maps, and you don't want to have high wall loops everywhere--it could be a nightmare due to all of the LOS blockers that would be present.
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I'm not asking how you counter low wall loops. I'm asking why they exist functionally.
"I think low wall loops are just aesthetically pleasing for most maps, and you don't want to have high wall loops everywhere--it could be a nightmare due to all of the LOS blockers that would be present."
I actually don't think making them all higher would hurt any aesthetics and why exactly would that be a nightmare?
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They exist for variety, like many other features.
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This NEEDS to be addressed, I hate those hold forward loops where there is no mindgame potential. Every loop should be like a L T wall, where there is equal opportunity for both sides to outplay eachother.
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no actually, there are mindgames at low wall loops, and even if there wasnt, filler pallets exist so you dont have to run across the map to get to a tile.
for example, if im a survivor and i know the killer will lunge to try and hit me through the pallet, i will not drop the pallet and have them miss, however, if the killer is smart he might not respect knowing im a smart survivor and get a free hit, little things like that.
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What you're describing isn't a mind game, it's a guess.
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Well, many maps have low wall loops that look nice and provide variety. For example, Mother's Dwelling and Temple of Purgation. And maps with LOS blockers everywhere generally aren't favorable for most Killers, so I think adding more LOS blockers wouldn't be very fair.
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I actually disagree. LOS blockers help the killer. This is one of the reasons why the indoor maps generally favor killers. It also now allows the killer to mind game the loop. It would be an improvement for killers.
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As a Nurse main, I actually shudder at the thought of LOS blockers being present everywhere. I can do pretty well on Hawkins, Lery's and The Game, but it can still be pretty sweaty against decent Survivors. Not to mention that any Killer with a ranged attack (Deathslinger, Huntress and Pyramid Head) suffer from LOS blockers as well. Don't really want to nerf 4 Killers just to make it a bit easier for the rest.
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How would it not be fair? Do you want a free loop handed to you or something, with absolutely no counterplay? LOS blockers allow for skill and mindgames, which should be on every loop.
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Well I mean for one it would really hurt huntress and deathslinger. Second it would be a nightmare for survivors as a simple moonwalk can get a hit on average survivors while you can just reverse moonwalk against the good survivors.
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That would be bad that's just 50/50 whoever's guesses right win loops no actual outplaying. Well I take that bad there is some outplaying but it still comes down to a guess. If you dont like that how about every tile be a jungle gym I love those they arent 50/50 and you have to be skillful to outplay your opponents.