Can You Stop Coding Totems Next To Gens Please?!

The last two are from today, 3 minutes ago.
Is there ANY WAY to get improved Totems like you promised last year that you'll start doing?
However, one upside is that it's easier to get survivors to trigger Haunted Grounds.
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Haunted Grounds was solely made as a bandaid to terrible totem placements.
The issue is still there though. =/
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Agreed. Both sides should actually want this change.
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But then you know if you see a gen there won't be a totem near it. With 7 gens that's a lot of places totems won't spawn, especially certain maps. Especially when gens spawn in clusters.
Not saying totem spawns are perfect, there are a lot of egregious ones, but it's not as simple as coding "don't spawn within 8m of a gen." They need to be hidden better, behind a box or bush or pushed into a corner
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They don't spawn automatically, they have been placed by someone at every placement, it just chooses 5 placements out of like ~20 handpicked places, for example
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I'm not saying it's simple coding, but you have to admit these totem spawns are just lazy. They're not even behind the tree or anywhere trying to make themselves hidden.
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theres a major difference between hiding spots in new realms and ones in old ones. They'll put totems way in the open on the Asylum map but between inconspicuous garbage in recent ones
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It's sad but it looks funny. It's like doing an Easter egg hunt for a little kid.
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I have said this idea so many times..
Devs should allow killers to choose the location of hex totems on each map. It would be great and we wouldn't be blaming the devs.
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Survivors don't cleanse totems anyway. NoED users have proved that!
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It's true, they don't cleanse unless coincidentally the LIT totems are the ones posted next to gens while the Blank Totems are hidden away.
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Funny that. It's almost like this game is populated with players that have the mental age of a child and can't actually do something unless it's for an immediate gain or gratification.
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And that's the genius of BHVR's Sociology team.
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Totem spawns on Midwich/Saloon: Completely submerged in brush, actually has to be sought out
Totem spawns on Autohaven/Crotus Penn: On a parade float with a floodlight shining down upon it
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lol 2 maps that are awful for killers and 2 maps that killers do well on.
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Hopefully it'll be something that's revisited for the Graphical Update but like, my hopes aren't that high it'll be fixed.
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Devs are too busy making skins to fix this age old issue.
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Saloon is EZ mode for killer
Theres a 3 gen by the gallows so close together that you can almost see them all from one spot
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No joke. Better totem spawns were promised by Not_Queen a year and a half ago, they did 1 measly update and just left it at that.
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They did stop putting totem spawns next to gens, that's why people hate Hex perks on newer maps.
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I couldn't agree more. Totems aren't supposed to be impossible to find, but they shouldn't be getting placed next to the very thing that survivors are actively seeking out. In one match I had devour hope deactivate within 20 seconds because both it and a survivor spawned right next to the same generator.
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Totems in General need fixing.
- Survivors cleanse them too fast.
- Survivors spawn next to lit totems
- This post made by this person. perfectly outlines the totem issues.
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Yes! Agreed.
On newer maps, maybe.
But my bottom 2 pictures have 1 of my Hex Totems destroyed next to a gen, and the other is literally right next to another gen.
Those 2 bottom pictures were today.
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this 100%
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Its reasons like that I only run haunting grounds.
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Thank you.
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It's crazy just how true that is! Watch any streamer and you'll notice that they all avoid cleansing totems unless they happen to be running inner strength, or it's a hex.
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I'm not saying totems on all maps are good. In fact, I'd go out on a limb and say that thanks to the OG maps the averages are decidedly awful. But they have stopped deliberately placing them next to generators. Reworking older maps, however, is probably the biggest nightmare of clashing code and wierd systems in DBD
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But I think therein lies the problem. The developers seem to be more interested in how the game looks than how it runs. If we got hotfixes at the same rate that we get new skins, then this game would be in tip-top shape! And considering that they are actively working on giving every map a new coat of paint, probably means that totem placement will continue to be on the back burner.
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Oh yeah that'd be great. "Hey survivors, can you just sit in a 10 minute loading screen while I scour the map for the 5 best hiding spots? Cool."
Post edited by anarchy753 on0 -
There can be a 30 second countdown. If not, it'll randomize it.
Something can be done, I'm sure of it.
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Oh! What if I better not put in one of the "5 best hidding spots"? This idea is better than letting the game put it in random places and having the bad luck that it appears next to a gen. Or do you have a better idea?
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Oh, that'd also be great for 5 hex totem builds. Just jam them all within 10m and nobody can touch them.
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yeah they should def do this, this is just a mindless change