Non-Satire NOED Adjustment

I'm assuming most people have complaints against NOED. So here goes.
Original NOED:
Once the exits are openable, NOED activates. If atleast one survivor is alive your movement speed is increased by 2%/3%/5%. As long as your hex totem is active when the exits are openable you will be able to insta-down once/twice/twice per survivor.
Is this better? Im not sure. This is my first post here so please allow me time to adjust, thanks for reading.
Ah thanks. I assumed that people werent a fan of it. But thanks for the critsiscm! :)
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As I though, people don't like it. And stopping gens in the first place is a viable yet rage-inducing option (For the survivors).
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.05%? That's almost non-existent.
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Actually. The current is 5% right? To represent that in decimals you write it like this = .05%. I beileve, correct me if im wrong!
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If you convert it to a decimal you have to remove the % from it. But for a perk description, you generally want to just keep it as "5%". A decimal would be less accurate because not every killer has the same speed. A 5% speed boost for a nurse would be a 0.1925 m/s increase but for a trapper it would be 0.23 m/s, if my math is correct.
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so your idea is to stop the dull to lit totem stuff and nerf the speed to nothing? at that point it would just be a worse version of devour hope with no unique or redeeming qualities
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Im a bit confused, isnt the regular speed 5%? The way you represent that in decimals is .05%... Correct me if I misunderstood.
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Ah, sorry!
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Also isnt that how its supposed to be? If a killer is slower 5% is not going to increase them to a faster killer with 5%. It'll just mame them faster.
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I mean that you can't convert 5% to a static value in this case because the actual speed boost varies between killers.
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percent is a decimal ie: i have 100 fruits 5 of them are apples 5% of them are apples if you wanted to show .05% it would be 10,000 and 5 apples .05% of them are apples 5% and .05% are not equal .05 is 1% of 5%
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Honestly the issue with NOED entirely is the movement speed in my view and the fact that it's a surprise attack. Although I blame the added movement speed on the fact that all perks have tiers and BHVR always wants something that scales with a perk so you'll often have a cool idea over shadowed by something stupid tacked onto a perk just so the three tiers have something to scale on.
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Professionals do not use noed for the exposed state, we use it for the extra speed.
Change my mind
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Oh, I though the Exposed status was what people disliked! Thanks for clearing that up for me!
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Oh, okay!
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Actually, aren't % increases/decreases to movement speed based on the 100% Survivor sprint? Like how Killers are 115/110%?
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crutch perk thats easily countered 30%ish of the time (my number from usage) not only that, I play huntress mostly and it doesn't work with hatchets, so nah
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No, they multiply the base speed of the killer.
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That's news to me lol, I thought NOED was making my Hag a 114% killer all this time
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NOED is fine how it is, though.
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Sorry, people have already clarified that! Is their a perk that you beileve is universally hated? Decisive Strike?
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Hex: No One Escapes Death is a helpful perk, but not your triumph one. The first thing we almost do in my SWF is search for totems and take him down. Not only you get like a lot of points (1.000 for each, 1.500 if glowing) but you unactive the future perk activation.
Noed has a pretty easy way to counter. I don't know every totem RNG spawn, but i know where aproximately they spawn so i just need to search around and boom, free bp points, more killer gameplay (since you're not genrushing) and more happiness for everyone.
Have a nice day!
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This isn't a thread about DS. It's incredibly flawed, and there are times where there is no counter and nothing the killer can do about it (which inherently makes it overpowered and broken), but this is a NOED thread; and being that it's the most counterable perk in the game (can be eliminated before it even comes into play with the help of MULTIPLE perks and items/addons), it's fine how it is.
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Im a bit confused. I suggested that Decisive Strike is a perk that is universally hated. Again, I'm new here so please forgive me for my mistakes.
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I was suggesting it as a 'universally hated perk'.
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Ah, thanks. I never thought about that. Apologies.
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Veteran players can do well without NOED but it is definitely very helpful for new killers with not a lot of teachables and experience. If it weren't for NOED I may have gave up on killer entirely. As it helped make sure all my games weren't losses when I was still learning the mechanics and strategies. It also causes survivors to cleanse totems which helps prevent gen rush so overall I think its a great perk and I don't think it needs any changes to it.
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Universally hated is subjective. NOED is perfectly balanced.
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Honestly, NOED is just bad design. I don't think nerfing it is a good option. It needs to have a completely different effect in my opinion. Maybe remove the insta down from it, but if you're hooked it counts as two hook states instead of one, for as long as it's up so if you've never been hooked it takes you straight to struggle phase and if you've been hooked once it just kills you.
However if you ask me, I would literally just delete the perk from the game. Bad design that rewards bad killers, there should be no place for it in the game. Adrenaline rewards teams who fulfill their objective, so no, in case someone was thinking of Adrenaline it's not equivalent.