Devs. Disable indoor maps until you fix console performance.

They are literally unplayable atm.
Just had a game on Lerys with PH.
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Had two Doc games on The Game. 10 FPS at most each time. Yeah these maps need to be disabled until they're fixed. I played Doc and Wraith on Badham (Doc twice, Wraith once, all because of map offerings) and the FPS was nowhere near as bad.
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That's means....I'll never see them again 😭
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In my experience the only troublesome map is lerys, the others perform decently for me.
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Weren't you a dev??
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No, if i was though
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couldnt agree more
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Devs can't even implement a colorblind option. Hell, they can't even give basic graphics settings. You think they care about performance?
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Congrats on your 1k post.
And yes, indoor maps drops my FPS from 120 to 70-90.
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thanks! low key hadn’t realized until you pointed it out, lol
and yeah, on console its way worse. barely even get a constant 30 fps and it plummets to around 10-15 on indoor maps now.