General Discussions

General Discussions

Is it worth reporting racism

Member Posts: 16
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

If I report IN GAME does that do anything or does BHVR only care about support ticket reports.

it doesn't seem like its worth the 5 minutes to fill out a forum that may or may not be even looked at.

Post edited by AndreiChickatilo on

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  • Member Posts: 152

    They are all looked at eventually. Just report, small explanation, move on.

  • Member Posts: 536
    edited August 2020

    Recently BHVR has been very good with taking reports seriously, they have zero tolerance for racism and most valid reports do result in bans, you are never notified however, which is why these may seem useless, either-or works, in game or on their support forums, but if you do see any serious racism such as this I would recommend creating a report.

  • Member Posts: 16

    so if you only report in game it will actually make a difference? @drimmalor

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    How does it make one? I regular report players for insults, and i regular meet them again, still being toxic. doesn´t seem like repeated offences carry much of a penalty.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Allegedly, yes. Just make an in-game report and the Dev team will follow up on it and likely ban the abuser.

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