What are your 3 most played games?
Simple question really. What are the 3 games you've put the most hours into.
For me I've put about 1000 hours into Rocket League as my most played game. My next most played game is DBD with about 700 hours and Overwatch is my third with 450 hours.
Around 2200 hours into MH4U (3ds game back in the day) holds my record, aside from WoW....but I'd rather forget those dark days.
Current top 3 in terms of consistent play;
Doom Eternal
Animal Crossing New Horizons
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Doom is great, and according to my younger brother New Horizons is amazing, although doesn't live up to New Leaf (Me and him loved New Leaf and I could have more hours on it than any of these).
Judging by your time on Final Fantasy it must be a really good game, although I've never tried any of them.
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- CSGO spread across 4 accounts ~4000h
- DBD 500h
- Rocket League 370h
I don't know how much hours I spent on WoW back in the days but it is a lot.
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I don't know the stats, but these are my top 3 favourite games, that I've spent the most time on.
1: Dbd
2: R6
3: RDR2
Honourable mention: terraria.
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R6 I haven't played a lot but I do own, I like defending with Frost, but attacking just isn't my thing.
As for Red Dead Redemption 2, I play it for the memes sometimes, going around saving people who are being kidnapped only to kidnap them myself, but that's about it.
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Damn, 4k hours on CSGO? That's a lot. Also I'm glad to see another RL player.
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I only played RDR2 for the story.
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Yeah, I played pretty much only CSGO for couple of years. RL is fun to play with friends. I never have enjoyed it as solo.
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I've always wanted to try it, but isn't it only a steam game? Could borrow my roommates PC for a bit but idk if he'd would be fond of it ๐ .
As for Rocket League, I rarely play with friends. I always flop when I do. Out of curiosity, what rank are you?
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Yes it is Steam only game and will probably always be because it is made by Valve. But if you get the chance, try it.
I'm plat 2. I could probably get diamond if I'd start playing solo and putting some more hours into it but don't feel like stressing with RL. ๐
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- GTA 5: 3636 hours (online) & 61 hours (on story mode) and thats just for the Xbox
- Call of Duty WWII: 587 hours
- Call of Duty Black Ops 3: 500 hours
Honerable Mentions:
- Dead By Daylight: 300 hours (as of right now)
- Assassin's Creed Odyssey: 284 hours
- Call of Duty Black Ops 4: 263 hours
- Minecraft: 219 hours
But i also added up times on franchise games like AC and CoD to see a total (yes i really am that bored)
Assassin's Creed: 7 games with a total of 666 hours played.
Call of Duty: 5 games with a total of 1388 hours played.
(xbox one game times only)
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SCP Secret Laboratory
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
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If I ever get a chance I will.
Also Plat at 300 hours is good. Most 300 hours would be high silver low gold.
And thanks for caring about me on my wall, it means a lot.
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######### hell. I've barely put 100 into GTA and you've put 3700!?!? Fair play.
Gonna annoy some people here, but I hate WWII. Found it very bland.
Love BO3 and it's my second favourite COD behind MW3, loved its zombies.
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Never heard of SCP, but judging by it being your highest it must be good.
Also who do you main on Smash. Although I'm rubbish, I play a custom mini meant to be Waluigi a lot as well as Link.
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I play with friends who are diamonds so I had to learn the game on a faster pace just to keep up with them. ๐
I'm glad to hear that.
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SCP is great, highly recommend it since its free. As for Smash I main Ridley, I pocket Falco and the Belmonts. Nice to see another smash player.
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Love facing Ridley.
I'm not a full on Smash player, as I usually play it with my brother when I see him, although I love playing it and have considered getting a switch multiple times just for it.
I'll text him now telling him to get SCP and I'll see how he responds in a few days.
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Its the only reason I own a switch lol, I don't play it very competitively though, the online makes that impossible. I mostly use it to vs friends, when it actually works that is. Hope you like SCP SL, its pretty complex but is some of the most fun I've had in a game.
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A lot of people didn't like WWII and it was for that very same reason of they found it bland, me personally i loved it and the campaign was just amazing in my eyes anyways.
Even though i have put more hours into WWII... I would 100% put BO3 up in my top 2 cods if not that number one spot
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I can't check the hours for these games but I know for a fact these are my most played of all time:
- Bo3 Zombies
- Super Smash bros for Wii U
- Dead by Daylight
I love these games to death I spent hours just playing away at them. :)
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Love BO3 Zombies. It's the main reason I played the game. Never had a Wii U nor did my brother so never tried Smash Bros for it.
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In terms of overall time?
- Paladins
- Dead by daylight
- Overwatch
In terms of what I'm sinking the most time into at the moment?
- Resident Evil 2 remake
- Resident Evil 1 remake
- A Plague Tale: Innocence
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Bo3 zombies was amazing honestly. Couldn't stop playing it especially after Zombies Chronicles. :)
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- DBD - 5500 hours
- Left 4 Dead 2 - 5000 hours
- COD BO2 - 5000 hours
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1.Dying light
2.Rdr 2
3.Dead by daylight
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cs:go: 1,382 hours
ARK: 812 hours
civ 5:541 hours
i have 500 hours on dbd as of right now also this is just for steam i prob have 2k hours on runescape
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after campaign what do you do on doom to consistently play it?
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same ive played those to death tho you have the other BO zombies games?
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Yeah I played all of those as well on my Ps3. I liked them all but Bo3 was my favorite. :)
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- Team Fortress at 3000+ hours.
- Warframe at 1400+ hours.
- DbD at 800+ hours.
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why? op gobbles?
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I like the easter eggs and maps a lot. The guns feel powerful and the gobblegums are great for casual games or playing with friends.
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Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
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1: Overwatch
2: Minecraft
3: Dbd
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For me, it would have to be :
- DbD
- Overwatch
- F13/ACNH
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Never played Resident Evil (1 or 2) and I've never even heard of A Plague Tale but I'm glad you enjoy it.
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Woah that's alot of hours.
Played left 4 dead 2 a bit but it was never my cup of tea. And a very unpopular opinion. BO2 was bad because everyone literally used the MP7.
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Never tried CSGO but I've heard great about it. As for ARK, I've tried it a bit with a few of my old mates where we were all against each other. It was ok but there was constant fighting ๐ .
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Team fortress is a great game and I can see why you've dedicated so much time into it. As for warframe, I've never tried it. At all. Heard good about it but just haven't found time to look into it.
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Love Overwatch, despite me being rubbish at it ๐ . As for Fire Emblem, although I've never played it, my younger brother despises it, but his taste is quite bad to be fair.
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Love Overwatch. Not a great player but I love it. As for Minecraft, I'm going to get a few odd looks, but I think it's boring and Terreria is superior
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Seems like everyone likes Overwatch which is great to hear. Had F13 but I was just never good at it, though I made many friends a long the way in which we would all meme in a lobby. ACNH is good, but I think New Leaf is better. Still think I have my file somewhere down at my parents.
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1) Team Fortress 2 (720 hours, though I've stopped playing)
2) Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (615 hours, though I've stopped playing)
3) Dead By Daylight (515 hours)
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TF was great and it's a shame it doesn't have much players anymore. I've played Dragon Ball Xenoverse, I've played it twice with my cousin and I got destroyed.
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Honestly the main reason I stopped playing TF2 was because I felt like I wasn't getting better, and I wasn't even getting a reason to get better.
And imo, Xenoverse 2 isn't even that great, which is why I stopped playing. There's so much broken stuff that isn't even funny to go against. Online is a complete mess and I'd argue that the XV2 community is even more toxic than this game's community.
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I play ark as a PvE game with friends we make a bigger base get better tames to do caves to do the story. i tried the pvp but it wasnt for me. CSGO is the best team based shooter ive played i dont like the gimics of R6S and only ever played BO2's multiplayer very extensively but csgo has so much more depth. Almost nothing is random and you can beat players with better aim and a better tigger finger with better strategy. there isnt another game were you can do that
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On my PS4, at a guess.
DBD, GTA V and Minecraft.
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I'm the type of idiot who tries to beat the "single life" mode on these games. I typically do progress runs (sorta like speed runners except I'm not trying for time, just progress) and I did go back for all unlockables after the first campaign run.
I played Doom 2016 for about 4 months until I beat the single life run. I also play PS4 so I cannot "cheese" it like PC can.
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GTA V is decent, played a bit with a few mates but they all quit, and I'm fairly shy so I kinda struggled getting more people ๐ .
As for Minecraft, personally I don't like it and I think Terreria is better.