Can we talk about survs gettin nerf AGAIN?



  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    I never got blinded with original Lightborn.

    Yeah I used it.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Those numbers also show that those 4 man hit squads are insanely rare, but everyones anecdotal evidence says "every game" is one of them.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    A perk buff doesn't mean a survivor nerf, a nerf is when the devs rework/tweak something in order to make it weaker, they made lightborn stronger (still not gonna use that perk since I know how to look at walls) but that doesn't mean that flashlights and fire crackers are weaker.

  • GoldieLegion
    GoldieLegion Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2020

    "Ranking up as survivor is easy mode compared to killer."

    Dude... Let's be honest here, how many rank 1 survs are REALLY RANK 1? i mean, i lost count of how many survs i got in team that dont know how to loop, they sandbag eachother, they just dc, some dont ever bother to unhook, they never use flashlights platers or anyhing to help, cant even heal, they WONT play in team. So please don't use that one against me coz LITERALLY finding a good team is rare as ######### this days and also as a i killer so many times i found so many rank 1 survs that sucks, that can't even do totems so we dont get noed at the end, i cant do gens, loop and clean 5 totems alone all games XDD . So yeah... Its not that hard as a killer beein in red ranks or maybe it is, i am and i'm not even thaaat good, also i only play legion.. LEGION, but playing surv is a pain in the ass aswell

    Yeah i know, some surv premades are hard to handle. But its hard to handle a killer that use mori, camp or tunnel too and they wont do anything about it, so whats the deal?

  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167

    Ive never seen a more delusional entitled survivor main spew of nonsense in my entire 3 years playing this game! And it's 10 sec of aura reading with light born now not ten min. When I saw this post all I could do was laugh. And just by what you said if you do play any killer you are no higher than brown ranks. The " Franklin's buff " isn't a buff either it use to damage the item every time it got knocked out now it takes no damage and if the killer camps a flashlight for 1 1/2 min for it to be consumed then almost all gens should be done if not then you are in brown ranks or just really bad at the game. If that's the case I don't think "killer buffs " is your real problem. Get a grip dude " a fact in my opinion " ! Ha ! Really you even contradict yourself in the exact same sentence. Have fun please post more stuff like this! I need more laughter in my life!

  • KeBBySemPai
    KeBBySemPai Member Posts: 19

    Are you for real? If somthing isn't being used bc its useless then dont u think it should get help? Why wouldnt u buff somthing that would need it even if it doesnt make it that much better since it still does the same thing.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    It don't matter how rare they are. Even the possibility of coming into a match without having any Chance of actually succeeding is pretty depressing for both sides.

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143
    edited July 2020

    Nerf are you, the survivors have many more perks and many more opportunities than the killer 🤨

    You say you are a main killer and are you saying the survivors were nerf again? please nobody believe you, stop creating troll threads like these to try to hide that you are a survivor who doesn't know how to play

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    I don't drink coffee.

    Calling the Ruin change or Nurse rework a "little nerf" is a ridiculous understatement. We did not have so many buffs, but killer reworks (some to the better, some to the worse) and some mechanic changes, which hit the survivor side more, I give you that. But this more killer-oriented design changes came after YEARS of preferential treatment of the survivor side. We are currently more or less even. None of the recent killers is OP, btw.

    Treat killers like crap and it's the same. Don't act like survivor is the more important role. The game would be dead if either of the roles is missing. And I really can't see that any side was treated like crap recently. All bigger changes were totally justified. BL nerf was necessary, since it enabled near-infiinites on Haddonfield. Nurse basekit took a heavy nerf, problemaitc addons were removed. Toolbox were nerfed, but so was ruin. Maps got smaller and problematic windows were removed, but that was direly needed, with survvivors and killers approving the changes. The most glaring and broken addition in the recent years was Mettle of Man, a survivor perk, not a killer one!

    I know rank is meaningless. I even wrote about that I encountered multiple survivors in supposedly high ranks playing really bad. Ranking up as surv is far to easy. Thats one of the reasons matchmaking can be totally screwed currently. My whole point about the ranks was not to "justify my opinion", but to give a possible explanation why there feels to be a shortage of killer players, at least in my region. And if there is such a shortage of killers, it's likely bc the killer players get "treated like crap", not the survivors.

  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56

    If they nerf moris anymore they'll become useless, might as well hook someone if they're on death hook 🤣

  • GoldieLegion
    GoldieLegion Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2020

    U can use it at last hook to avoid ds, for example or to do a mission, for the animation or to avoid a premade saving someone in endgame, i did mori before like this without hooking at first hook

  • GoldieLegion
    GoldieLegion Member Posts: 14

    Too much salt for someone who "knows how to play" but ok XDDD

  • a_toxic_legion_main
    a_toxic_legion_main Member Posts: 1

    Killers strong I'm sorry? but It pretty hard as killer I'm getting gen rushed almost every single game I play and I have been playing a lot of survivor recently and I feel gens are going too fast how my survivor games usually go 3 gens go off at once and the killer still has yet to hook someone so me personally I feel like gens just need to be slowed down

  • KiPi
    KiPi Member Posts: 43

    13. What you also need to understand is camping tunneling and slugging are a must in the current state of the game you have perks to counter that so you can’t whine much there

    I remember that I wanted to play Killer like this:

    Going after a Survivor, down them, hang them. Find another Survivor and do the same. Then again find a Survivor (if it happens to be the first I would try to ignore them aka find a 3rd) and do the same. Rinse and repeat without slugging nor tunneling.

    But to my disappointment you can't really play this game like this(maybe not anymore - have no comparison). If you won't at least slug, there is no way, you reach a high rank and most of the time you get just bullied by Survivors and not even getting one kill out of it.

    Maybe it's just me, but I feel scummy if I play like this and definitely not like it. But what else can one do to apply pressure, if you just go for Survivor one by one? That's the case where one would feel "Gen-rushed" because too many survs would focus on Gens.

    I really liked that list @RizeAki ! That one point just got to me personally and I had to put my 2 Cents ^^'

  • GoldieLegion
    GoldieLegion Member Posts: 14

    That happens... Is a game, u can't always win. Once again, marking ur words, the possibility of coming into a match without having any Chance of actually succeeding cause the killer mori everyone first hook, camp or tunnel is pretty depressing for both sides, and they wont do anything about it, we can't do anything about it as surv, we cant do anything about premades as killers, sometimes u win sometimes u lose.

    The thing is there is always this fight between killers and survis and it wont stop. Some survs are ######### cliking and tbaging one game, annoying the killer unsitl the end playing toxic, so the next game the killer decides to mori at first hook and ######### others games. One game a killers decides to camp and the next game surv decides to just play safe and genrush the ######### out of the next killer. Sadly is how it works and people wont stop playing like this.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Ok i let you go with: "Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose."

  • GoldieLegion
    GoldieLegion Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2020

    I get it, as a killer player i know sometimes sluggin is necessary, also camping but there are ways to do it. I dont like ######### other peoples game and i prefer playing nice even if that makes it difficult to get red rank, a rank 1 killer that slug with 5 gends or facecamp everytime it's just a bad killer for me and rank means anything. Hear me out, i'm not saying survs never cry, they do, as a killer i zoned one surv with the exit open and they accused me of camping, like they wanted me to go to the other side of the map and look the wall while they scape. it's just stupid sometimes. But there is a difference between ZONING at the end game so u can get points too, to secure a kill or slugin one person to make pressure in game and just sluggin with 5 gens left 4 survs or camping/facecamping the hell out of everyone or tunnel the same person so u kill him fast enought to make him lose pep cause he couldnt play. I wont ever complain about zoning or sluggin when is necessary, but some killers just abusse of those mechanics for no reason. If playing like ######### sluggin everyone or facecamping is a mechanic then killers shouldnt beeing complaining about gen rush either, it's a mechanic too then (for me survs that only m1 gens are nothing, anyways, it's just a example)

    And as i surv i NEVER tbag or click the killer, even if i'm winning a chase, there is no need, but i also found killers that called me toxic just coz i was looping and dont letting him take me down easy, there is always nonsense people in games.

  • GoldieLegion
    GoldieLegion Member Posts: 14

    Well... I'm not saying killers don't even need buffs, thats way too much but... If sluggin and camping is a mechanic, gen rushing is too... right? killers have to face survis that just gen rush the hell out of them, surivs have to face killers with adons that makes the game way too difficult or they just camp and tunnel or mori. Imagine slowing gens down and facing TONS of killers that use mori, or facecamp at first hook, how can u handle that if u cant just repair fast? Its a both sides thing, maybe gens should be slow down, but then mori should get nerfed too.

    I personally dont like just doing gens, i dont think survs rank 1 that only repairs deserves the rank, but... sometimes is necessary dude, as sometimes slugin one persona to make pressure o soning a hook in end game is necessary. If i face a killer that facecamp or uses mori at first hook i wont even bother looking for chase, i'll rush the hell out of him, if he dont want me to play i'll do gens so i can make points before the killer decides i played enought, honestly.

    "what can else i can do to stop gen rush isntead of camping and sluggin everyone?" then, what can survs do to stop killers camping or mori then first hook instead of gen rushing? i both sides are ######### in this game if one person decides to play brainless.

    I'm agree in maybe slowing down gens a little while the killer is chasing someone, when a surv and a killer wants to play they just cant, the killer get rushed if he keeps a chase and the surv that likes to loop lose chase cause killer just need to go. Yeah i get it, but man.... I had a lot of games where the killer just made it impossible to do gens, cause he knew where to go everytime, he knew to make pressure, he knew map control and he didnt even need to slug or camp, he jus knew how to do his job, u can do 3 gens and you are already in last hook and with 2 survs left, it's crazy how good killers can be if they know how to do it. Sometimes it's not others fault, we just need to improve.

    And come on... I don't know if u play legion or you just have that name, but i do play legion and yeah, it's a weak killer, but talking about gen rush, if u play it like u should, survs will have a really hard time doing gens, at least i dont get too many gen rush as legion and if i do it's cause i lost map control and they did better than me, simple as that

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Allow me to quote to you from the forum, under a little tab the devs called "Game Rules".



    • Camping
    • Slugging
    • Tunneling
    • Streamsniping
    • Teabagging
    • Bodyblocking
    • Looping


    And if you mean ingame punishment well killers get punished. They get very few bloodpoints for slugging and in the case of camping lose emblem points. If you dont think thats enough, then here is some recommendations. Camping? Do gens = ez escape, the maths speaks for it self. Slugging? I hear Unbreakable is really popular. Besides Slugging is one of if not the only counter there is to many of survivors tool sets and to the game state in general. And very few killers from my experience actually slug when there is more than 2 survivors left.

    I'd say if anything should happen it shouldnt be killers getting punished, just survivors getting rewarded for playing smart. 1 survivor gets camped for 2 entire hook stages, but the 3 remaining survivors escape. POINTS! All 4 survivors get a lot points, and the one on the hook gets a bunch of "survival points" for not suiciding on hook, or something like that. Incentivize good behaviour and punish bad. Pretty easy if you ask me. If I as a killer wanted to camp a survivor, and it has happened, then I would usually do it to punish some dickhead. Now if that dickhead got more bloodpoints than me despite being camped from the begining of the match til the end of the match, then its not much of a punishment.

    Another case of camping is if I have 2 survivors on a hook next to each other, well its not up to me to leave them to make it easy for you to get the unhooks, its up to you to not be that bad at the game. This is not the killer that should be punished for playing the game "correctly" its the survivors that should be punished for playing poorly.

    Ofc there is also the camping at the end of a match, camping the survivor you caught just before all gens were done. The killer gets punished for leaving the hooked person. What usually happens is, the killer looks for someone, either by checking the doors or just the area he saw an aura. And the remaining survivors free the hooked person, someone gets the killers attention while the others open the door, if it isnt already 99. So the killer is automatically punished there, because he has lost the match at that point. Doesnt matter if he camps or not, he lost the match. The only way he can still win is if survivors ######### up massively by being dumbasses.

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339

    You will never enjoy this game if you legit consider one side being Better meaning the same as The Other side being Worse

  • KiPi
    KiPi Member Posts: 43

    I know what you mean and I am playing like that (just ofc making mistakes sometimes). But no matter the reason, I feel still scummy for every slug. Even if I find myself to camp at the EGC to secure that one kill.

    I hate it when killer try and slug the first person they down in the game at 5 Gens. If people were around, ok. I mean if I know there is a flashlight in the game I will try and spook them if I can't face a wall or smth. But quite some killer tend to play "too sweaty" or "scummy".

    I just am sad, that I have to play differently from my imagined way. I never meant stupid and unnecessary slugging, but that there are quite some cases where it is the best strategy. Also avoiding playing Oni for example because his power favors slugging mostly. It is just not my playstyle. But I am an achievement hunter, so there is that (currently missing only 14).

  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56

    I personally wish mori's were like release, where you could use it without any prerequisite 🙄

  • a_toxic_legion_main
    a_toxic_legion_main Member Posts: 1

    Lol you give fair points and I am a legion main just haven't played them in a while

  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56

    What's funny is that they won't ban for streamsniping, even though that's literally cheating and even Twitch (for example) will ban people from their platform for that.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Trust me knowing most of the full on survivor mains ive met on this game he is probably serious 😂 and yeah I shouldn’t waste my time on 20 points that prove all of his points useless but ehh I was stuck at work when I made it with nothing better to do plus it was kind of funny doing that and realizing he counters his own point in there meaning he at one point doesn’t agree in his statement 😂

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    Rank 20 survivor bait, no way you've played for longer then a few hours