You should honestly remove DC penalties

I should not be forced to play a game where the killer decides to play like douche. Why should I be forced to play a game where the killer lets me bleed out to death instead of hooking me? Why should I be forced to play a game where the killer first hook moris? Why should I be forced to play a match where the killer tunnels? Why should I be forced to play with a killer that shakes their head no as if they’re good? It’s kind of annoying how the dc penalty keeps coming back and going away. Like can someone on the development team make up their mind if you’re gonna have it up or not?
just ######### on hook
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What he said.
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If everyone had the same attitude as you this game would be dead and you're kinda living up to your name.
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Hell no
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Fitting name for this one
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Don't play video game if video game makes you mad.
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suicide on hook problem solved
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your arguments are funny lmao... like its not what survivors do every game and i still have to play against them
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If the horrible decisions the devs continue to make hasn't killed the game, nothing will.
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I don't want to be forced to do 5 gens with only 3 people because someone didn't like map/killer/getting caught/colour of the grass...
Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You have a choice, its just that one of those choices comes with a consequence you don't like.
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I've had more people DC since the penalty came back then before.
Most before the first hook. Two teams of team of two and a singular this morning. lol
I think it's some kind of protest. Bizarre.
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Cry. You can't handle 10 minutes of something you don't like? LMAO
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Play no mither and keep your urban evasion low :^)
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Imagine running no mither with urban.
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You should honestly stop dcing
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I’m not giving the killer any more points let alone another kill for a s***y match.
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This game is already dead.
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DbD is far from dead. Stagnant, maybe. But the playerbase has stayed mostly consistent if Steam Charts are to be believed
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Literally just commit suicide or eat the penalty it's not that hard. If you face an iri head huntress and DC I won't judge you cause we have all done it, but removing penalties is the worst idea cause you give salty red ranks the ability to DC every game for free.
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Killers don't want to play a game where survivors decide to play like douches, which is much much more common than a killer playing as a douche.
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Just no. 100% nope. When DC penalties were removed recently, and I played matches, people DC'd left and right, and it messed with me earning emblems and points. I deranked so much just because 2 people wanted to peace out and I couldn't earn enough emblem score. So no, DC Penalties are fine. Survivors need to stop being so entitled just because they don't like X reason here. You don't like the match? Feel free to use that amazing escape button for a hook death. But even doing that, you screw over the remaining 3 survivors, who then end up dying just because you left.
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The penalty was off for some errors BHVR did, but they never said the penalty was gone forever, only temporally and, as they promised, it was temporally. Now's back, what's the problem?
Killer is playing dirty? Just do your best to help your team and, if you need to go, die on the hook.
Survivors are playing dirty? Just do your best to gain some points and end the game as better as you can.
Penalties removed those "oh, im gonna dc 'cause this map sucks" or "oh, im gonna dc 'cause i heard a music and i think its the demogorgon and i don't feel today as playing versus him".
Disconnecting from a game deals to an unfair game if you're playing survivor (you leave your teammates versus 5 generators plus a less member on the crew) or as a killer (awaiting queue sometimes can get long enough. Why waiting like 4 entire minutes just for disconnecting 1-3 minutes after the game started?).
You can still disconnect, but you'll have a penalty. That's all.
Nothing's bad here.
Answering your question: No one is forcing you to play versus a 1 hook mori (legal technique), no one is forcing you to play versus a bleedout killer (legal technique. 4 minutes of bleed out and you're done in a Slugging build) and, finally, no one is forcing you to play versus a tunneler killer (again, legal technique).
In all those cases, you can do something about it.
- One hook + Memento mori: Gain as much time as possible. Killers time is more precious than the survivor's one. Make it count.
- Bleed out (Slugging): Ask your teammates to get you up. Bleed out takes fully 4 minutes to make you die. If he camps you in the ground, then your teammates can do full 4 minutes of generators. If he doesn't camp, just get up and continue the game.
- Tunneler killer: Again, same as the point before this. Instead of looking the bad things, look what the killer is loosing there. Time, precious and golden time.
Every action the killer deals has an action that can be took versus him to penaliza his decisions. This is why bigger players like Otzdarva or Truetalent doesn't usually use this techniques (even both have videos showing those techniques up): they usually have low results.
Have a nice day!
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and Resilience, to stay motivated. :^)
We cant allow dc's to go completely out of control, you need to endure it.
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Can we create a pool so all these DC dbd players can play together?
I block dodgy DC penalty players so to check each lobby never to play with them again
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Nah, we just saw what this game looks like with no penalty. Screw that. Go play something else if you cant handle it
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Dead my ass lol
In the last 4 months there's been 50-60k people playing a dead game.
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I'm sorry you would disconnect because the killer shakes their head no.
Dear God you're the type of person disconnection penalties were made for.
There are so many actual reasons why disconnection would be reasonable being stuck in a glitch spot connection error and more all of these would be viable reasons to ask for the removal of the disconnection penalty.
However you coming here whining about wanting to disconnect because the game is not going your way and that you shouldn't be punished for that. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if you disconnect because the killer shakes his head at you, you deserve a disconnection penalty 100%
Post edited by Volfawott on9 -
sounds like a personal problem then
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Not a single person is forcing you to play. Turn the game off if you can't handle someone playing how they want to.
You are not entitled to anything in this game, nor should you receive special treatment.
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How it is rude? I play CSGO, LoL and even RL that has penalties for disconnecting / leaving. Why should DbD cater the weak who can't play for 10 mins or less of a game they don't like? You can always go in a corner and cry while you are are afk. You do not need to DC.
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I see that you play csgo :)
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Yes, I play CSGO. Where the match can last from anything from 30 minutes to over an hour. And people who play DbD cry about matches that can be over in less 10 minutes. Just because they don't like something they have to have the right to DC. What a ######### joke.
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DC penalties should go, but not for survivors and not for this reason.
You can't force somebody to play out a match they don't want to.
If a survivor is going to DC, but doesn't want the penalty, they just get themselves sacrificed and move on. Since this does a little bit more for the team they're leaving behind, this is a net positive, so survivors should have DC penalties.
If a killer wants to bypass DC penalties (say it's a Huntress who sees an instant OoO on Midwich), they just go AFK and waste even MORE of everybody's time.
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DC penalties should stay. I rather a hook suicide than a DC instantly. You chose to play a PVP game. Don't get upset and leave just because you're not curb-stomping the killer. Wait until MMR is fully implemented and you get people who are your skill level. I wager that more will DC and complain.
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i kinda get you but honestly the bigger issue with the dc penalty is how their are maps like ormond and cowshed that have ridiculously strong loops that chain together
those are maps i dc on
as well as just how buggy the game is in general but i kinda agree
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I think the whole point is that he can't even make it to the hook lmao
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Honestly it might not be intentional. Ever since the aura update, my game has been randomly crashing. Not loss of internet, no rage DC’s (I don’t ever), and right now I’m sitting on a 30 minute time out for many crashes over a couple days and worried about getting longer ones. All for THEIR screw up. The game is almost unplayable.
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See this is the one reason I don't like the DC penalty. It can't tell the difference between a crash and actually quit.
I had many crashes when I started playing. 1- 2 times a week. I corrected some of the issue -so way less - but like you - never on purpose. So far I've been okay but I know at one point it'll crash. This is the only game I've experienced that with.
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My only problem is when the killer refuses to hang me when looking for the fourth survivor, I think they should give them the option of committing suicide after spending X slugged seconds.
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If you can't play with others, maybe just go play single player games...
When a survivor DCs less than 1 min into the game, you've screwed your other teamates.
Stop screwing the match for others
When i see that #########, I'll just play tag with the remaining 3 for bloodpoints and normally let them go. Why should the rest of the team suffer because you don't like xyz...
Suck it up and play the match.
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i mean maybe you shouldnt be banned but you should definently lose bloodpoints and items gained during the match. you doing this not only hurts the survivor but the killer as well since he has less bloodpoints from the chase he would be in or the hooks he wouldve gotten.
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bro imagine DCing because the killer moved their camera side to side.
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There's nothing stopping you from disconnecting anyway. Just eat the 5 minute penalty and go do something else until the next game. If you're wracking up 30 minute+ penalties then you should probably consider that you're the problem and not the killers. Alternatively just suicide on the hook. It's better to keep the penalties because the brief time that it was gone I was getting lots of dc's in my game which just ruin it for everyone else.
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Why should I be forced to play in a game where a party member rage quits because killer outsmarted them? Tbh I thing DCing needs harsher repercussions. It's not fair to people who want to play the game!
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Agreed. Killing self on hook isn't ideal.
If I see someone go down in one hit by a Huntress at the start of the match, I want out of the game immediately. Suicide on hook would require giving chase points, hit points, and a hook kill points to the killer that decided to play scummy. I'd rather just give the single kill points for DCing.
Killers are allowed to camp, tunnel, play forever Legion/Freddy, extend match to half an hour to avoid giving fourth survivor hatch, yet I'll be penalized for wanting to leave against these things and more.
Killers are allowed to play scummy without penalization - I should be allowed to DC without penalization.
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Same for campers/tunnelers. I don't want to play with them again. Why can't we do it BHVR? Why I have to play against the same killer another match when I know how he wants the 4k?
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You're still giving the killer points for DC'ing FYI. Bonus points if you DC'd while already on a hook.
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I hear you, it sucks when you lose to strategies you don't know how to counter. Fortunately, you can learn how to counter them.