Most Awkward Moment In-game

Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

What's the most awkward moment you've had in Dead by Daylight?

I have on several occasions played a round of killer, lost, then immediately get into a survivor lobby with the people I just tried to kill.


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    A long, long, long time ago, back when Survivors communicated through teabagging, I was at a generator with two more Survivors when I saw a figure standing still just a few meters away. I, a noob at the time, teabagged to try to get his attention and say "there's a generator here". Then I saw him lift up his arms and realized what it was - The Hillbilly with Insidious, about to chainsaw my face off. I did a 180 and sprinted away, while my teammates remained oblivious to the danger and were caught.

  • Billou
    Billou Member Posts: 28

    You're saving survivors when you can, and the next time they are on hook, the killer comes to you and make you leave. So survivor are salty about you "useless dwight" blablabla. And the next game, you are, again, with them. And you know you're gonna have bad time and griefing. With false unhook, bodyblock etc. So awkward and so toxic.

  • Beverly
    Beverly Member Posts: 184

    I was playing on Rotten Fields (gg ez hiding) and I heard the terror radius so I went behind a wall of debris to hide. I still had zero idea where the killer was but the terror radius was going INSANE. All of the sudden, the red stain appears over me. I turn around, and find Billy-boi staring at me through a window the entire time. He then started head-banging at me, and took off. That entire match became a meme at that point, LOL.

  • LightsOut88
    LightsOut88 Member Posts: 123
    One recent match i was playing as leatherface and saw a survivor running towards a hook to save his teamate. I revved up bubbas chainsaw and charged at them just as buddy got off the hook. It should have been a garunteed double down, but my dumb ass let go of the charge too early and just stopped right in front of them. I was in such shock, as were they, that we all just stood there staring at eachother like "######### is happening here". Then a split second later both survivors run in seperate directions and leave me standing there dumbfounded lol. If i could have hung myself on that hook I would have 
  • LightsOut88
    LightsOut88 Member Posts: 123
    Another time I was being greedy as killer and standing on the hatch in larys institute so the last man couldnt get it. I stood there without moving for about 10 mins being very stubborn. No survivor came for the hatch the whole time. No gens were being done. Nothing was happening. All of a sudden Mrs ming pops out of the locker directly beside me in the room i was camping the hatch in lol. We looked at eachother for a second and she went for it! I was so in shock that she was in the locker beside me the whole time that I panicked and went for the whack. Long story short i lost the hatch standoff. Gg mate! 
  • pureleeawesome
    pureleeawesome Member Posts: 30

    I goooooot one. I was an idiot and waited by the final pillars before escaping to let the Killer hit me (was already injured). Unfortunately while they were coming I was dicking about with my looking direction and when they hit me I fell away from the exit... got hooked, totally deserved it. XD

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    ummm so when the pig first came out i kept hiding and running away and after 4 minutes i realized she was following me while crouching putting her head up and down the entire time. i literally just died at that point and went to her and did the same thing as her and followed her for the rest of the round.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @pureleeawesome said:
    I goooooot one. I was an idiot and waited by the final pillars before escaping to let the Killer hit me (was already injured). Unfortunately while they were coming I was dicking about with my looking direction and when they hit me I fell away from the exit... got hooked, totally deserved it. XD

    Could it be . . .

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Most awkward moment was when I was spirit and I turned around and there was a survivor looking at muh booty. Apparently he was following the THICCNESS. We then just started at each other, it was extremely awkward.
  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @Peasant said:

    @pureleeawesome said:
    I goooooot one. I was an idiot and waited by the final pillars before escaping to let the Killer hit me (was already injured). Unfortunately while they were coming I was dicking about with my looking direction and when they hit me I fell away from the exit... got hooked, totally deserved it. XD

    Could it be . . .

    I think the scenarios are very similar, but he said he was hooked, not mori'd. Could be he just forgot, or entirely different person?

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    edited September 2018

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Peasant said:

    @pureleeawesome said:
    I goooooot one. I was an idiot and waited by the final pillars before escaping to let the Killer hit me (was already injured). Unfortunately while they were coming I was dicking about with my looking direction and when they hit me I fell away from the exit... got hooked, totally deserved it. XD

    Could it be . . .

    I think the scenarios are very similar, but he said he was hooked, not mori'd. Could be he just forgot, or entirely different person?

    If we're being real here, they are most definitely not the same person. You can clearly see this not only from the fact that he said he was hooked not mori'd but also from the fact that in his post he stated that he was already in the injured state at the gate. In this clip, the survivor was healthy and was downed via NOED. So by examining the contradictions in their health states and their executions, it is clear that they are not the same person.

    I merely posted the link as I figured a video of some similar circumstance would provide insight for those who are bad at visualization.

  • pureleeawesome
    pureleeawesome Member Posts: 30

    @Peasant said:

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Peasant said:

    @pureleeawesome said:
    I goooooot one. I was an idiot and waited by the final pillars before escaping to let the Killer hit me (was already injured). Unfortunately while they were coming I was dicking about with my looking direction and when they hit me I fell away from the exit... got hooked, totally deserved it. XD

    Could it be . . .

    I think the scenarios are very similar, but he said he was hooked, not mori'd. Could be he just forgot, or entirely different person?

    If we're being real here, they are most definitely not the same person. You can clearly see this not only from the fact that he said he was hooked not mori'd but also from the fact that in his post he stated that he was already in the injured state at the gate. In this clip, the survivor was healthy and was downed via NOED. So by examining the contradictions in their health states and their executions, it is clear that they are not the same person.

    I merely posted the link as I figured a video of some similar circumstance would provide insight for those who are bad at visualization.


    Wasn't me (my username is the same almost everywhere) but thank you for the chuckle.