Pyramid Head and Deathslinger, let this trend stop please



  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    so true, finding someone who actually wants the game “balanced,” is like finding a unicorn riding a leprechaun

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 423

    I don't really see how either Deathslinger or Pyramid Head are boring to go against. They're both killers who are reliant on their powers to win chases, requiring different kinds of strategies to go against, they aren't traditional M1 killers and that's okay. They both have their own strengths and weaknesses and have their own niche they fill. I don't think either of them are really boring to go against either and only PH becomes a real problem if he's running I'm all ears. My advice to against PH is to abuse the hell out of terrain differences whenever you can and to be unpredictable during chases. I don't think either of them need any particular changes to them either and all the changes like cooldowns/slowdowns from using their abilities would already cripple whatever chase potentional they have. Especially the idea to change Deathslinger to a 32m/115% killer, it'd completely neuter him and just turn him into a boring M1 killer like Legion.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    People call killers “unfun,” whenever they break the standard mold of loop twice, drop pallet, loop twice, take a hit, loop twice, dead hard...

    This is why PH, slinger, spirit, Freddy and Doctor are are so “unfun,” to go against for a lot of people.

    Having to adapt your ABC strategy Turns a lot of people whiny. Reminds me of a friend who used to play Madden and run literally one play Tom Brady passing to Randy Moss the entire game and WIN because it was so busted. We started manually controlling and triple teaming him and he never won after that and stopped playing soon after.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited August 2020

    Lets be honest, whats the main reason why this game is so much fun to play and to watch? The chase of course.

    It is great that every killer has different mechanics and therefor every chase is different but the problem with any killer like Deathslinger is that when you are in chase, you are already in deep trouble and you are about to get hit or downed. When the fun should actually start, the fun is more or less over. Try to get iridecent evader emblem against a good deathslinger... never ever gonna happen in your life.

    If some think stealth and gen pumping is a lot of fun, well they might have indeed a lot of fun playing Deathslinger, but the majority of advanced survivors will not like that typ of playstyle.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Really good point, I’ll be honest I haven’t thought about it that way. The chase is certainly my favorite part on either side, maybe that’s why I don’t play as slinger much despite loving to play as Huntress...

    One thing that may be swaying my argument is Spine Chill is standard for me when I play survivor so I do have a good heads up when Slinger is coming for me and I can start “the chase,” earlier and have more options.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I use spine chill very often aswell and its the best tool you have against Deathslinger, Nurse, Spirit etc.. mainly against killer you wont stand a chance in a chase but you rather have to gain distance before it even comes to a chase. And that is in my opinion just not a very fun experience.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Very true, I almost feel locked in to using Spine chill now. I started when Tru played GF and wraith a lot and seemingly everyone else followed suit.

    I really don’t need it against stealth killers anymore I’m a lot more aware, but you’re right against Spirit it’s huge... against slinger it’s great...

    The problem is I don’t have a good solution to the question, “how do we keep chases fresh, but not let certain killers feel oppressive and unfair in the chase.”

    It’s still why I think Huntress is the most perfectly balanced killer. She can shut down certain loops and end chases quickly sometimes, but you can still mind games her at pallets and you still get that audio warning because her hatchets aren’t instant charge. If she gets me I’m not mad, and if I escape a chase I feel exhilarating

  • Cinnabon488
    Cinnabon488 Member Posts: 64

    Idk why people keep saying x killer has no counterplay OP. Even when you do provide evidence of counterplay they just keep saying the same thing. Honestly it's getting so annoying. I never really have any problems with any killers they all have their weaknesses.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Huntress is indeed a great example on how to make a good killer that is fair for both sides. Compair her to the Deathslinger and you see why his mechanic is not fun compared to her (from the survivors pov).

    Once she is lifting her hatchet, the survivor knows that she is ready to attack. In contrast the Deathslinger is always ready to attack and you dont see it coming. Remove that completly. Add 0,5 seconds it takes to raise is weapon. Just remove the quickscope and give him something in return. Honestly if it would be up to me, i would completly rework him at all.

    The reason why having quickscope in the game is not only unfun because you can not react, but rather IF the survivor reacts, he is loosing distance. Not against huntress. She is about to attack but fail to shoot her shot for some reason - she looses distance. And that is how it should be when a killer has a range ability.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Somebody dont get the topic... again.

    Its not about OP and stuff, its about frustrating / unfun / boring call it however you want chase mechanics. There is no counter to Slinger in a chase. I repeat: In a chase! If you have a counter in a CHASE (genrush is not a chase counter, alright?) against Deathslinger, show evidence of any kind. I would prefere a video. And dont come up with a video where the slinger is missing half of his shots, because then the counter would be "hope the killer is terrible".

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    yep people aren’t getting what you’re saying, the chase part against Slinger and a few other killers feels unfun. The other 3 can do gens and the game becomes super easy for them until it’s their turn to be chased. So overall he had a counter, but the specifi chase is just annoying

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    Imagine asking for a PH nerf when his cages already got nerfed to the ground

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Nobody asked for a nerf, neither its about overpowered stuff. Next please.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    First, pyramid head is good no one is asking for a nerf. Please practice reading comprehension.

    Secondly, the only people who think Ph got nerfed were camping cages.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    I love SpaceCoconut as he said, the sole reason of a survivor is, to create space for the other survivors to finish gens and if you are in front of DS, you should have no couterplay, because you should not be there at any time, it's your fault for your bad looping decision.

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353
    edited October 2020


    How to counter DS and Pyramid Head: "just play immersed forehead! Just don't be in the map forehead!"

    That's all I hear when I read people defending them. They love to pretend like the killer's lose/lose situations are counterable, and then when they get nerfed they scream "but the lose/lose situations is all they had!!!" It's like... they KNOW the killers have busted mechanics lmao. They KNOW they aren't counterable. People on here just love being contradictory, because when people say DS and PH need cooldowns and slow downs when charging their powers, everyone jumps saying that they dont need it! But when I suggest that the Plague should have her cooldowns and slowdowns reduced when charging her green puke, everyone's like "she's fine the way she is". So which is it??? You want the cooldowns or not?? Everyone should get fair treatment lol, older killers have cooldowns and charging slowdowns for a reason. DS and PH need them too.

    On top of the changes they are giving PH in the next patch, he needs to be 100% speed or less when placing his trails, not 110% as he currently is and will still be after the next patch. Deathslinger needs the same speed reduction as Huntress as soon as he raises his gun, and raising and lowering his gun should be slower as well.

    Also, to those saying survivors can "move around when speared" they can't move around enough, in most corners no matter if you manage to move behind an obstacle you'll just slide across the side of the obstacle and get smacked by DS.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    You know what I read in all these threads?

    That you are demanding people that like these killers, people that aren't keen on chases etc to uninstall the game, and that they are not welcome in the community.

    That they are stupid and don't know how to play 'right' that they suck etc. That their opinions are wrong by default.

    All because they like two killers out of nearly two dozens that are a little different to play and play against.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    What would be the difference in evidence of a missed shot being a bad killer or a survivor telegraphing it? I'm having concerns that if a shot doesn't hit on target that it can always be blamed on the player playing Caleb, since the perspective of the viewer is subjective, and one may see it as a bad miss, whilst another may see it as a good dodge.