Loops aren't the Issue...

Fr3e Member Posts: 13

Gen rushing is...

I don't know the solution ether, as a red rank killer main I really don't think survivors are "op." and I can't blame them for doing the one objective they have in the game lmao

Gen speeds are nuts, which has nothing to do with the survivor themselves it's just how the gens are coded. With perks, gens get done in less than a minute or two which is crazy, take away perks and they still get done in an absurd amount of time. The thing I hear a lot is "give up chases and apply pressure" which is sound advice that I use, but the issue is, you can't reliably apply pressure to four survivors at once, it just doesn't work like that. And unless the survivor is a complete newb, if they aren't being chased they're working on a gen, and at high ranks one chase typically equals 2-3 gens WITH killer perks that are meant to slow the game down, which is insane.

I don't think gens need to be nerfed so killers can just 4k every match... that would ruin the game, but I also don't think they should be so fast that a majority of killers really only gets their kills AFTER the gates are open. Maybe better gen deny perks? Idk...


  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    More slowdown perks only makes the game boring (holding M1 for longer) for survivors and makes killers even more perk reliant.

    The devs expressed interest in a sort of early game warm up, making the early game signicificantly less stressful. Hopefully either that happens or survivors get secondary objectives.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Hope it's gonna be a different pre-objectives like preparing the gens to repair like collecting tools, gasoline etc. It would be cool 😍

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    I hope the objectives are primary because people don't really care about secondary objectives. It should be something mandatory and not something optional that gives you like bonus bp if you do it.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    I'd like if it weren't all just looping to stall for time, we need more mechanics to use in a chase so it gets more skill-based and somewhat entertaining to do.

    Both sides grow tired of looping, so I hope for that.

    I also hope for more seeking-like objectives to do the generators, like finding machine pieces, or connecting cables etc, something more interactive than just sitting there.

  • Fr3e
    Fr3e Member Posts: 13

    I'm a big fan of this idea, I hope thats the direction the devs take it!

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    Better gen deny perks will get nerfed into the ground once killers actually find it useful and survivors find it unfun

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Having to locate and (quickly) insert parts into generators to repair them would be good because it would encourage map exploration by the survivors. If there were a lot of parts, it would mean you'd have to pick and choose when to be stealthy or not rather than just crouchwalking to everything. Skip the entire holding M1 BS (except for maybe starting up the generator by pulling on a ripcord or something? Just a lil bit of fun.) and give real objectives that matter. Maybe even chuck in some secondary tools and defenses the survivors can take advantage of to buy themselves time at critical moments besides just looping and exhaustion perks, and maybe have a few similar tricks for killers, so even M1 boys get some tricks and traps on different maps.

    I think there's a really spectacular game not too far under the surface of DBD, that could be so different while really still being the same concept. They just have to be willing to dig in and experiment. Hell, add an experimental queue option to the main menu where they test out new games modes or concepts, see what resonates with the community and what doesn't.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    This is what I've been wanting for FOREVER. Make the game more interesting, more map exploration.