Would people be happy with candyman?

I remember a lot of people were against candyman and viewed him as bland, he is pretty cool in my opinion and he could be the first killer to speak in English when stunned or during his mori.
He would be last killer I would've wanted in the game. Him and someone from Saw when I started, and a long the line Demogorgon joined.
I want his mori to be dancing with the survivor (more spinning than dancing) although his power would be hard to think of without it being too similar to other killers.
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Yeah I agree but I just dont know what kind of gameplay he could have in the game (maybe some cool things related to bees idk).
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If he gets in DbD, fine, I believe BHVR will manage to make him awesome, but if he doesn't it's not a big loss for me
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Actually I wouldn't mind Candyman. Although I would much prefer a Pennywise, Xenomorph or Resident Evil chapter.
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I dont really care who the killer is. I only watch their lore show after they are released.
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He is not scary at all, so I definitely won't be happy with him
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Hes not memorable enough in my opinion.
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I wouldn't say no to him being in, but i'd prefer Alien or Springtrap (the second one mainly just to spite the "FNAF is for children" crowd)
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I personally don't like the candyman character, but it would make more sense for him to get added to the Dead By Daylight roster instead of a certain animatronic.
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I think Candyman could fit dbd but for me it's just a Freedy-bis, I would prefer Alien or Pennywise
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Not without Gene Wilder being alive to voice him.
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I wouldn't really say that about Springtrap I want him in the game, and just angering that crowd won't help
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well you would be a bit miffed too if all you ever hear for FNAF not being in DBD is that it's "for kids"
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He would make for an interesting power with a swarm of bees.
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I understand that it does hurt hear that, I was offended when that one dev( Now I'm not saying who he is) said " I don't know what the F Springtrap is because I'm not 10". That really got under skin, but showing that anger and acting toxic about it will just prove the point for those who are against it, we have to show we really mean it and act maturely about it, and once hes added, no one will really complain about him being game because hes already in the game.
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Meh. I want Pinhead 😒
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I mean I wouldn’t mind it, but I definitely wouldn’t be as hyped as I would be for Xenomorph or Pennywise or Jason if somehow found a way to get the license.
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I don't believe there are any bad choices when it comes to licences, but personally I don't care for candyman at all. I feel like there are way more unique and preferred licences to him.
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he's awesome. a lot of ppl aren't cultured, they're more interested in horror figures that are more mainstream, because they don't know how to like things without other people telling them it's cool lol
anyway - he'd be great in the game! as would anyone else :)
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i wasn't even trying to be toxic with my statement, think of it as someone saying "i told you so" really smugly, that's what i meant
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I wasn't saying you were I just was trying to say be careful on how you word it, because people can get really ticked off by hearing let alone talking about Springtrap ( From my experience at least). But I will not lie it would be ironic for him to come to the game.
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I will laugh hysterically if the next trailer is Springy Boy, you have no idea, there'd be people in America who could hear me and i live in the UK
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It would be funny, but I would be mostly concerned on how he is performed and his power.
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Who is candyman?
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I wouldn’t be anxiously awaiting his arrival like a kid before Christmas, but he could be cool.
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Candyman is a series with only 3 films released, the first film is acceptable, not good, not bad, just acceptable, 2 and 3 are AWFUL beyond words, Halloween Season of the Witch levels of bad, good acting by Tony Todd tho.
Im not against Candyman but its a bit of a stretch to call iconic such a small series, we are very close to enter the tacky, campy, very poorly done B-movie grounds, those films that are more funny than horror because how poorly done they are, what would be next?, Maniac Cop?.
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The Candyman franchise is fairly blah, I'll give you that, but Tony Todd is a legend in horror but in the mainstream he's best known for Candyman. Overall I'd be okay with a Candyman chapter but like with the Silent Hill chapter I won't be super excited it's happening. Honestly I really want Xenomorph, Pinhead, Jason by some miracle, or a Resident Evil chapter more than I would want Candyman.
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I would love him to be in the game and have asked for him since we started getting licensed killers.
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Yes 100%.
I wasn't a big fan of him until I realized he's played by Tony Todd. AKA William Bludworth from Final Destination.
"Death has no mishaps, no accidents, and NO ESCAPES." (But in DBD, Death is not an escape either.)
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Obsession based killer, ability to teleport through mirrors. Possibly able to send bees after you. Mori would be a short version of the dance with his chest opening for the kill. Perks would include: Be My Victim, which would affect the obsessions action speeds and allow candy man to kill the obsession. Man in the Mirror, which affect generator progress. And Sins of the Past which would build tokens when being stunned. The survivor who lands the third stun becomes exposed for 10/15/20 seconds.
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I rather have Resident Evil Mr. X. added. His bulky stature fits the theme. He could be like Oni with the stampede charge and Deathslinger with a tentacle. Tossing T-virus viles like Clown. A real challenging killer.
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I agree with you that Todd is very well know in the media because he had a lot of roles in several horror films that make him very recognizable, I would love to have Todd in the game not as Candyman but as an original Killer using his likeness.
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That would be awesome
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I would be happy for the people who wanted him in, but I wouldn't want it myself.
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I'll be honest, I liked the first film, it's a good movie but I just personally don't really care either way. The only REAL BIG positive I can see coming from a Candyman chapter would be getting to see and(hopefully) hear Tony Todd.
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Why settle for Mediocrity when theres still Chucky, The Grudge, The Nun, (Jason whenever their legal issues finish), Xenomorphs, Hellraiser, or EVEN A SUPERNATURAL CHAPTER, just to name a few.
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Community: candyman is a bland killer
Me a candyman fan: so you have choosen death
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This is true, his power would definately fit into DBD. Anticipation for his release though.....is speculative...
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The first Candyman was a childhood favorite. I don’t know how many of the younger generation have an experience with him though. Hopefully the revival of the market will generate a lot of fans.
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Eh not really. I don't care about Candyman at all tbh.
Although it may not be anytime soon, I'm still hoping for Jason to be added eventually. Pennywise, Xenomorph or a Resident Evil chapter would also be way better than Candyman.
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He was mostly the boogeyman in Chicago.
I remember those days. Then it went into jokes like calling Biggy Smalls 5x in the mirror.
The first movie was that great. But the 2nd was a fail to me. It didnt hold the lore well.
I honestly dont see how bees are that "scary" (game wise). I CAN imagine his M1 attack with his hook hand, but considering everyone seems to hate Mori kills. I don't see to why bother with an ordinary looking man. Night as well be skinned as a Pirate
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Personally I was against him because he isn't anniversary material. Sure his movie is fun but he's in no way as universally iconic as Pyramid Head. Now that we have PH I would be perfectly fine with a Candyman chapter, and I actually think he could be pretty fun. His power is quite open to interpretation and I believe they could work out some interesting new mechanics to go with him.
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Yeah, imagine Doctor, Trapper or Wraith were modeled after Todd, (obviusly ToddWraith/ToddTrapper would go bareface and DocTodd wouldnt have the eye and mouth paraphernalia).
An original Killer with kickass looks based on a slasher films regular, also they would need only to deal with the actor for his looks, imagine the cosmetic potential for a Killer based on someone with the pressence of Todd without the imposed constrictions from corporate suits for cosmetics, a cosmetic could be one of those super stylish suit+cap he wears from time to time.
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Not a fan of the films, but sure, f it, stick him in, why not, he will be OP anyways, might as well.
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You got the wrong Candyman there, TAG!
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Yes! And then we can have Bruce Campbell as 2 survivors!
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I would be very happy if Candyman was in DBD, why? Because he's a very unique and has made history in the horror genre. What I mean is that he is the very first African American slasher to have ever existed, now I know it does sound a bit over dramatic but put this way I tried to find slashers before candyman who were African American and came up empty, he is a very cool slasher hes just not as popular as some of the others
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I'd be pretty happy with anything really. I did look into the first Candyman movie after everyone kept bringing him up as a potential dbd killer and the soundtrack is amazing. That is one thing I'd love to see brought to dbd.