Which Killer and Survivor you main and why ?

I main Freddy because he's got great map pressure as well as great anti loop mechanics. Although I am possibly considering a new main. It was Legion before put his current add ons suck for the most part.
For survivor I'd say Laurie because of DS but I don't play that much survivor to be honest...
How about you all ?
I play this game casually, so when I go up against someone who is clearly more experienced than myself it can make this game incredibly hard to play. Because of this when it comes to playing killer I usually go for killers that can either instadown survivors ,like Bubba, or ones that have great antiloop potential, like Freddy.
Legion and the Doctor are probably the best Killers to farm bloodpoints with however, so I wouldn't give up on Legion just yet. Survivors are all the same since they have no "power" like a killer does, and all of their perks are interchangeable with each other.
I would recommend watching some of Otz's videos on YouTube as he provides a lot of great guides for people just starting out with the game. He'll let you know what Killers/survivors he would recommend since you're just starting out, and others teachables to be on the lookout for to invest in.
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Pig is my main killer. I like that I can deny loops, go stealth and get a gen grab and most importantly haha drill go brrr.
Jake is my main survivor. I leveled him to get calm spirit and iron will and I've been using him ever since. Great cosmetics also.
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I don't really main anybody. Killer wise, I try to play them all at least sometimes, though if forced to pick a main I'd say spirit. Survivor wise, I used to main Claudette for her magic camouflage abilities, but now I just switch between survivors who I have bonus bloodpoint offerings on mostly. Once I unlock Yui I may main her because I like her design alot, but we'll see.
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ever since i played first nea was mt first survivor and she still is my main as for killer it uses to be the pig and i still like her but recently my gears have shifted towards ghostface
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Main killer i go with freddy because he has some anti loops machanic, and with survival claudet because she can transform in tall grass and a tree
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Nurse and Deathslinger are my main Killers, with Wraith being a close third! I like to play Nurse when I want to complete a challenge or just want an overall easy game, and Deathslinger is just so much fun to play! And Wraith with Make Your Choice is one of my favorite combos to use, and it works every time.
For Survivor, I usually like to play Yui and Nea. I love Yuis recent outfits (Taiko, Sunseeker and Greek Legend), so I like to swap them out every other match. And I love to play Nea because she has all perks unlocked AND she looks like a blueberry with the outfit that I wear!
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The Legion is my main hecause i love to find every survivor at the start of the game by frenzying all of em and deep wounding and hunting down em. People say The Legion is bad but with enough skill i got 3 4ks in a row with all being merciless killer and once i took down a whole squad of annoying survivors who had DS, Sprint burst, adrenaline,dead hard or borrowed time.
For survivors i take one for my team and work to save em all and save myself in the process i main Adam Francis plus i use all of his perks. His perks are amazing i save my teamates from a hooks and bodyblock just to deliverance off the hook saving him/her and myself. When im in the terror radius for too long i throw pebbles to make the killer go away from me so i can run as fast as i can from them distracting them so they can see my scratch marks. I pair autodidact with empathy so i can my find my injured teamtes and get stack while helping them. Once when i had five stacks and the killer knocked a survivor down i got two skill checks in a row being able to save that guy while in the terror radius and getting hit once by the killler.
Post edited by Speeddemonsaif on3 -
i love to play wraith because its so much fun to mess with people i currently use bone clapper and ghost for addons for perks :sloppy,discordance, nurse's and hex:ruin either everyone stops working on gens for a bit while i uncloak/cloak and i get regression on top of that or im getting grabs left and right its alot of fun
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legion (Susie) and Nancy because I love their designs
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Killer: Ghostface since I love being sneaky, I don't use his stalk ability, but to not have a terror radius.. Is just perfect to surprise survivors or to confuse them at loops.
Though I do like playing as Legion, Pig, Wraith, Plauge on the occasion. If I was any good at Demo I'd play him, but I'm not. However I do want to try out Spirit and Oni at some point.
Survivor: I have most with all my perks, but Feng Min was my first and then I got Steve at P3, which I regret. I also regret Nancy as my old "main too, so her and Steve just have items that I need for the Tomes.
However cosmetic wise.. Feng Min, Kate, Jane, and Cheryl. I do plan to P3 Cheryl, since hers and Kate's are the best imo. Though survivors are more so what the player wants to look at, since it's the perks that matter. So survivors to me are cosmetics.
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Hillbilly on Killer, also Doctor. I find both of them very fun, Hillbilly because it's always nice to run around the map and also very satisfying to get Chainsaw hits, Doctor because of how easy it is to find Survivors.
Dwight and Nea, I like their designs, there isn't much to go into.
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Trapper and Hag
Claudette and Meg
Why Trapper?
Because its kinda fun watching survivors ankles get taken from them when they are trying to loop :) Also Trapper Death Garden mask is sick.
Why Hag?
The Amount of salt you get playing her is off this world you'd think you were actually on a planet made of salt.
Why Claudette?
She was the character i got my very first exclusive on before they gutted them and i ended up sticking with her.
Why Meg?
To be honest the Death Garden runner mask is sick also her cosmetic choices are actually amazing.
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Rank 1 killer and rank 1 survivor
I main hillbilly cause he takes skill to curve and is overall really fun and rewarding to play.
I main jake cause hes just cool all survivors are the same lol.
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Plague, because I love her to pieces. A fan of her backstory, and shutting multiple survivors down with a well placed Corrupt is just the best.
Feng, because bunny ears go floop flop.
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Killers: Doc (laugh and power), Oni (due to a meme between me and my old Chem teacher, Mr. Oney) and Legion (just plain fun for me)
Survivors are a bit more complicated due to my very specific leveling scheme. My actual highest levels are Dwight, Claudette, David and Jane (all 50) with Kate (49) and Ash (44) close behind (Archives and Dailies). My actual favorites however, are Adam (for so many reasons), Min (I can relate to her as a lone wolf gamer) and either Ash or Yui (the latter of whom is ironically my lowest level alongside Jake).
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For Survivor it's Cheryl, because Silent Hill 3 was my favourite horror game when I was younger. Killer is a tie between Pyramid Head and Deathslinger. PH because, Silent Hill and when I send someone to a cage I always shout 'To the Gulag!'. Deathslinger I love playing because it's so satisfying when you pull off a shot through obstacles that survivors think they're safe at.
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Main Legion, as Joey (Devil May Care) wearing Julie's P3 Mask. Love Legion's Mori. Especially when I decide to be Robbie the Rabbit with intent to kill survivors 😈
I also main 2nd best Michael Myers. That initial Evil Within tier 3, popping healthy survivors like balloons.
Survivor I like being David King or Jeff. Both I use the same perks with.
Not that it mattered since the only perk with them that helps any is Breakdown. I'm not very good at survivors. My main goal is to do gens as quick as I can. I honestly am pretty good at it. I never miss a good skill check. Even if I rarely get Great ones. Still. I never miss and explode a gen.
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I main Kate. Not much reason, I just like the upbeat songbird (as upbeat as anyone in this game can be, at least).
As for killer... Honestly, too many. Plague was my main for ages, but I had to quit playing her because of all the robbed hits. Now I mostly play Hag, Ghostface and Oni, with a nice helping of Legion to practice my m1.
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Jake as survivor. I like him.
Pig as killer, I'm just better at her than the others.
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Steve and Quentin for survivor. Steve cuz I love Stranger Things and he's been my favorite character since 2016 and Quentin because I love the Elm Street movies (although the original one's are way better than the remake) and because not many people play him.
For killer I main Ghostface for pretty much the same reasons. I grew up as a huge fan of the slasher genre and Ghostface and Myers are my favorite slashers.
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I mained the OG Cannibal and David King.
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I mainly play Plague and Legion. Started picking up Pyramid Head because I like his kit. But Plague with her one red add-on (forgot the name but it reveals vomiting survivors) in my opinion is really good for ending chases quickly. For survivor I like to play Nancy because why not. Survivor mains don't really matter since they don't have powers.
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okay several mains here bear with please:
The nightmare
So I main Freddy and have done since I started back in 2017. I liked his old power but he was really weak. Then along came the rework and oh boy am I in love. He's my most played still, and I find him so much fun. His map pressure is insane, he has anti-loop, and built in stall. I stan.
Coming up in close second is Pyramid Head. I find him really fun and rewarding to play; hitting through walls never works but that one time it does you feel like such a megamind genius. He may lack map pressure but his cages are nice, his Punishment is surprisingly effective and fun, and he's just so satifying to play him well.
The wraith
Despite the fact many call him weak, I love Mr Bing Bong. He's pretty cute which is already a massive bonus, but I've mained him in #2 until Pyramid Head's hotfix released which is when I changed my #2 main. His SuperLunge^tm feels so rewarding to pull off and is surpringly good at a lot of loops (like Pig's dash). His stealth lets me get easy hits, which I love, and even if I do think he's a bit add-on dependent I still love playing him. It's a blast.
claudette morel
Blendie main at heart. Firstly she's an absolute ninja, which I love. Mained her since I started again, and even if self-care is no longer meta she always holds a special place in my heart. She has every single different event item possible on her (except legacy for obvious reasons) and a ######### ton of purple beamers which is just nice.
david king
Firstly, he's hot. Secondly, he's hot. Thirdly,
Okay moving on.
feng min
Her bunny outfit is just too adorable for me to not main her.
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I play all killers and dont really have a main. For survivor it's really just who you like playing as. I chose david for deadhard, and ace as my second for his swag. I still play other survivors though such as dwight, nea, nancy, Steve, and claudette.
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I main Zarina because she was the first survivor I leveled for For the People and Off the Record and I like her backstory the best. I'm currently working on triple prestige for her!
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I started out with Pyramid Head, but I'm finding Trapper super fun. There's this real good satisfaction I get from hearing someone getting caught in one of my traps, it makes me chuckle. I had a pretty bad Midwich game, and was basically everyone was going to escape because I couldn't pressure the map well enough. So I gathered up every single trap on the map and made a labyrinth of death at the exit gates. There was no way to get through it without disarming or getting caught. I swear at least 6-7 traps caught people in that endgame, taking it from a solid loss to a respectable 2k, since the remaining survivors managed to make it to the other gate while I was hooking, which I had to do. I was very happy with that game. Trapper just makes it feel like I have an actual plan and watching that plan play out feels rewarding in a way much different from just landing a hit in a chase or something.
As for survivor, I'm still leveling like half the roster, I don't really have a main because they're all basically the same character. While I love playing as survivor, I kind of don't care about any of them. Most of any sort of attachment I have comes from community memes or streamers yelling out their names when they make mistakes or make clutch plays, rather than from their design or lore or anything.
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Michael Myers-One of the horror movie franchises I love the most. It's the first horror movie I watched as well
Huntress-I like her back story and how urban legend it sounds like. I also like throwing stuff at people.
Wraith-I like sneaking up on people and I like not being seen.
I play these four survivors because of their lore. I either like it or connect with it someway or another.
Feng Min, Claudette, Laurie and Kate
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Killer: Pig... along with Spirit, Huntress and Hag
Survivor: Feng Min... The only survivor I have level 50 and have a decent build
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For Killer Mains I'd go with:
• Deathslinger (Fun to play with)
• Pyramid Head (I like his power overall and mini mori)
• Spirit (Her power is pretty fun to play with for fun)
• Doctor (His laugh and power plus he's good for farming)
• Nurse (Miss Smithson outfit looked cute and it gave me hope if we'd get more Cosmetics of what killers used to look like in their past)
Survivor Mains:
• Cheryl (Repressed Alliance saved my team's gen after we 3 gen'd ourselves)
• Dwight (I started out with him he'll always be first main for me)
• Feng Min (Technician is helpful Incase if I zone out and lose my train of thought or if I just miss a skill check, and The Chinese New Year outfit is pretty neat too)
• Meg (Mostly due to the fact I don't have an everyday build I use with her so I just experiment perks)
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killers Spirit,Legion and Michael Myers
Survivors David,Nea,Yui Dwight.Jeff,Bill,Cheryl,Ash,Kate,Nancy,,Laurie and if sidney gets added she be one of them
why because i like them
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Killer: Michael Myers - I love the build variety you can do with him.
Survivor: Since I've been working on getting all perks on all survivors I've been flopping, but since the Silent Hill DLC dropped I've been playing nothing but Lisa Garland (Cheryl).
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Reason being is because he was the first killer I played and I loved his stealth, plus stalking survivors and watching them freak out is funny lol.
Jake and Quentin
I loved the movie plus Quentin without the uh.. distorted face is pretty cute. Jake because he is nature boy. Both a natural 10/10 for me lmao
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Killers: Ghostface (best girl), Oni
Ghostface is my favorite licensed killer and honestly the reason I had truly started playing I just love the design I'm not the best with him but he's just so darn fun when he works or just being sneaky
Oni is a killer I struggle with but he can absolutely steam roll and Once again design is a main reason
Survivors: Nea
I have a hundred so hours and other than playing with a friend for say 4 hours total I never touched survivor till yesterday but in doing the tome challenges I had a blast and I've played more survivor today than ever her graffiti skin is the main reason I main her but she also has all my (limited) perk options.
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for killer, id have to say im a pyramid head/pig main rn. they’re fun and definitely my best killers. huntress is a close third but i got kinda bored of her
for survivor, zarina and claudette. zarina is really cute and i love her cosmetics, i also dont mind her injured noises. claudette because shes also really cute and her clothes are really nice
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Nea -- Shes always been my go to since 2016 and Idk why
David -- I have the best perks on him and shirtless david, is that even a debate?
Trapper -- I enjoy setting up the traps and having it pay off later in the game
Doctor -- The Madness inducing horror style has always been my thing and it's really hard to hide from him
Pyramid Head -- Placeable Status effect inducing trenches, ranged attacks, quick cages, quick moris and he is just sick looking
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wraith cause bing bong
tapp cause he cool
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Zarina and Claudette, and I don't main them for blending purposes.
I also tend to play a lot of Wraith and Nurse.
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My number 1 main killer right now is Wraith, it used to be bubba before the buff but I personally don't like new bubba.
As for surv, I like claudette, I have iron will dead hard BT and DS on her for sweats, but casual i like to play a We'll make it sprint burst healer Claude.
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Killer: I play most killers, but I find myself always going back to Deathslinger and Ghostface. Deathslinger 'cause gun go bang, Ghostface when I'm feeling sneaky and want to catch survivors off-guard. Doctor is fun too for when I'm feeling lazy on tracking and want to always make sure I know where survivors are at all times.
Survivor: Kate 'cause I love her Midnight Rider outfit, and she's my first and only P3 survivor at the moment. Gonna start maining Dwight and Ace though as well because nice cosmetics and I'm pretty lucky in games with them!
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Kate because @kate_best_girl . Seriously, i like her because she looks a bit like Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn.
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Nurse and then piggy.
Nurse: To reaffirm my authority as killer.
Piggy: I love the oink oink.
Quentin was the first P3, the others only up to level 40 per perks.
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Damn right she is
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1) Amanda - Been a fan of the saw franchise Amanda is my favourite character in the movies, also I love the Stealth and player pressure abilities she has.
Legion- Considering 3 years ago I basically was an edgy 19 year old the Legion pretty much speaks to me also Joey because he reminds me of someone I used to like in school.
Demi Logorgon- it has the cutest little mouth Wiggles and it is just the most valid thing in the game. Also mad Grit Demo you're welcome.
Pyramid head- just like the saw franchise and completely in love with the silent Hill franchise
In that order.
Feng Min- Honestly I completely relate to her I've had parents who didn't believe in what I wanted to pursue and who tried to force me down their path. I also feel a lot of self-worth issues every time I feel like I'm letting people down. Also in my opinion she's the most attractive female Survivor and that's a bonus.
Cheryl- Cheryl or Heather was my favourite character in the Silent Hill franchise and when I was younger playing the games I had a massive crush on her.
Yui- badass and someone who cares about those around her qualities I always admire.
In that order
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For Killer, I play a lot of them here and there. However the two most common are Legion and Demogorgon. Legion is perfect for when you just wanna run around and stab people. Also I love that since Legion's power is flexible but not super powerful in any one aspect, Legion doesn't have any one huge weakness or huge strength you need to build around. Demogorgon is kind of the same with the Flexibility... other than he kinda needs at least 1 long range tracking perk to use his portals effectively. Honestly I just love Demo's portals. I kind of love that you can use them for mobility, delay, stealth, and detection all wrapped into one... admittedly weird looking package. Seriously his portals look funny. Also launching yourself off 2 story buildings with Shred is fantastic... unless you hit invisible walls. Then its lame. *Glares at Haddonfield*
For Survivor, I main Zarina. Mostly because... I read the descriptions of her 3 perks and instantly was like "GIMMIE!!". Love all of her perks. She's the only Survivor I have P3'd and nearly fully perked. Probably will stay that way unless I get to the point where I'm swimming in BP.
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Killer: Doctor, whispers is extremely busted with him and guarantees a fun game
Survivor: David because i made him look like John Cooper
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Survivors: Cheryl/Lisa, Kate and Nancy are my mains. I do often play Jane and Feng too.
I don't play much killer because I just don't like the role. Mm putting me against red/purple ranks (despite being yellow-green) isn't helping either.
But when I do play killer Legion and Plague are my go to killers.
I've put some time into Spirit too, but I don't like her as much as the previous 2.
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For killer I main Huntress. She was kinda my main a longggg time ago and then I switched to someone else but then I mained her again. Idk I got better with snipes she's fun to play without IRI head and for survivor I main Nea <3 . NeaMainHugeBrain
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Legion:His/her skins are one of the best in the game and the power is quite good
PH:His power is interesting and powerful if you use correctly
Demo:He have decent map and gen pressure and the shred is really powerful
Steve:Really like the Scoops Ahoy outfit and I have a tons of perk on him
Cheryl:Her perks are really great imo
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I have all perks on max on all survivors and killers. I main all of them. Why? Because I get tired of playing one character three games in a row, I need to switch all the time.
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Pyramid Head! because he's the killer I personally find to be the most fun while also being fairly strong.
David King, bc I only bought all the killers so I only have the base game survivors and also bc Dead Hard.