Is frame rate going to be addressed?

So apparently I am not the only one on this. Almost everyone on PS4 and Xbox (Not sure about Switch) seem to have framerate issues after the update. I feel like the devs have definitely proved that they don’t care about console peeps. I would definitely love to see the devs try to play Demogorgon on Lery’s to see how bad the frame rate is. I remember back in December of 2018 it was stated that it would be optimized by then. I am very disappointed honestly as I have supported the game since January of 2018 (Xbox). It seems like they never seem to care what console players have to say.
PC players don't know just how bad it is. It's like putting a hard cap at 15 FPS and at intense moments a solid 5 FPS.
Best advice I give is to restart app every 3ish games and don't play low frame killers like demo.
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Interrupts are a mess.
If I want to interrupt, it fails
If I want to swing and attack, it instead tries to interrupt way too late
Are these framerate issues, Mhz refresh issues, latency issues?
Can interrupt have its own function and button, separate from attacking?
How about using the vault button (Space Bar, Right Bumper, R2)?
It's not like we can vault through a window at the same time as a Survivor, or break a pallet while a Survivor is vaulting it.
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Performance got worse on PC as well. I think it got so bad that @ScottJund has to take breaks because of all the hitching.
It's nowhere near as bad as consoles, of course, but there's been a massive hit to both frame rate (you can still get high frames, just way less than before) but more importantly to stability. Little hitches here and there add up to a lot of annoyances and at times missed skillchecks or hits. And some people have it worse than others, I get rare hitches but some people are getting constant hitches. And I'm playing the game on a very high end machine with one of the faster nvme m.2 SSDs. I can't even imagine what it's like on a base console on an HDD.
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You cant grab healthy survivors during vault, at least the first clip wasnt going to be a grab. But as far as I know they said that they are going to fix it, that they know there is some fps issues.
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Try playing Deathslinger on Console. Every time I aim the gun quickly I get a millisecond of Lag, which sometimes makes me completely miss my shots.
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"Some FPS issues"
Now that's quite a funny joke right there.
Perfomance is the worst i have ever seen and makes the gameplay horrible for both sides
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Its gotten to the point where i just want to turn bloodlust off because everytime i get bloodlust my game freezes for a second and i make a mistake because of that
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To their credit they fixed the stutter issue.
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Weird, I've been getting stuttering here and there since the update. Not terrible, but it's so much less smooth than pre-patch.
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Game runs worse every patch they make. And probably we will never see and end to it.
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I'm getting 360'd constantly as killer after the update on PS4. FPS drops never used to be THIS bad. It's like they're disappearing from the screen just as I go to swing.
I've given up hope of them ever optimizing the game on PS4 and am praying for cross progression so I can move to PC.
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that's like crazy unacceptable.
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This patch really ######### things up performance-wise. Indoor maps have 5-10 FPS as both sides and 360s are even worse now (on all maps). I'm beginning to wonder if the devs even care about optimization anymore and are just going to let it fix itself. I haven't seen them acknowledge this issue at all (I'd love for them to disable all the indoor maps until they can fix the abysmal FPS on them).