You know what the problem with this game is? Shareable perks.

It's not having any individuality for the survivors because they can all take the same perks. It's the killers getting the best of all worlds. If perks weren't shareable, Laurie would be the only one with DS, and David would be the only one with Dead Hard. You'd have to learn to work around each characters traits. You see a Meg? You know she is gonna sprint burst as soon as she sees you. Is David hurt? Well he's probably gonna Dead Hard you're attack. It would also help balancing of the game, characters could even have overpowered traits that only they have, but each character has an overpowered trait so its even.
EDIT: So I added to this down in the comments, and I just want to make sure everyone reads that as well.
Ya know, I been thinking about this a bit. If they were to implement some sort of "capstone perk" which only that character can equip, and switch it to being only 2 available sharable perk slots, they could make it so that you can choose either 2 sharable perks, or 1 sharable and the capstone. That would allow customization of each character, while holding them into a mold, that would work pretty good. Like, Claudette is always gonna Claudette, shes gonna run around and try to heal her team mates, because that's what Claudette does, and you can either take some sort of unlockable once-a-game full heal she has a capstone, or you could take Laurie's DS.
In honesty, this kind of shows how strong DS is, or even could be if they just removed the skill check and it was a guaranteed drop. That would be a good enough Laurie Strode ability, that only Laurie could have it, unless you gave up your own really strong ability to have it.
Fixing the sharable perks system would honestly fix this game, and bring it back from being such a min-max, exploitable mess.
Think about it, as Killer you walk around the corner and spot a David. Now you immediately know a few things. That David is most likely, gonna be trying to protect his team mates, rescue them from the hook, and take protection hits. But what else does that David have? Is he running some sort of harassing perk, or is it straight healing for after the unhook? Whenever you see a Jack Park you know, okay this dudes is gonna be repairing gens and trying to break hooks, but did he go more hook break, or gen repair?
Vice Versa. You run into a cannibal. Welp, we know he has BBQ and Chili, so we need to be trying to juke him, or staying within his aura. As the Cannibal, you hook and look to see who is where, but no one shows up. Well now you know they are at least close to you. It's a clear, easy read and Cannibal would be the only one who played like that, It allows each player to play to their strengths, and exploit their enemies weakness, which in turn makes you avoid your own weaknesses. It fixes SWF, because pre-game the SWF and the solos would need to collaborate with team composition, you'd always want to either have a Claudette, but if no one is gonna play Claudette, maybe they could bring Claudettes perks in addition to what they character does, or should the whole team just supplement with med kits?
They could fix characters like Ace, by making him the box opening specialist. He's a jack of all trades type character, who takes whatever role is given to him by the box, medkit, I'm healing someone, tool box, I'm fixing something, Flashlight, I'm harassing the killer.
It's too late though. They aren't gonna revert it now.
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They could also maybe have it so that only 1 of your perk slots could be used for a sharable perk. That way, it kinda switchs up what each character is capable of doing, while still holding them into a certain mold.
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That would make the games way too predictable and wouldnt offer the element of surprise. I like not knowing straight away what I face. If i for example knew that every single David had dead hard, I could instantly know how to play around it. It wouldnt work imo
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So I have to choose a character I don't want to play and use their only perks while having 1 teachable. That sounds boring and miserable ngl😔
If I had to play my Yui with just her perks I'd probably die. Idk it just sounds so eh and boring playing same perks that might not do you any good or are predictable. Sounds fine but if that was the case then they should of started that 4 years ago.
Also I like playing meg but I hate her perks I don't wanna run spring burst every game please XD
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Well, unfortunately none of the issues bring up the extreme issues that having Shareable Perks is giving us now. All you hear about are the same old perks ad infinitum, and restricting the use of certain skills to certain characters would solve that. And again, the idea that a David always has Dead Hard is the point, It's David. He should play like David. This game is essentially just every trope you can find thrown into a blender, and having a dwight that isn't the nerd who can fix stuff quickly doesn't fit the tropes.
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They need to take the meta and switch it to survivor powers. So David would have dead hard, laurie would have ds, etc. Buff it of course and keep the other teachables.
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True that forces you into situations where you're stuck with characters like ace who's perks of basically useless unless you just like randomly looting items.
I'm also kind of fond of the idea of survivors not having stats it allows you to basically pick whichever one you want because you like them for their appearance or backstory.
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Ya know, I been thinking about this a bit. If they were to implement some sort of "capstone perk" which only that character can equip, and switch it to being only 2 available sharable perk slots, they could make it so that you can choose either 2 sharable perks, or 1 sharable and the capstone. That would allow customization of each character, while holding them into a mold, that would work pretty good. Like, Claudette is always gonna Claudette, shes gonna run around and try to heal her team mates, because that's what Claudette does, and you can either take some sort of unlockable once-a-game full heal she has a capstone, or you could take Laurie's DS.
In honesty, this kind of shows how strong DS is, or even could be if they just removed the skill check and it was a guaranteed drop. That would be a good enough Laurie Strode ability, that only Laurie could have it, unless you gave up your own really strong ability to have it.
Fixing the sharable perks system would honestly fix this game, and bring it back from being such a min-max, exploitable mess.
Think about it, as Killer you walk around the corner and spot a David. Now you immediately know a few things. That David is most likely, gonna be trying to protect his team mates, rescue them from the hook, and take protection hits. But what else does that David have? Is he running some sort of harassing perk, or is it straight healing for after the unhook? Whenever you see a Jack Park you know, okay this dudes is gonna be repairing gens and trying to break hooks, but did he go more hook break, or gen repair?
Vice Versa. You run into a cannibal. Welp, we know he has BBQ and Chili, so we need to be trying to juke him, or staying within his aura. As the Cannibal, you hook and look to see who is where, but no one shows up. Well now you know they are at least close to you. It's a clear, easy read and Cannibal would be the only one who played like that, It allows each player to play to their strengths, and exploit their enemies weakness, which in turn makes you avoid your own weaknesses. It fixes SWF, because pre-game the SWF and the solos would need to collaborate with team composition, you'd always want to either have a Claudette, but if no one is gonna play Claudette, maybe they could bring Claudettes perks in addition to what they character does, or should the whole team just supplement with med kits?
They could fix characters like Ace, by making him the box opening specialist. He's a jack of all trades type character, who takes whatever role to given to him by the box, medkit, I'm healing someone, tool box, I'm fixing something, Flashlight, I'm harassing the killer.
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I mean they're called Teachables for a reason.
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I been thinking about this a lot. So if they were to implement such a system, they could fix the entire game.
First, they need to go the route of Overwatch for balancing, which is to make each character overpowered, so that none are overpowered. Give Claudette some sort of once-a-game full heal. David has to be hit 3 times his first down to go down. Laurie Strode gets Decisive Strike but without the skill check. Then each character still gets the 4 perks, but 2 are either "Shareable Perks", or "Capstone Abilities" such as Claudettes heal. You can give up your own characters badass ability, and in exchange you can take another sharable perk. That means, Claudette can be an awesome healer, who can literally once a game bring someone up from slugged immediately, OR she could trade it in for something like Decisive Strike.
The killer turns the corner and see's Claudette and Dwight. He immediately knows that that Claudette is gonna be a healer, and that Dwight is gonna be the repairer. Claudette's not gonna be the one knocking down the gens, but that survivor that he just hooked back there is already off the hook. Does he chase the Dwight down and slow gen progression, or does he stop that Claudette from healing her friend. It forces more choices for the Killer.
It also fixes SWF. Let's say a solo joins a SWF game, well they are not playing Claudette, and so he could help them by playing a healer for them, so they actually collaborate, and create a via team that will increase their chances of survival.
It also fixes characters like Ace. Ace is the jack of all trades, master of opening boxes. His role is whatever the box gives him, he gets a medkit? He's gonna heal. He gets a toolbox, hes gonna repair. He gets a flashlight, he's gonna harass. He could even hand the items over to characters who could use it better, such as givng the tool box to a Jake Park, because the Jake Park is the character that repairs gens and sabotages hooks. Which, if they went this route, all they would have to do is increase the amount of time that a hook is broken slightly, and all of a sudden Sabotaging hooks is a legitimate strategy, because when the killer sees the Jake Park, he knows to look out for it.
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No. I don't want survivor tier lists.
Imagine being an ace player stuck with 3 garbage perks, or a david stuck with no mither
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Imagine you having the game you have now, where the meta is literal toxicity and every character is the same.
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This idea is not terrible, but it totally changes the game. At this point its just not even something to consider. It just a dream of a really different Dbd game. Consider that the game is "balanced" around that fact. Andits also one of the reasons that make people purchase licensed killers, is another incentive to put money on the game. And nobody wants to stop you from buying more stuff right?
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Well people are gonna buy the killers regardless.
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A lot of people like playing the characters they like playing because of their backstory design or other elements.
Even though I would consider myself a killer main there are two survivors I like playing with the best I made sure I got them to proceed 3 with all the perks. They are Feng Min and Cheryl Mason.
However I would completely hate being locked into a certain play style that doesn't agree with how like to play simply because my favourite character abides by that.
With the system you're describing if Claudette or Meg are more in line with how I play but I just don't want to play Claudette and Meg because I don't like the designs backstory or outfits why should I be forced into that.
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Because the current meta of the game is broken and doesn't work. That's why.
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That is a very stupid idea. You'd only ever see Megs, Davids, Bills and Lauries. Nothing else. A survivor is supposed to be a "skin", not a unique character with special abilities.
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If you are aware of the tropes of horror movies, the characters are not skins. They are specific archtypes which fill specific roles. Reducing them to skins, robs us of that.
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It would also mean perks could individually be a lot less overtuned. A second chance perk can be strong if there's not 3 other second chances behind it. Surge can hit basically every gen on the map and not be OP when there's no other form of stalling in the match.
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This would make things too easy. I play both roles equally and I like a good challenge on both sides! I dont minde killers and survivors beeing able to use every perk in the game. This is what makes the game interesting.
If sourvivors aren't allowed to use teachable perks, killers also shouldn't be. And now imaging trying to play killer without Corrupt/Pop/Ruin or any other teachable slowdown perks. There are only a few killers who have a decent power to be able to perform well without a slowdown perk.
Many fun builds wouldn't be possible anymore on both sides. This would make this game terrible boring and remove all diversity imo.
It's true, some perks are abused by some players who want to play toxic (killers and survivors), but I don't think this is this much of a deal. Some games will go well, some won't and I think this is the balance of this game.
If this game was perfectly balanced, it would mean 2 kills, 2 survived. Every singe game. Imagine how freakin boring this would be. I like the challenge of not knowing what I will face or how this game will go for me.
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Yes, because now you don't know if the killer has PGTW and B&C, or the surv has DS and BT
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Having each character hold a carefully chosen personal perk to be exclusive to them would make killers more interesting and survivors to be unique for once outside of appearance.
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Im adding all dwights to tunnel list as soon as you add individuality. And you wont see Dwights anymore. Only Lauries, Claudettes and Davids. And nobody will buy new dlcs, because meta will become worse than it already is. :)
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So this change would not only kill one of my mains (David because No Mither) but ensure I never play Feng or Kate again and makes sure the only perk I ever use of my Jane is Quick and Quiet. Claudette being rather hit or miss in terms of this change.
This idea would've been good 4 years ago. Now that I've got 5 survivors P3 50 with every single perk unlocked this change would be such a slap in the face (or, to be more accurate, being hit over the head repeatedly by Gibby holding a stop sign). Not to mention as killer trying to figure out their perks is half the fun. Sure if they dead hard ill be like "Oh ######### nice dead hard" but that's only if they go for a good one that works. Sure if I get dsed ill be like "oh darn shouldn't have tunneled" but I main Pyramid head so cages. If they're walking I'll know they have sprint burst or they're immersed, both of which can help immensely later on.
Not only is this change far too late, it'd remove a lot of the fun I have as killer. Not to mention a change this monumental would require something of legacy-status to be released to everyone but way more complicated because it'd be based on perks not prestige.
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the problem this game is :
- [ solo survivor and try hard killer ] vs SWF gen rusher ( which never cannot be stopped ).... OLD RUIN already RIP forever in our hearth...
- Toxic community [ SWF mocking killer, They don't know that killer is newbie which just bought this game and lucky go to red or purple rank]
teachable perk only have SMALL to MEDIUM impact for this game... maybe like some swf party with discord program + object of obsession or head on monkeys...
if perk like DS we have red mori or pyramid head to counter that... dead hard just wait they use it or make them exhausted by some killer addons...
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This is absolutely one of the most major issues with the game. It basically makes balancing an unbelievable nightmare.
That said, you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. The game would feel lesser and broken if they were to change it now.
I think if we ever get a DBD2, they should focus on core skills for survivors. Assuming they'd have 4 perk slots again, you could continue to have the generic starter perks that everyone can use, but also survivors come with like 5-6 perks instead of 3. So even if you only play a single survivor, you've still got a lot of flexibility.
Then make a single one of those perk slots able to hold a teachable perk and you've got something a bit similar to what we have now, but way more controllable.
Of course, this game also has the problem of perks not really being perks. They range from might-as-well-have-an-empty-slot to super-powered-nonsense. Perks should always be small little advantages, not big swingy powers that play a massive role in the outcome of the game. Maybe they give you an edge in a critical moment, and you win, and that's fine, but having the killer having to change their entire playstyle because you might be running a meta perk is just silly.
The counter argument to that is that it encourages more variety, but in reality that's rarely true. Most of the time you've got folks with meta perks or potatoes with whatever they happen to have. People actually coming up with novel new perk combinations is very rare, and not something typically encountered in the average match.
Thinking back on what I typed above, I actually wouldn't mind perks being teachable to everyone as they are now if the perks didn't have such a massive power difference. I think that's actually the core issue.
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I think that the idea of balancing around soft, negligible differences is a thing of the past. Game like Overwatch have showed that its possible to balance around everyone being overpowered, and if you look at the updates they are making to Apex, they are buffing characters and making them incredibly strong, rather than depowering other characters. That's the route they should take with this game is what I'm getting at. People who want to bring up David being stuck with No Mither aren't thinking correctly, No Mither doesn't have to be what it is now, if they make it a core tenant of David's skill set, such as I said before, David would take 3 hits rather than one, so if you choose No Mither it would bring him back down to 2 hits. Being able to take 3 hits David would be countered by Billy's and Cannibal's but would be a straight hassle for other killers. Also, you could just not take No Mither, you still have the generic perks you can take, I'm not advocating for getting rid of Haste or Kindred, those would be the perks you use to tailor the character to your playstyle.
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Imagine nobody but Clown with Pop, Plag only having Corrupt, and Oni & Nurse & Billy no longer making survs scream when downing? And I'm pretty sure no Deathslinger leaves their mommy without M&A.
A fine idea like 7 killers ago...
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This would be a surefire way to increase tunneling and camping if that's what you're going for. And hope you're not tired of seeing the same killer over and over again every match because there will definitely be some that just arent viable with only their own vanilla perks.
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Unfortunately, this is an idea that would have to have been implemented waaaaaaay earlier in the game's lifespan. At this point, it's far too late to try and implement.