Were flashlights nerfed?

After the update flashlight saves have become impossible for me. Just me or were they nerfed?
After the endgame i checked and they didn't have it. I probably just suck with them now.
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Actually I've notice that flashlight saves are impossible now, it probably has been nerfed like not too long ago because they're not dropping the survivors anymore. Even when I play as killer the flashlight saves don't work on me somethings wrong.
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The flashlights are currently bugged and I think they said they would fix it along with auras in this weeks hot fix
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A lot of animations are currently bugged as survivor and killer including the flashlight animation itself. Sometimes you aim for the killer's face but the survivor's arm position is slightly off resulting in either no blind or a delayed blind.
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Actually no,now tou have to aim in the Killer face,but maybe i'ts a bug
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No, not at all. Might be a bug, but if anything, you might have to aim upwards a bit more than usual. That's what I've had to do in my experience of playing survivor, but it's weird. You kind of have to aim at the forehead rather than the neck/face.
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It's bugged for weeks. Sometimes they work and sometimes not. I played as killer and numerous times my sight was completely gone, but i did not drop the survivor.