There should be more punishment for face campers

Something like "If a killer stays within x meters of the hooked survivor for x amount of time, other survivors gains x% in their repair, heal, sabotage actions, reseting the time to trigger this after x sec" or "if a killer stays for x time within x range of the survivor, the sacrifice will be worth half points, reseting the time to trigger this after x sec (then the bloodpoints of hooking, summoning and sacrificing will be only added after the sacrifice happens or the survivor is unhooked (by itself or others) and add a buff for survivors sacrificed outside of the x range, making the buffed risky sacrifice awarding more points than now and the safe sacrifice awarding less)."

The point of this is because the ridiculous killer who does it, specially in the first hooking, destroys the game for everyone. The ones that are safe doing gens, dont get so many points, the survivor hooked, gets basically nothing and even the ######### killer gets almost nothing, but he still manages to recover, depending on the speed of other survivors.

The killer who does it, mostly in the beginning, spoils the game. Makes it a true loss for everyone, not because the survivor will die, but because no one will get enough points, so a solution should be devised to avoid this behaviour the most and those are my ideas.

P.S: The killer losing time meanwhile the other survivors fix the gens is not punishment enough for this ######### behaviour.


  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    edited September 2018

    Your fun is not the killer's concern.

    There will never be punishment for camping as the devs have said repeatedly it's allowed.

    Nothing to see here


    Except by xbox standards it is bannable if not high restricted you will be penalized for doing so
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    edited September 2018
    Gorvak said:

    Something like "If a killer stays within x meters of the hooked survivor for x amount of time, other survivors gains x% in their repair, heal, sabotage actions, reseting the time to trigger this after x sec" or "if a killer stays for x time within x range of the survivor, the sacrifice will be worth half points, reseting the time to trigger this after x sec (then the bloodpoints of hooking, summoning and sacrificing will be only added after the sacrifice happens or the survivor is unhooked (by itself or others) and add a buff for survivors sacrificed outside of the x range, making the buffed risky sacrifice awarding more points than now and the safe sacrifice awarding less)."

    The point of this is because the ridiculous killer who does it, specially in the first hooking, destroys the game for everyone. The ones that are safe doing gens, dont get so many points, the survivor hooked, gets basically nothing and even the ######### killer gets almost nothing, but he still manages to recover, depending on the speed of other survivors.

    The killer who does it, mostly in the beginning, spoils the game. Makes it a true loss for everyone, not because the survivor will die, but because no one will get enough points, so a solution should be devised to avoid this behaviour the most and those are my ideas.

    P.S: The killer losing time meanwhile the other survivors fix the gens is not punishment enough for this ######### behaviour.

    The devs have stated multiple times in streams that camping is a part of the game. It’s built in, intentionally. 
    no it isn't. The obj of the game is to sacrifice all 4 survivors not just 1 and call it quits.

    That's just like you playing Siege and getting 1 kill then calling it quits on playing the Obj
  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270
    Gorvak said:

    Something like "If a killer stays within x meters of the hooked survivor for x amount of time, other survivors gains x% in their repair, heal, sabotage actions, reseting the time to trigger this after x sec" or "if a killer stays for x time within x range of the survivor, the sacrifice will be worth half points, reseting the time to trigger this after x sec (then the bloodpoints of hooking, summoning and sacrificing will be only added after the sacrifice happens or the survivor is unhooked (by itself or others) and add a buff for survivors sacrificed outside of the x range, making the buffed risky sacrifice awarding more points than now and the safe sacrifice awarding less)."

    The point of this is because the ridiculous killer who does it, specially in the first hooking, destroys the game for everyone. The ones that are safe doing gens, dont get so many points, the survivor hooked, gets basically nothing and even the ######### killer gets almost nothing, but he still manages to recover, depending on the speed of other survivors.

    The killer who does it, mostly in the beginning, spoils the game. Makes it a true loss for everyone, not because the survivor will die, but because no one will get enough points, so a solution should be devised to avoid this behaviour the most and those are my ideas.

    P.S: The killer losing time meanwhile the other survivors fix the gens is not punishment enough for this ######### behaviour.

    The devs tried those already and survivors abused it.
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    Gorvak said:

    Something like "If a killer stays within x meters of the hooked survivor for x amount of time, other survivors gains x% in their repair, heal, sabotage actions, reseting the time to trigger this after x sec" or "if a killer stays for x time within x range of the survivor, the sacrifice will be worth half points, reseting the time to trigger this after x sec (then the bloodpoints of hooking, summoning and sacrificing will be only added after the sacrifice happens or the survivor is unhooked (by itself or others) and add a buff for survivors sacrificed outside of the x range, making the buffed risky sacrifice awarding more points than now and the safe sacrifice awarding less)."

    The point of this is because the ridiculous killer who does it, specially in the first hooking, destroys the game for everyone. The ones that are safe doing gens, dont get so many points, the survivor hooked, gets basically nothing and even the ######### killer gets almost nothing, but he still manages to recover, depending on the speed of other survivors.

    The killer who does it, mostly in the beginning, spoils the game. Makes it a true loss for everyone, not because the survivor will die, but because no one will get enough points, so a solution should be devised to avoid this behaviour the most and those are my ideas.

    P.S: The killer losing time meanwhile the other survivors fix the gens is not punishment enough for this ######### behaviour.

    This has been stated multiple times and it's getting tiring stating it again but camping is not going to be punished in any way other than you lose generator pressure. Deal with it.

    Whether it's fun or not is irrelevant why because first off you don't get to dictate what someone finds fun if they find camping fun then that's their idea of fun.  Secondly it doesn't matter what game it is as long as there are opposing sides, the opposing sides job is not to make sure you have fun. Let me put it in a more simple way as a survivor whether the killer has fun or not is none of your concern as a killer whether the survivor has fun or not is none of your concern.

    Here's how you punish camping do generators leave if all generators are completed and the Killers camping the last kill either leave or risk the save but if you risk the save and you end up feeding the killer kills and that's down to you.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Lol you sound just like my friend. Don't get caught and you should be alright.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675


  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161
    The best way to punish face campers is to get gens done.
  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    Your suggestion as been tried before and it was abused by Survivors, so you the hate you are feeling is directed in the wrong direction. Devs have stated repeatedly that camping is perfectly fine and part of the game. Someone gets camped, do gens. Regardless of the points you get, the game will obviously be a bad one so just get the game done and get out. If you are the one being camped, well sucks to be you. Buy your team time to slam gens and move on.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    edited September 2018
    Gorvak said:

    Something like "If a killer stays within x meters of the hooked survivor for x amount of time, other survivors gains x% in their repair, heal, sabotage actions, reseting the time to trigger this after x sec" or "if a killer stays for x time within x range of the survivor, the sacrifice will be worth half points, reseting the time to trigger this after x sec (then the bloodpoints of hooking, summoning and sacrificing will be only added after the sacrifice happens or the survivor is unhooked (by itself or others) and add a buff for survivors sacrificed outside of the x range, making the buffed risky sacrifice awarding more points than now and the safe sacrifice awarding less)."

    The point of this is because the ridiculous killer who does it, specially in the first hooking, destroys the game for everyone. The ones that are safe doing gens, dont get so many points, the survivor hooked, gets basically nothing and even the ######### killer gets almost nothing, but he still manages to recover, depending on the speed of other survivors.

    The killer who does it, mostly in the beginning, spoils the game. Makes it a true loss for everyone, not because the survivor will die, but because no one will get enough points, so a solution should be devised to avoid this behaviour the most and those are my ideas.

    P.S: The killer losing time meanwhile the other survivors fix the gens is not punishment enough for this ######### behaviour.

    This is a joke, right?

    The term "facecamping" is outdated. With the inclusion of swivel unhooks facecamping is now no longer possible. So what you're really complain about is "hard-camping".

    The thing is, you have no right or reason to complain about hard-camping anymore due to the tools at your disposal. First-off Borrowed Time and Kindred have been around long enough that I shouldn't have to mention them. Both perks distinctly help you and your team deal with campers. On top of this both perks are freely available cross platform with Borrowed Time only requiring a teachable grind on PC. Then very recently the developers have buffed unhooks so that you have invincibility until you regain control which in-turn let's you activate a Sprint Burst or Dead Hard once rescued. On top off all of this is the fact that camping is only rewarding if survivors reward it. If you're camped buy time, if your friend is camped, rush gens. You have such an enormous arsenal of counters at your disposal that to ask for more demonstrates a level of ignorance I never thought I'd see in my life. Adapt, overcome, evolve. Learn how to beat camping yourself and stop asking big brother Mathieu to solve all of your problems for you. You have multiple solutions to the problem already, test them all and use the one that doesn't get you killed.
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    Facecamping doesnt even exist anymore, it got removed 1 year (?) ago.

  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372
    edited September 2018

    Facecamping doesnt even exist anymore, it got removed 1 year (?) ago.

    It is now just the all inclusive term for a Killer being present on the map.
  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    @Dudddd said:
    FrenziedRoach said:

    Your fun is not the killer's concern.

    There will never be punishment for camping as the devs have said repeatedly it's allowed.

    Nothing to see here


    A sweaty killer main spotted probably dodges swf lobbys out of fear.

    His factual statement got you that salty? Ouch!

  • @Gorvak said:
    Something like "If a killer stays within x meters of the hooked survivor for x amount of time, other survivors gains x% in their repair, heal, sabotage actions, reseting the time to trigger this after x sec" or "if a killer stays for x time within x range of the survivor, the sacrifice will be worth half points, reseting the time to trigger this after x sec (then the bloodpoints of hooking, summoning and sacrificing will be only added after the sacrifice happens or the survivor is unhooked (by itself or others) and add a buff for survivors sacrificed outside of the x range, making the buffed risky sacrifice awarding more points than now and the safe sacrifice awarding less)."

    The point of this is because the ridiculous killer who does it, specially in the first hooking, destroys the game for everyone. The ones that are safe doing gens, dont get so many points, the survivor hooked, gets basically nothing and even the ######### killer gets almost nothing, but he still manages to recover, depending on the speed of other survivors.

    The killer who does it, mostly in the beginning, spoils the game. Makes it a true loss for everyone, not because the survivor will die, but because no one will get enough points, so a solution should be devised to avoid this behaviour the most and those are my ideas.

    P.S: The killer losing time meanwhile the other survivors fix the gens is not punishment enough for this ######### behaviour.

    Then there should be something against gen tapping. Not saying I care about either but if one side would get a punishment for one ######### playstyle then the other should get one as well. Or pallet looping. ######### like that so you can go on about all of that stuff, the devs never do anything about them.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    As somebody who plays survivor alot, facecamping is fine, just deal with it it's not like it happens often unless you looped things like the barn or garage like crazy in which case you deserved it.

  • This content has been removed.
  • Ugum
    Ugum Member Posts: 26

    @Gorvak said:
    Something like "If a killer stays within x meters of the hooked survivor for x amount of time, other survivors gains x% in their repair, heal, sabotage actions, reseting the time to trigger this after x sec" or "if a killer stays for x time within x range of the survivor, the sacrifice will be worth half points, reseting the time to trigger this after x sec (then the bloodpoints of hooking, summoning and sacrificing will be only added after the sacrifice happens or the survivor is unhooked (by itself or others) and add a buff for survivors sacrificed outside of the x range, making the buffed risky sacrifice awarding more points than now and the safe sacrifice awarding less)."

    The point of this is because the ridiculous killer who does it, specially in the first hooking, destroys the game for everyone. The ones that are safe doing gens, dont get so many points, the survivor hooked, gets basically nothing and even the ######### killer gets almost nothing, but he still manages to recover, depending on the speed of other survivors.

    The killer who does it, mostly in the beginning, spoils the game. Makes it a true loss for everyone, not because the survivor will die, but because no one will get enough points, so a solution should be devised to avoid this behaviour the most and those are my ideas.

    P.S: The killer losing time meanwhile the other survivors fix the gens is not punishment enough for this ######### behaviour.

    Kindred, Rank 3. You're welcome.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    They are being punished, if the other survivors are smart enough and do the gens.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Killigma said:
    DeadByFlashlight said:

    Facecamping doesnt even exist anymore, it got removed 1 year (?) ago.

    It is now just the all inclusive term for a Killer being present on the map.

    Pretty much...
    I´ve seen a streamer who called Freddy a face camper. FREDDY!

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777
    Rational players don't care about:
    -Instant Downs
    -Gen Tapping
    -Item/Add-On/Killer/Perk Selection
    -SWF/Voice-Comms (recent convert, myself)
    -Death in a game called Dead by Daylight

    If any of these non-offensive (literally) things bother you, your HDD will probably be thankful for the extra space. 

    You'll run into frustrating/"unfair" matches on either side of the game, but the harder you have it, the more you will adapt/compensate.

  • The game needs smarter/better survivors, that’s the only way hard camping will be dealt with. 

    But too often a killer hard camping gets precisely what he wants, one or two survivors just sitting by the hook waiting for the killer to leave, or overly altruistic survivors turning one hook into two or three. Or a hooked survivor quickly trying to 4% and then killing themselves.

    If you see someone “face camping” just do a damn gen. These killers who do this are
    mostly not any good and are bitter about it, so they literally feed on the salt you send them. Instead, gen rush the hell out of them and make them end the game with only one kill. 

    I was on The Game yesterday and a Leatherface finally caught me and downed me after my teammates had done almost two gens. He hooks me and sits right beside me with Insidious, but he has his chainsaw revved, ready to strike. Now, how dumb is this? Why have Insidious if you’re going to just sit there with the chainsaw fully revved anyway? Seems completely #########, yes? 

    No. He got two other survivors who stupidly ran to the hook and got sawed. Only one was smart enough to smash gens and escape.

    You can’t blame killers for enjoying some low hanging fruit, especially when so much of the game is slanted towards the other side.
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    @Dudddd said:
    FrenziedRoach said:

    Your fun is not the killer's concern.

    There will never be punishment for camping as the devs have said repeatedly it's allowed.

    Nothing to see here


    A sweaty killer main spotted probably dodges swf lobbys out of fear.

    I'm sorry kid, but this game don't hand out participation ribbons. I'm sorry you got coddled and didn't learn the cruelty of competition at an early age.

    So I'll pass on what my parents taught me over 40 years ago.

    "Life isn't fair, DEAL WITH IT"

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  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @Thetruth said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    As somebody who plays survivor alot, facecamping is fine, just deal with it it's not like it happens often unless you looped things like the barn or garage like crazy in which case you deserved it.

    yea just stand still and don run at all

    There's about 20 pallets per map, no need to friggin min-max everything. If your surv friends can't do gens in that time then you deserve to die.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Did you know that, if the Survivors genrush very well, no one gets many points either?
    Nor does it seem very fun, right? The Killer may get 1 chase, and the 3 other Survivors just hold M1 with some SPACEBARs.
    Yet you don't talk about that. 8-)