Am I a Camper?

Hi one of my recent matches I got called out for "camping" and "slugging"

The survivors both rage quit and sent me some messages saying why they ragequit.

I happened to have recorded the match so here is my perspective.

Imo the slugging they were referring to is when you down all 4 survivors and then hook. What I did was down a survivor I had just hooked for pressure and then left them to hook someone else.

I was also called a camper I guess for downing the person who had saved.

I dont know maybe I did camp and maybe I slugged in an unfair way.

Here are the messages and the video.


  • PissedWraithMain
    PissedWraithMain Member Posts: 93

    if it's not a definite yes then it's a no

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    If survivors call you a camper then you aren't.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054
    edited August 2020

    meh, who cares what others think, if anything helps you win and gain pressure on survivors, do it

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328
    edited August 2020

    No, you were playing strategically.

  • rogueplayer00
    rogueplayer00 Member Posts: 110

    If you saw a survivor, and they bring you back to a hook mid chase, its not camping, and thats literally ALL THEY DID. so nah man. Youre not a camper. Good game.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Why does it matter? Just have fun and play.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    What this man said, when i play swf literally the first call out is weather basement is in shack or main building so you know where not to be looping if your already injured, and you for damn sure dont go down anywhere near the basement if its a bubba because most are running agitation.

    To be honest its kind of an understood rule between me and my friends that if you go down to a basement bubba and hes proxy camping that your dieing first hook and were just using your hook time to knock gens out asap.

    Basement bubba is simply to strong to really make any plays unless bubba just straight up misplays.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    #########? No, that's just normal basement play. You had an advantage and used it well. Sure, it sucks to deal with as a survivor... But it's not like survivors don't constantly put killers in equally stressful situations. Now, if you had just sat in the room outside the basement then maybe, yeah. But you left to go chase someone else. And you were playing one of Bubba's weakest maps, so that's even less of a reason to give them too much leeway.

    And honestly, the moment someone mentions slugging as a toxic action, just let it slide and stop registering their ideas of fun and balance. Too many survivor main morons genuinely believe that killers should go for 12 hook games. It's the survivor equivalent of "oh my god, you genrushed me, you should have done totems and chests you toxic genrushing deathsquad".

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181
    edited August 2020

    "camping" has a bad connotation to it, but don't let it get to you. Survivors who think you're suppose to play the game a certain way so they can have fun are all stupid. If you cant do any camping or slugging then survivors shouldn't be gen rushing, 99ing, or looping you on any infinites/near infinites. The fact is both sides have scummy tactics. If you have 2 or 3 hooked in the basement, camp it. There's literally no reason not to camp that. It's a more important objective than your gens as long as you have more than 1 left before exit gates are powered.

    Anyone who complains about the tactics you use but goes on to use equally scummy tactics on their end are just garbage players. Ignore them.

    People have gotten mad at me for camping a hook when exit gates are open. But seriously, what the ######### else am I suppose to do? Tunnel someone and lose my kill? You follow your strongest objective and the most survivors.

    Don't get me wrong, 12 hooking is nice. It gives loads of BP and makes survivors happier to play the game, but even in games where I 12 hook survivors will be extremely toxic in post game. Whether you play 100% fair or use some camping to push an advantage, there will be garbage toxic survivors that expect you to let them win.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    Basement GF is really strong too. You can sit crouched on the stairs.

    The way I'll play is sit there for a bit if I get someone in basement and normally at least one person comes. If no one actually comes in a short amount of time though I don't let survivors gen rush. Survivors don't realize I only camp when they reward me for it. I'll test how they play by checking early and if they don't get greedy for unhooks I don't camp.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    that just bubba thing.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    Proxy camping is a strategy that works well in a lot of cases though. Face camping will not work for you in 95% of cases (except like when exit gates are open) but proxy camping can really bait survivors and get you more hits downs and hooks. It sucks to deal with as a survivor, but to act like there aren't plenty of things survivors do to killers that killers hate would just be naive so I think it's 100% fair game. I proxy camp because it works really well most of the time. When I don't it's because its not working well so I change my style up that game.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
    edited August 2020

    I slug and camp a lot. its good pressure, stop trying to give survivors fun and fair games they already got their 2nd chance perks a helping hand from the enemy is pretty much a free win for them

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    There’s no point in even arguing with people like this, they’re mad because they lost and they want to blame you for it. You’ll never convince them that you weren’t camping because it makes them feel better to believe you were. Just ignore them.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    For real though...

    I can respect your decision to attempt playing “fairly” by the always changing imaginary Survivor rulebook, but here’s the harsh truth:

    When survivors die, in a game they’re designed to win, they’ll throw any excuse at you they want as many (not all) refuse to believe they made a mistake during gameplay. Whether it was being TOO altruistic, unsafe unhooks, not making the killer play the whole map...whatever the mistake, most will refuse to acknowledge it.

    ImO, you shouldn’t even give the slightest thought to what other players think of you. If everyone in DBD thinks you’re a camper, it literally changes nothing for your gameplay experience, so why I ask us if we think you camped? You shouldn’t care if we think you did or didn’t.

  • WhyDecide
    WhyDecide Member Posts: 20


    The person on hook was always within your terrorradius, means you were proxy camping, but that doesn't mean that you did anything wrong. In this case you had no reason to go away from that area, and chased ppl so you did nothing wrong

    Or at least so far...


    What is wrong with you? You cry about salty survivors even though you provoked it, thats like complaining about beeing bitten by a dog after you stabbed it

    Why TF do you text them, provoke such a conversation and then complain about not being able to live with the answer?

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    You are a camper. And a toxic killer.

    Just kidding. Who cares anyway?

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    No, you weren't camping. Though from the survivors perspective, it's easy to understand why they'd think you were. Remember that the survivor can only see things from their perspective, even if they're in an SWF. From their perspective you slugged Kate, slugged Cheryl, then slugged Meg. Only after getting Meg, did you go back for Cheryl (who hadn't been hooked yet). The only thing you should've done differently is in your response. Instead of being passive aggressive, you should've explained to them why the match went the way it did. Of course, it's hard in the heat of the moment to give a measured response. But personally, that's why I wouldn't message someone who had DC'ed to ask them why they had.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    You chase someone next to the basement which is not your fault, but just a terrible mistake done by the survivor. After you down her, going back to the basement was understandable and the best idea, no matter if the downed survivor had DS or not.

    So in short, you did not camp, they basicly forced you to "proxicamp" by staying in the area chasing an unaware survivor.

  • zacattak48
    zacattak48 Member Posts: 100

    I message everyone I play against I like to say gg. If they dc'd due to connection errors then I get that. But if its due to a ragequit then i genuinely want to know what made them feel that way.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Why does it matter?

  • Ireath
    Ireath Member Posts: 91

    Yeah there wasn't much you could do, it is on them for swarming the basement with a bubba. It would be pretty daft for you to see them and go to the other end of the map.

    In future I wouldn't recommend messaging people that dc or at the very least I wouldn't message them when they accuse you of doing something that was caused by them.

  • RareOmen
    RareOmen Member Posts: 143

    No, you did not camp. It's their fault for hovering around the basement while you were still around, people get into chases around a hooked person and want to call you a camper because they can't save them. You did nothing wrong, (expect maybe running deerstalker).

    jk (:

  • DrunkenWrench
    DrunkenWrench Member Posts: 26

    Judging by your play-style and the survivors' greed, I can tell that this was a mild proximity camp, yet caused by the survivors and NOT on your intentions. You can ignore the sayings of those cretinuous incels and go big and home at the same time, cuz golly that was the most delicious error scummy survivors have done. 🏆️. Props to you for keeping a cool head!

  • WhyDecide
    WhyDecide Member Posts: 20
    edited August 2020
  • WhyDecide
    WhyDecide Member Posts: 20

    I'm sry, but you killed the reputation of these ppl in the forum (just because you blurred the names on the screenshots doesn't mean that the names are invisible in the video) by calling them entitled even though you provoked them to do so...

    Small hint, there are easier ways of doing so, i hope your happy...

  • AshesofDreams
    AshesofDreams Member Posts: 20

    Camping to me is a killer never leaving the hook. Like in a way that's not even viable for points and just annoying. This "type" of camping you do is fine, it's just a killer winning the game because the survivors aren't as good.

    That being said, you messaged them asking them why they DC'd, you equally accused them of dumb things "swf with a key!" and then come and post this here. You're the one pursing drama here. It was a match, it happened, take the points from the dc and consider it a win. Trying to talk to them afterwards is pointless and you knew what was going to happen when you did.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 966

    Camping is standing still next to another. Waiting for their next move. (Which in hindsight oughta be called fishing) when all survivors, or at least all survivors, are swarming you like flies, it's fairplay to swat at them

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    ,,bubba didnt needed the buff" OOOF

  • Cinnabon488
    Cinnabon488 Member Posts: 64

    Tbh dude just play how you want. It doesn't even matter what you do they will always complain. Get a 4k playing like any other red rank killer? They complain. Get a 4k playing as "nice" as possible? They complain. Lose? They complain.