Did anyone actually expect Behaviour to do a good job with the new matchmaking system?

I'm a rank 1 survivor and I have to admit I naively expected this to be better than the old matchmaking. But so far after about 5 games, every one of them has had very low rank teammates and often low rank killers and they perform horribly. So either the game thinks I'm terrible or the matchmaking is MUCH worse. I was on a team with 3 rank 20s vs a Rank 10 killer. No gens done. Teammates went down instantly. I've had a couple good games but only because the killer was low rank and we only had fewer low rank survivor on the team.

My guess is that this scoring system may allow rating and placement based on too few games. Thus I'm getting Rank 20s the new system thinks are 'high level' because they won a high percentage of games but they only played like 10. And maybe they were even low level games. I dunno... but this matchmaking is ass. Yet another home run Behaviour.


  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I didn't. They're trying to turn this game into an e-sport when it's nowhere near ready for that. The highest MMR Survivors will only see Nurses and Spirits, which won't be a lot of fun. All the other Killers will cease to exist for them.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    considering you can get like a 90%+ winrate against the top rated killer players with swf, I think the elo system is just working as intended, and there's a giant disparity between the good players and the bad. This is just what happens when you balance your game to fit the majority of the playerbase but then implement an elo system based off of skill.

  • Funcle1983
    Funcle1983 Member Posts: 78

    To say rank doesn’t matter anymore is just absurd, survivor or killer.

    It may not matter in matchmaking, but someone who knows the maps, understands loops, spawn points, has teachable perks unlocked, etc. is going to obviously play better than someone who just started out. In fact, I’d wager that a higher rank player could take any killer in the game and 3k or 4K against a lot of these survivors. Even if they’ve never really played as that killer before they understand the basics of how to play the game and shut survivors down. On the flip side, a high level survivor can loop a lot of these killers for days based on prior xp. These lower level killers or those just starting out don’t have a chance against these high level survivors and get bullied all game.

    The old matchmaking system wasn’t perfect, but at least you went up against those comparable in skill level the majority of the time.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    Nope but we were told by the simps that the system was not out yet to give it a chance welp it had its 5 seconds of failure now its hey hey ho ho MMR has got to go.

  • Funcle1983
    Funcle1983 Member Posts: 78

    I’m still going to play and I’m not someone who is going to say time for me to quit playing the game, etc, etc.

    ive been playing for weeks on Xbox during this test and it hasn’t gotten more accurate with killer or survivor when matchmaking.

    im hopeful this improves in the near future

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    I expected people to realize that calculating an appropriate MMR takes more than a few games and that some people would have common sense. Then I remember this community was full of entitled children.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    So far today I've been playing in my swf (sorry). Got 3 baby killers who were rank 18 and 20. Honestly these guys had no idea what they were doing. The few red ranks we had dc'ed and the only purple rank seemed decent.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    That would only work well if they actually matched you with others based on their own match making rank. Think about it. If MMR wasn’t on then how could they raise or lower your own MMR accurately?

    they’re idiots for saying that. They knew this would come back to bite them for saying something like that.

    Increasing or deceasing MMR and not using it to find your match is a lost cause. Which is what it sounds like they did. MMR is self balancing and thus if it wasn’t turned on I can’t see how they thought they could take that data and start everyone off where they should be.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    I've been giving them benefit of the doubt but it seems to have been misplaced.

    From few games I played so far as killer I seems to be jumping around between bronze league and grand master. So first 3 games against experienced survivors that enjoy immersing themselves and pump up gens or death squads aka fun police and then 3 games again st survivors that reached green ranks first time in their lives and don't know how to play.

    I've found no correlation between using killers I had good winrates with and ones I barely play and current MMR.

    Old system while far from perfect it sometimes worked in matching up players with similar skill level. This one.. it's #########.

  • miachan22
    miachan22 Member Posts: 36

    My bf is playing for the first time ever as killer, rank 19 and his last match was against a swf rank 1 and 2. Awesome.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752
    edited August 2020

    I’m not even playing anymore, if they can’t release a patch without flashlights bugging out, I can’t expect them to release MMR working

    this is not to even get into the whole debacle of MMR in a game like Dbd in the first place

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Underrated opinion: I love new MMR 😍

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    On April 13th I posted, "The people working on the new MMR are the same people that can't fix the current system."

  • Victor_hensley
    Victor_hensley Member Posts: 800

    Im having a good time, because i know ranks don't matter, which most people seem to forget that's why they keep getting rainbows.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    (said every killer / survivor purposefully trolling lower ranks to the detriment of the health, well being and future of their -own- game ever)

  • Suiv
    Suiv Member Posts: 35

    Are you playing on Xbox? Because this is the only way your complaint makes any sense. They are only testing the new MMR system on Xbox keep in mind they are TESTING it so it's not 100% yet.

  • ColaGhost
    ColaGhost Member Posts: 36

    I always believe their heart is in the right place, they want to keep their game alive & it seems like they genuinely care about people having fun.

    Just the execution always seems rushed, never fully thought out or put into practice too soon.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I expected it to have some problems, like everything else in programming.

    If someone tells you they created a new program and they got it right the first time (i.e.: it has no bugs whatsoever), stay the ######### away from it.