Would Medusa Be A Good Addition To DBD

Welcome to my series where I ask if things would be a good addition to DBD!
today I am asking if Medusa would be a good addition to DBD?
Maybe. Until you remember that her entire deal is turning people to stone for simply looking at her. Regardless of how balanced such a power would be for a killer, it'd be extremely frustrating to deal with. No-one likes getting stun locked or frozen, so imagine how people would react to getting petrified, even if it only happened once in every ten matches.
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If you do some sort of series it could have been the MINIMAL to at LEAST introduce the character and give some idea of whats you're talking about, it helps people who want to give their opinion to not waste time checking out who Medusa is for example.
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It could work essentially (when Medusa catches you upto 10meters away?) Much like as Trapper's stun bear trap does. You "start" to turn to stone at the feet. Tripping over. Limp away , as usual animation, or completely fall over slowly turning into half stone while crawling state (with add-ons variation). A Lil dust effect as Medusa picks survivor up as she isn't able to completely turn you I to stone by the say of The Entity and be hooked. Her Mori kill however, will just finish the job completely and she can either claw your stone statues body to broken shattered pieces or tail whip.... just my imagination.
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Unless the petrified to stone is the way for Medusa to "hook" a survivor. Just the same way PH has his cages. She could petrify someone she downed on the spot, then survivors would have to remove the petrification. Or it could be her finisher, where, if someone is dead on hook, she can petrify them to stone.
I mean, Pig was all about having everyone go through their own ordeal, with a very large chance of dying, while in the game, you boop her snoot or she gives you a hat(sometimes both, she can be demanding). GhostFace never calls a survivor before stalking them. Freddy, excluding his mori, doesnt really have anything Freddy about him other than the dreamworld just existing. No unending hallways in the dreamworld. No body sleeping somewhere in the real world while your dream body travels in the dream world. Its just his mori.
You can easily apply the same to Medusa. You just need a snake themed power with her chase finisher/killing ability being the petrification.
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As for the post, I guess it would depend most on her potential abilities. She shouldnt be added just because it would be cool to have her in the roster. This isnt super smash bros(yet), not every cool character needs to be added. I dont really see a Medusa chasing a survivor, survivors should come to her instead, that's the general Medusa thing. Seducing people to death. I dont really see that happening in the way the game works currently.
Perhaps the devs could find a way to keep medusa like medusa, without just making a petrifying killer because she's a cool killer. Ofcourse that doesnt always work, hence old freddy being the worst killer ever to have existed. You do need some creative liberty, but not too creative, like current freddy, where his abilities barely resemble his character anymore other than generally being really strong mechanics.
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Yes, survivors can start running slower the more they look at her or something like that.
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Great minds think alike.
They'd have to have conditons like "in the red stain" or "Looking at the killer within C meters" in order for it to work........
Which solves THIS issue. At least we have that obligatory comment out on the way.
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Its an overwatch joke.
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I don't know but I'd imagine her power being really good for tunneling. Plus since there most likely would be a survivor. How the hell would they know what a generator is, or how to fix it. Or sabotage a hook and such.
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I feel if they did shed need a mechanic like plagues or like a bow for her power but if they did use her power as terrifying ppl then I feel like it should either have a broken exhaustion or a slow down effect like on how fast you run or crawl or walk or she could petrify you completely but only if she had like a mechanic like Myers since in mythology youd never see her before she attacked but instead of stalking its how long can you be near them without being noticed now I know that probably wouldn't work unless stealth as part of her base out which some ppl might consider unfair but if she had a bow as her power it would be kinda like a hundreds with an add on which could do that and as her main weapon could be a dagger Idk I'm up for constructive criticism
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If it worked like Assassins Creed Odyssey, where petrification builds up over time when they focus their power at you, instead of the old medusa, that should work.
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on it
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I'd rather it be a legendary skin for Hag or Plague tbh (assuming they actually make it distinct instead of pulling an Oni)
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Her power could be like a mixture between the Plague and Pig
If she activates her power it would show a bright glare that (if you measure it from a bird's eye view) could be like a cone shaped attack and can be enhanced with add-ons and such. And if Survivors look or at least gaze at her it'll give them a timer like the pig's bear traps and they'll have find a certain type of cure for it, but since they're slowing turning into stone it'll cause them the hindered status effect after awhile.
Ruling: Pretty OP
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Probably as a legendary cosmetic for hag or plague but highly doubtful that they would put her or any other legends in the game since there's no way to make a mechanic to duplicate her powers
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She is too op of an idea so I do not believe she would. Especially since she isnt part of any horror game, movie, or TV show
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Max ga eens slapen
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Not gonna lie, I think she would be a great addition.
Powers-wise, this is how I would envision her...
BOW & ARROW - Her base weapon (Although it's not in greek lore, this is how she is depicted in most media) and it that could work similar to Huntress' hatchets.
TAIL WHIP - This could be her M1 ability. Get close enough to a survivor and impale them with the sharp end of her tail.
ADD ON - PETRIFYING GAZE - As a cool ability , she could have a power that turns survivors into stone. Turning a survivor into stone would be extremely difficult, almost as much as Michael Myer's using a tombstone.
This would be (IMO) the only way you can incorporate this ability... unless they made it 'base' but then it would have to be temporary with some form of undoing the curse which wouldn't fit with the lore, which then again, it is the Entity's realm, so anything is possible.
MORI- she would make the survivor stand up and turn them into stone permanently and slam them with her tail afterward.
One last thing, Medusa crawls she doesn't walk. 😄
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