Dwighththt's Matchmaking

Dwigtht Member Posts: 462
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

So I've decided to start journaling matchmaking changes after its release on PC today.

Region: us-west-2 ;)

Day 2020-08-03 Matchmaking is funny


Great match with Ding-Ding

Rank 14 hag trying to finish a challenge


Awesome SWF!

That was fast!

I am going to resume my gameplay this evening, for this week I am going to play only Bubba.

I know this topic is public and I don't want to prevent you from commenting, but please do me a favour and don't leave short messages. Your Killer/Surv stats posts are much appreciated.


  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462


    Okay, so in this case it worked well:

    And then it got a bit funny... Wraith played played well this match

    And the next one... was not the best experience for Demo, who just bought this game, as he said in the chat

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    Okay so the trend is -- I am getting matched with rank 20 killers... I don't think rank does not mean anything in this case.


  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897

    Look at those pretty rainbows.

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462



  • Sacre
    Sacre Member Posts: 38

    God, this is awful

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897

    People interested in the new MMR and how its been for other players.

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    Good God, I know that MMR takes time to do its work, but Jesus Christ almighty, how many new players are buying the game right now?!

    More importantly, where are all these players for ME to go against whenever I want to play Killer?!

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    If the rank system is no longer used, then remove the depipping associated with the old ranking system. I would feel happier then seeing my rank get higher based on the time I actually play.

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462


    First match of the game and the survivors strat was spread around the map and do gens, do gens do gens. My strat was to camp camp camp and hook. Worked for me. Glorious win! But... yeah, back to game. No sweat. They were like avg old rank 14, I remember myself

    Second game -- unlucky, I was matched with at least one cheater, when I got that Kate and wasn't able to hook her (by staying in front of the hook and smashing space). They usually do this by increasing network latency to 4000ms, but I did not check this time

    But... huge diff in ranks compared with last game 

    Next game wasn't supper sweaty, just a regular one, but with higher ranks

    And the gift from the Entity! Thank you, I was about to stop playing!

    Well, I would say I like new matchmaking experience as a killer more. Before that, I've been matched with red ranks almost all the time, now it is like 50/50

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897

    Mine is starting to stabilize a bit now. Getting killers and survivors closer to my rank.

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462


    This is probably what I want to see from fair matchmaking:

    We have yellow rank, 2 purples and one red. The match was fun for both sides, everyone got their hook!


    Someone played Bubba, but that wasn't me! 2 "rank 19"s DCed. I don't know why.

    The Pig went wild with mori

    Matchmaking thinks any Billy is OP

    Those 2 "Rank19"s actually played well

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Its all over the place..!

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462


    I've decided to be nice to the last survivor, just once


    I can't complain about Killer rank, but those two yellow ranks probably could

    So this is how fair matchmaking should look like. Don't think I am hiding fair results.

    Another one -- Okayish

    OMG It improves!

    ... Just kidding

  • JustZed32
    JustZed32 Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2020

    I do. Pretty much just bought the game. Can i play it? Not really

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462
    edited August 2020


    At least they are aware that something is slightly not working well. 

    From my matches today, as a Killer and same old Bubba I've got s streak of #OldRedRankDoesNotMatter sweaty survivors and a few normal matches at the end.

    Honestly, with old matchmaking I know I am gonna go against red ranks, so I am gonna bring my best perks and addons.  

    Now it is unpredictable and I don't want to use Iris-addons for rank 14 survivors. 

    Well, I am a little bit confused, but trying to be optimistic. Good thing, I am not being matched to new players that often.


    I would consider this result as OK... well there was a group suicide, but anyways

    This is the seconds result I consider Okay:

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    Looking at the results (since ranks are obsolete) it seems you have a fair balance between wins, losses and close calls.

    Are you able to give more detailed info on how it was during those matches? Besides the cheater where you dc'd, did you throw any matches? Did you notice any consistent ways of playing in terms of experience?

    There may be a lot of new guys, but there could also be a lot of experienced players creating new profiles to gain an edge. That is perhaps the only thing the ranking system has any use for now.

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    > Looking at the results (since ranks are obsolete) it seems you have a fair balance between wins, losses and close calls.

    Even if ranks are are "obsolete", it does not mean they are meaningless. Survivor needs to do stuff to get pip, not only doing gens, but also win 

    chases, rescue other players and so on. When I see red rank, I expect at least more than 600 hours of playing the game. Ranks are still saying how experienced the player is. 

    So when I am being matches with red ranks -- there is, usually, no fair balance. I lose. Or I have to tunnel and lose. Overall, yes it is like 50/50 (miked ranks / red ranks), but today I've got a streak of red ranks in matchmaking. Yesterday -- a lot of new players. 

    > Are you able to give more detailed info on how it was during those matches? Besides the cheater where you dc'd, did you throw any matches? Did you notice any consistent ways of playing in terms of experience? 

    Yesterday I was able to do some fun stuff with perks and strategy, like using Tinkerer with its full power. Do some mind games. 

    Today's experience is more like playing vs like experienced players, some of them just troll you, knows perfect vault timing and can chase you over entire map. This is something close I had with "OldMatchmaking". Oh yes, those players are usually "obsolete: Red Ranks. Not super cool. If I switch killer, I'd probably get some more relaxed games, but I am planning to stick with Bubba to see to where it brings me. 

    No, I usually do not throw any matches except someone is hacking or when I did not notice "Object" on Midwich. 

    > There may be a lot of new guys, but there could also be a lot of experienced players creating new profiles to gain an edge.

    > That is perhaps the only thing the ranking system has any use for now.

    Yeah, I've a separate account to practice and learn some techniques in "Kill your friends" mode, so I can practice and learn some things without bothering my friends. And of course, I wanted to see how easy it would be to go against rank 20 killers/survs. I ranked up to my "real" rank (8 - 7) quite fast (like in 4 days) on a new account. 

    If people want to spend their money and buy the game -- I am okay with that. They cannot transfer BP or cosmetic in to their main account anyways. 

    There is no any big reason to do so. 

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    Matchmaking times are considerably longer. And yes, now I see a person who just created an account. That YUI was rank 15 with 200 hours of playtime. And she knew where every window and and pallet was. I had to run around the map several times to catch her.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531

    To be fair, the game did just go on sale on Steam - I'm new, first time killer, and having some *great* matches with this amazing, super competent system.

    Fortunately, I'm not the type who actually complains. I just find it funny. The best way to learn a game like this is to play against people who can run circles around you... and try to do a little better each time.

    Last game, I actually sacrificed one!

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Survivor games feel pretty consistent, killer seems pretty random but I haven't played 10 games with any specific one yet

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462
    edited August 2020

    Okay, no more screenshots for now, they are basically the same.

    With Bubba, I've been playing for past 2 days. In the was enjoying matches yesterday, but today the majority matches I've got was sweaty SWF or solo survs.

    After series of matches playing constantly Bubba I was de-piping and losing the games. This experiment is over.

    I have tried another one: Let's switch killer to Plague.

    And... first game was easy. Next 5 games I've been matched with mixed ranks and get my 3k and 4k.

    My conclusion is: if you want to enjoy this game -- switch killer more often. That's it.

    Spread that MMR across multiple killers.

    This is something I've seen in Otz stream today, when he'd been often matched with yellow ranks. This is because he switched killer often.

    So this is a good time to learn new killers.

    Post edited by Dwigtht on
  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    Firstly, thank you for your very detailed reply. I hear what you say about ranks not being "meaningless", and I do agree that pipping up requires practice. Yet the Emblem system has already been heavily criticised for its purpose, and pipping is as much dependant on many factors other than skill (e.g.: skill of other players; a bad session; luck; limitations; etc.).

    From experience, the rank system was not a reliable indicator of skill, and therefore the amount of hours put in doesn't mean that player will be better than others. People get to a skill cap in areas with limited outcomes, and tend to wobble around that mean line of skill. However, newer people would show faster, more tangible signs of improvement. That's why having 9,000 hours doesn't mean you'll always be better than someone with 50 hours every match. Too many variables in a game with a smaller, finite number of outcomes. It's not a reasonable expectation.

    My experience of ranking was poor. Those with supposed "red rank" abilities were often far worse than green ranks. The ranking system back then also still meant I could face someone of identical rank in purple or red who had way more/less skill than I. On the other hand, there would be very close games between largely different ranks. Sometimes, it added up. Sometimes it didn't. Ultimately, ranking was little more than a bragging right. So yes, I stand by the fact that ranking was a) a false indicator of skill and b) obsolete.

    Yet, there is one final factor: Platform. Perhaps the system works differently on separate consoles/PC/mobile systems, so my experience would also vary from yours. Nurse is a perfect example of that - very difficult on console, but reported easier on PC. Could that be a reason why both your and my experiences differ drastically?