MMR is working great

Queue times are much shorter now for both Killer and Survivor (on PC), actually enjoying a healthy level of gameplay where I'm not tearing my hair out in frustration from extremely good (and/or extremely toxic) Survivors nor am I going against baby players. Initially that's how it started out but it's skyrocketed me where I need to be.
All in all, props so far for the new system.
And here I thought I was the only one having good luck with the system. Of the games I've played today they were all pretty decent and rather close. A couple of the games I had some bad players but they were partnered with really good players. None of my games have been a stomp for either side yet.
We could just be outliers but I think after a week or two with it being active, people should get settled into a proper rating and have better matches or at least I hope as much.
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maybe it only console having bad MM.
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I play console amd games so far id say are gonna be bad for awhile bc well rn im getting potato survivors and gpod killers
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I've had an incredibly easy experience as killer since the majority of the survivors I was matched with were awful.
As a survivor it has been terrible, so I'm mostly playing as a killer right now.
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I wish I was having the same experience. I feel like I've been playing French Fry Simulator all day because everyone I'm with/against is a potato. It hasn't been fun carrying every single game today, & I'm not even trying to make myself sound like a god tier survivor. The teams I'm being paired with have just been that bad. Like the solo queue experience is generally rough with weak teams, today feels like that but on steroids.
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Two games so far:
game 1: rank 1 solo queue squad vs. “rank 1” killer = he got one hook all game. My Result: de-pipped
game 2: solo queue again - rank 1 (me), rank 5, rank 18 with one perk, rank 20 with 4 bad perks vs. Rank 20 Oni with one perk (Zanshin Tactics), one hook all game. I do 2.5 gens, safe hook save, escape 2 chases, escape through hatch. My Result: de-pip 😂
Makes me a little scared for what the heck the MMR is measuring
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So it seems experience has been mixed so far with the new MMR. I played two matches, the second one I pipped up to rank 16. Now I dont have to play the rest of the season if I choose not to, as my rest will be rank 17. Skill based MMR no longer considering play time reached: explain how a rank 17 guy with 2 hours play time past 2 weeks is skilled enough to face a rank 10 killer? Thats one more than the max of 6 I am supposed to face.
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I like new mmr. Usually playing killer in red ranks, but I weak nurse. Now I can play nurse against green ranks and learn her.
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It still takes me 10 minutes at least to find a survivor lobby (ps4).
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I can KINDA understand the low ranks coming in. Like having a player who just naturally picks up, winning all 10 games with ease and getting good points in their initial games. MMR analyzes it and sees them at a high skill level, and throws them at people who are on the "same" skill level.
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Other than this game... (2nd Killer game of the day):
I've been having decent results so far! My Survivor games were fairly matched against red rank Killers, and my Killer games were mostly against purple/red with one or two greens.
I'm especially looking forward to playing Trapper and Pyramid Head, since I'm not that good with them and will (hopefully) not get stomped by pesky red rank Survivors.
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Glad it's working for somebody. It's been a ######### show for me.
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My survivor wait times have increased, not to insane levels but it's definitely notable, but overall it's been fine for me. I do sometimes get killers that seem a bit too easy to go against though
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Not working for me.
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Still working pretty great with me, Survivor side is a little iffy. Idk if it's because I play Survivor so little or other Survivors are still getting their MMR configured. Who knows.
I'm also theorizing that maybe for some people on why the MMR sucks is because there's not that many players of their skillrating online or playing.
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Def working as intended. These were 3 games back-to-back out of the 10 I played this morning.
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strange, for me when i play a killer i have over 100s of hours in i get rank 20s who can't even complete a single gen before i 12 hook the entire team but the moment i play a killer i have played less than 10 matches with the survivors are all rank 1 how the hell am i supposed to learn nurse in these conditions
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Yeah, the MMR is working wonderful. After match upon match of getting grey ranks, yellow ranks, and literal new players after 10 minute queues, suddenly the system decided "ok so you must literally be a god" and now I only get matched against SEAL Team 6 SWF groups with more coordination than actual SEAL Team 6 that I literally have no chance of ever beating.
It's great, really. But at least the queue times dropped to 5 minutes.
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Thats fairly impossible as far as I remember. Doing that many gens, doing some altruistic actions, escaping chases and suviving the trial. Thats basically impossible to de-pip. No clue how you managed that.
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The main issue with this MMR "PEPEGA" patch is SWF and how they affect with matchmaking. If you see four man SWF they sure all red rank, and no matter if you yellow green or purple, you will have "good game". BHVR is pathetic as always.
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MMR has nothing to do with Ranks or pipping. You depip bc of the emblem system, but that shouldn't have a direct impact on your MM rating.
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MMR system working great ! :)
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Roughly how many games have you played since the new MMR system went live?
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How many matches have you played. I want to know why’s it working for some while others it’s clearly not working?? It’s still not working for me properly.
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it doesnt work for everyone and you it works = bait
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I can post here 20 or more screenshots with broken matchmaking but you know, no reason to. BHVR no want to feedback. Going to play Civilization 6. Actually good game.
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I was watching Tofu play last night. He got baby survivors for most of his games and they were like ~5 minute matches.
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It's either 2-3 rank 20 on my team vs a red rank killer or full red squad against a baby killer
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I've been getting some better matches, after playing quite a few.
But the wait is still stupid.
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Roughly 30. And 6 of those had at least 1 Rank 20 in it. Some had not as experienced players for my Killers I'm not as good at but it quickly adjusted when I played again.
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This is literally my experience, over the past 3 days I've got nothing but 15-20 rank survs (I am rank 1). Now in the last day or so I get all rank 1 survivors with 4 BT, UB, AD, DS, etc etc. Master loopers all on comms. Had probably 4-5 games in a row like this.
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Its very inconsistent. I get a rank 20 who is playing their first game or a toxic rank 1 killer. I am a rank 1 survivor and I’m not enjoying lol
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Not played for a while, this doesnt seem normal
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i still get low rank in my matches other game mix ranks..
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i play mostly survivor nowadays and it still is doing it lmfao
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I have felt my killer times actually increase. On killers I main I'd say mmr is working pretty swell but otherwise not so much. 😅
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It appears to be working well for them, cause ranks mean something in their mind. Yet, the other 99% of the community, including BHVR's own fog whisperers saying it's broken must all be wrong. Cause it's "confirmed working" for this one person. "confirmed"
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I'm just going to put this MMR over there with the rest of the fire.
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This has been my experience as well. I win against a group of baby survivors where they can't get a gen done and then I'm immediately placed against the sweatiest 4-man SWF all running DS/Unbreakable/BT/Adrenaline
0 -'re just lucky I suppose.
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You need to read lol
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My matches are still all trash. I’m beyond tired of playing against rank 20 facecamping bubba’s.
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So I play on Xbox when it first came out I was having a terrible experience at thought that my bottom killers were my Mains and giving me the sweatiest games ever with killers that I wasn't very good with or haven't used in a very long time now all of a sudden it seems to be working very well I made it to my plague and works great with her then made it to my demogorgon another one that I am not very good with and haven't used in a very long time and it is slowly building up my level of competition trying to figure out where I'm at my first opponents were potatoes now I see some greens and now some purple. I'm curious to see what it does with my Mains though cuz I have recently Prestige them and they're all back to square one no powerful perks or anything.
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Finding lobbies faster is true, both I have been getting rank 20 killers and I'm rank 3. I know that now ranks are not used to match people, but really, is the new system saying that I'm on the same level as someone that is at the lowest rank as a killer? Or maybe the killer is rank 20, but as good as killers in the red ranks? Come on. It feels bad go against people that are still learning the early stages of the game and most matches end with everyone surviving and the killer having a miserable time.
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My games as wraith, doc, demo are roughly in my green zone of 12. I do get the odd 16 to fresh install though. Sometimes red ranks.
Survivor though swings wildly out of control from my rank 16 being thrown into rank 7s to being thrown in with fresh installers.