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Locking Killers is a horrible change



  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Honestly they shouldve just waited until the new matchmaking was actually READY. What's the point otherwise?

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Yeah, this is definitely something that I think needs to change. I'm not entirely sure how to change it though. It needs to be this way for the MM, but, it certainly isn't fair to Killers.

  • Member Posts: 43

    I actually am on the same note here. That is the only thing bothering me. Now I have to spend extra time (besides the mostly already long queues) to spend my bloodpoints on a killer I want to level up, which is in like 95% of the cases not the one I want to play. But well....guess sacrifices needs to me made.

    They probably need the system to learn. This is actually better if they do it as early as possible.

  • Member Posts: 350

    true, but there was a new patch and it was very likely that BHVR is going to fix this. They already tried to in a recent patch but failed (they edited out the steam ID from logfiles but forgot about other parts), which lead to people not being able to see the profile at the leaderboard.

    But repeating the phrase "they can see the killer they're versing" while a new patch is out just creates the misinformation for other players who keep on repeating this over and over again, even tho its not true anymore.

    Take care in the fog o/

  • Member Posts: 2,509

    New matchmaking doesn't require an update, locking killer selection does.

  • Member Posts: 621

    The Killer should have the advantage for being able to prepare to deal with what's in front of them, as it's four vs one.

  • Member Posts: 1

    An unfair advantage is seeing the survivors and changing accordingly, survivors cant see killers. So its okay for them to switch because the literally have no idea who they're going against, so killer lock is the best thing to happen because in a game that already caters to killers its one thing they finally CANT do.

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  • Member Posts: 3,904

    I really don't have an issue with it. Yeah I don't get to spend blood points on other killers while waiting but in all honesty I don't wait that long. If queues are bad I find something else to do, waiting 15+ mins for a game is not worth my time.

    Survivors still last minute switch but its no more than before and hasn't really affected my game. At most there might be one guy with calm spirit while playing doc etc etc.

    If they have covered all exploits that reveal killer and the new MMR results in better matches faster, then I really don't mind the incredibly mild inconvenience of being locked in as killer when I hit ready.

    My only concern now is with killers I have a lot of time on because I find them fun, will I ever get the cake walk easy game every now and then or is it always gonna be a sweat fest because I win more with them than I lose. Hmm only time will tell.

  • Member Posts: 340

    I'm enjoying the QQs in this thread

  • Member Posts: 12

    Haven't we all once switched to Piggy in the lobby just to verse theSnootBooper27?

  • Member Posts: 400

    I mean I can only think of 3 times where I would consider it...not even a problem, just annoying.

    1. When I am just queing up and blowing through bloodpoints on a different killer. Thats not possible anymore. But its not a big deal either.
    2. If survivors have, keys and I wanna switch to spirit or something with a mori to be a total dick. Or as said, medkits and I wanna play plague. But I mean most of the time I would just take Sloppy butcher, or mangled add-ons. Or something else to ######### with the med kits. Franklins if you wanna meme a bit.
    3. Blendettes. I really want to be mean to Blendettes. Mostly for fun. But I believe it was Scott Jund that said "Using a Mori on a blendette, is like giving to charity". They know they are being cheeky, so I'll play their game with my own toys.

    Its just not that big of a deal 90% of the time, and the rest its at best, annoying. If you really feel ######### by what you see. Just leave the lobby. If you complain about them switching into another item, or another survivor with another item, then just leave. If they do it faster than you can leave, then they probably did it faster than you could change killer/offering as well so. Not much difference there either.

  • Member Posts: 143

    The game is on the side of the survivors always, there is no doubt about it, the best players in the world can tell you that, if it is intentional or not we will never know, but the reality is that the game is created so that the survivor have more advantages than the killer

  • Member Posts: 124

    The problem here is that the new matchmaking is based on the idea of "predicting" a game result based on the killer that your are playing, the game is unable to take into account simple factors like your in-game time for a matchmaking so how its going to be able to tell a difference between multiple in-game factors (1.5k hrs players going with 20hrs players, really fun). I dont get this new match lock it just hurt the game in general, and the matchmaking its already suffering from this. I usted to play with rank 1-4 killers and survivors while in that rank, now im seeing some weird 12-5 rank killers as a survivor and 10-1 rank suvivors as a killer and its not because of swf.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    The system should allow for players fully in lobbies to switch between different killers within a small range of the MMR used to find the lobby.

  • Member Posts: 1,367
    edited July 2020

    I feel like the matchmaking is off too. I'm a rank 5 survivor and was in a match with other rank 5s but the Killer was like rank 13 and did horrible. I don't think that was a fair game...

    Edit: Also feels like queue times as Killer is much much longer. Hopefully it gets sorted out soon.

  • Member Posts: 427

    I really feel that is unfair the killer been abble to see our itens, we cant se the killer to make a better combo against him, why the killer should ba abble to see if everyone is bringing an medkit or a flashlight to put lightborn

  • Member Posts: 427

    How you can be abble to know what killer you are against?

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    To me, that sounds like a case for MMR based on individual killers being a bad idea.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    Judging from your last post, you're the type of person that would use the exploit in a heartbeat if you knew how. To answer your other post, 4 survivors being able to stack items and perks specifically to disrupt or remove a killers power is FAR more damaging than a killer being able to change their build in reaction to items. Especially since they can't even change their killer anymore. If you're playing wraith or hag and see 4 flashlights, you have to sit there and eat the fact that your power is going to be useless, or just dodge before the match starts.

  • Member Posts: 1,367

    Because it's 4 against one...? The Killer only has their power at their disposal, survivors have items, pallets, teamwork, etc. If you are playing a Killer that can get light burned and are in a lobby with 4 flashlights there is nothing you can do.

  • Member Posts: 427

    I normally bring an item an its not because of that that i am going to win lightborn and frankilns should be like calmspirit you dont know if you are gonna used or not, and if it is 4V1 its because the killer has the power to kill everyone, its like when i play private with my friends, we have a rule about lightborn and franklis demise and all of my frinds are survival main, and normally the killer is abble to get 4K o 3K because of the hatch, so yep it has something to do when you killer can be burn and the lobby has 4 flashlight, and if you are scared of that just bring franklis, nothing will gonna guaranter that you are usin it

    and teamwork not necessaraly can be a good thing you teamates can just let you die in the hook or go to struggle or bring the killer for you,

  • Member Posts: 427

    i was just curios and i can easily type in google i dont think that know what killer i am going against its funny

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    Lock items at 30 secs or when all survs are ready and Im fine with lock killer

  • Member Posts: 1,367

    I don't think any of them should be locked. Survivors and Killers should be able to switch freely.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Have you seen the past year of patches? The argument to claim BHVR is killer sided is larger other than these small inconsistencies.

    Yeah, most of the BHVR devs prefer playing survivor, but that doesnt mean they dont want scary, imposing killers. Bubba, theoretically, was fine. It's just that the required skill to play Bubba decently was so incredibly high that most killers considered him the worst killer pre-buff. So they buffed Bubba to a point where its practically impossible to dodge his chainsaw if the killer is decent at predicting. And they have been working on that quite some time. Yet they havent even touched Spirit, even though the exact opposite argument can be made: too little skill is required to use her.

    I wouldnt say they side with any side in general. Killers, on average, are in a healthy state. Survivors, on average, are not. They either are too weak or require communication to defeat some killers. Not have the option to use communication to counter some killers, no, REQUIRE communication. They have balanced some killers around SWF so much that solo survivors do not stand a chance to enjoy the game. Which is why you see SWF more and more often, and solo survivors less and less often. So, untill solo survivors get buffed, I'd say killer mains have no rights to claim the BHVR devs are survivor sided. They put more thought into killers than into survivors as a whole already. The fact that every single killer in the game is viable against strong survivors would be proof of that. Some have an easy time running the most awful killer perks, others need super strong perks, but they are viable. Survivors? They pretty much are forced to run very strong perks if they want to last longer than 50 seconds in the match sometimes. There are very few survivor perks that, against current killers, can be considered viable. Why do you think you see DS so often. Because its a strong perk or because its literally the only way to not be removed from the game? And ofcourse people abuse it, just as people abuse iri heads and ebonies. That argument is moot. If something can be used to someone's advantage to ruin someone elses game, someone, somewhere, would use it that way.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    honestly i think once you click ready no matter what side you're on you can't change anything and instead of an intermediaray lobby it goes right into the match once 4 survivors are paired with one killer. why not?

  • Member Posts: 477

    I don't see why people are upset over killer lock. Survivors have no idea who the killer is & they just make their own builds theorizing who they could be up against. Even if I'm like a Hag for example & I end up against a bunch of flashlighters that I can't change my killer on, I just see it as a challenge & play it out. While yes I wouldn't mind a survivor lock as well, I genuinely don't care enough if the devs never implement one. And before anyone goes trying to call me a survivor main, I'm not. I play both equally enough to know that it's really not a big deal.

  • Member Posts: 76

    Because survivors are literally just skins. Any survivor can have any perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,367

    I play both equally too (although a lot of people think I'm a killer main.) Like I said before, it's 4 against 1 so you should be able to change Killer in order to help yourself against certain survivors.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I confirm MM that fixed to certain Killer works

    As rank10 Trapper, I mostly face 4 red rank

    But I just bought Stranger things, when play as Demo, I only face 4 Purple rank. And now I dropped to rank13

  • Member Posts: 120

    i played of deathslinger for the first time, and there were a combination of tollboxes and meds. and i had my main legion decked out for this kinda thing. BUT WHATS THIS? the devs think there..... SMART? look, i don't care to much. but thats because there is already so much bs

  • Member Posts: 393

    Instead of locking survivors, just reset their build to a blank template every time they change. That will end the last second switching.

  • Member Posts: 2,171

    I agree, but mostly just because now you can't switch to Myers for 'Daddy Myers', Ghostface when ya bump into 'ChokeMeGhostface', Amanda when one sees 'Booper of Snoots', or Legion when you meet 'Joey's Knife Holder'.

    Also the MMR (rn at least) is wack, so it's not like we've gotten anything beneficial to balance out the loss of memeiness.

  • Member Posts: 442

    Locking survivors would make more sense if you could only spend Dwight points on Dwight. Otherwise the argument is that i chose a skin with less perks and then switched in lobby. You gain no advantage by doing so.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    Its ridiculous how much killers are entitled to their cherry picking.

  • Member Posts: 415

    This wouldnt do anything as all survivors are mechanically the same. Like all my survivors have all the perks level 3 so even if they locked us in the same character i would still be able to change perks ect.

    As to where a killer has a specific power.

    None the less i see both sides of the argument.

  • Member Posts: 347

    I just played the Hag.. I am pretty sure I haven't played her in like 6 months... Still matchmaked with great survivors that can be matched with my best killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,171

    You don't have to tell me; I got 3 Red Ranks that all went down in the same 30 meter area before the 4th gen and collectively used one pallet.

    I was playing Doctor, an M1 Killer, too.

    Like, I thought MMR existed specifically to PREVENT me from facing Megheads that Sprint Burst into a wall just because they're Red Ranks too.

  • Member Posts: 1,367

    I'm a Rank 6 Survivor and was getting matched with Rank 1 survivors against RANK 20 Killer. I felt really bad. When I play Killer (I'm around Rank 8 I think), I also get matched with Rank 13 who I destroy immediately. This new system isn't working well at all.

  • Member Posts: 25

    At the risk of necroing this thread.. though it better then starting a new one?

    I have heard that they ditched the killer based "match making".. not that it ever seemed to work and I have both a new killer and killers I am terrible at match to red/purple SWFs.... so why are we still locked in??

  • Member Posts: 510

    I get it but what's to stop Survivors from switching to their highest MMR characters. I have had loads of games where someone would switch to a character with either a flashlight or a key last second. My game last night had all four survivors do it at the last second each one brought in a key. If Killers are to be held to that standard than so should Survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    I really don't enjoy the locked killer the amount of tapps that have gone untested makes me very sad! They are beautiful rare creatures to see!!

    And I'm like OK legion daily... Join and a wild tapp appears!! 🐷😭

  • Member Posts: 1,367

    I am honored that you chose to necro my thread lol. But my point still stands, it wasn't a good change.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    How woud u know if they have all perks or none in lobby?

    Also r you implying that you'd only play a game if there's a bunch of baby default neas and won't take on a challenge?

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    always better to necro than start a new one for reasons disclosed in several forum feedback posts. The whole issue stems from there not being a way for the forum to sort by anything but date. It's a bad system to sort feedback, and it's a bad system for preventing bumping threads (which sometimes happens without the user wanting to push the thread to the front).

    The devs have basically said that they don't want to have to release a patch to change killer locking when MMR releases even though locking killers is annoying to many people when there's not active reason behind it other than BHVR not wanting to send out an update just for that. There are plenty of reasons a player might want to switch killers in a lobby, and limiting that often feels like a giant finger from the devs.

  • Member Posts: 742

    And ofc only killer mains are whining about such an irrelevant thing instead of just playing the game.

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