Decisive strike a proper explanation of the problem

vector Member Posts: 227
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

After reding topic about decisive stirke i came to conclusion that some players here dont understand or dont want to understand how this skill ACTALLY works the despite saying they are rank1 killers/survs and so on.

1) A surv is unhooked, then he agressivly runs to unhook teammate and simply jumps in to a locker. (most killers do not tunnel , so checkmate).

2) A surv is unhooked, then he runs to repair a critical gen that at 90% of progress if you come closer he simply jumps in to a locker You have a choice between wating about 20-50 seconds or losing a gen. Even if there was no locker and you put him in to a dying state he can simply crawl away.

3) A surv is unhooked, then he start repairing a nearest gen without trying to hide/leave a place he was hooked . 80 sec takes repairing of one gen, DS has duaration of 60 sec. Most likely there are 2 survs on the gen.

4) A surv is unhooked, he gets heal, he starts playing agressive and risky , he baits you, bodyblock you, he helps his teammates in recovery from dying state etc, you hit him once and he goes in to a locker or he lures you away in to an empty corner. You cant pick him up and you wasted time chasing him.

5) You might do an entire circle round map on billy/oni/nurse find a bucn of guys reparing a gen and suddenly desicive strike comes in to action.

6) Ds when exit gates are open and 20-40 meters away from hook gives free escape.

Those are examples that came to my mind right now. Guess i dont even remember most of ways of using this interesting and balanced perk. In addition it is even hard to remember which one was actually unhooked espesialy if survs run the same characters. You cant even drop body if you picked up it by a mistake.

In short words players use it for agressive playstyle. This perk should be canceled if 1) after unhooking surv reparis a gen for more than 3 sec. 2) surv unhooks other surv.


  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    According to a certain individual, one might even say that he is a representative of the Dev team, that is literally how they want the perk to work. Their term for it is "high-risk plays". Correct me if I'm wrong, but a high-risk play is when there is a high amount of risk involved, which DS REMOVES.

  • JustNxck
    JustNxck Member Posts: 22
    edited August 2020

    or or... get this.. You just hit them and boom they can't repair the gen and they can't unhook someone else. Or hit the guy

    And why are people so scared to pick people who have decisive out of a locker sure it's annoying but it beats watching them in the locker for too long or just ignoring them and letting them get the gen...If you just take em out that 5 sec stun assuming you hit the gen shouldn't be enough for them to walk over there and repair it in time by themselves before you get there.

    That being said a better bandaid fix would be to cancel DS when the survivor is within really close proximity of the killer and goes in a locker..Not just fear radius

    Working on a gen or unhooking teammates shouldn't cancel it..The core issue is the locker..But just simply going in a locker shouldn't be an issue cause a survivor being unhooked but hearing his heartbeat get faster and deciding to hide in a locker is fair game.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    The locker mechanic with DS is fine as it forces killers to pick you up and eat the stun instead of slugging (only for you to Unbreakable away anyway). The problem is survivors using those 60 seconds to make unhooks they shouldn't have made, repair and finish gens that shouldn't have been finished, and get free escapes during EGC (when it's the strongest). That's why people want to add something like repairing or unhooking cancels it out. Removing the locker mechanic means if you get chased after being unhooked, you have no way to guarantee the stun. Making it a useless perk. To me it just seems like you don't have enough experience in the game based on what you said.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    I say just eat the DS. There have been times I hit the guy that just got unhooked as I came around a corner. I don't like tunneling, so I usually leave them on the ground. If there's an obsession, I'll pick them up and then drop them, just in case of DS. I don't mind DS, except at the exit gate.

  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227


  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227


  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    Okay ill explain why i think your reasons are bs in my opinion.

    1. Okay so here you have 2 people hooked ( one recently unhooked for DS) so one guy made the save which means 2 survivors are at the hook one is hooked and one guy is on the gen.

    You see the guy with ds running for the save, he hops in a locker you pull him out. He hits the ds and stuns you, still only 1 guy on gens as now you continue the chase with ds guy for your easy hook and someone has to make the next save.

    If he misses the DS easy second hook and perk slot wasted.

    You Still have great map pressure even with eating a DS and you could simply repeat this process and you would easily win the game if your good in chases.

    2. If the gen is 90% and you dont have pop or ruin or anything that gen is GONE. smart survivors will just start a new gen if your camping it to hard.

    You create more map pressure by hooking survivors rather than just chasing them off gens. If You never commit to a chase to get the down the gen will eventually get down.

    You eat his DS and then hook him.

    3. You slug the guy with DS and then chase the other survivor. Assuming your good in chase and you down him.

    The guy you slugged either uses his UB which means hes one perk down now or someone came to help which means only 1 survivor is working on a gen.

    Great map pressure. Especially if the survivor you slugged doesnt have UB and the guy who went for the heal doesnt get it off in time. Now you have 1 hooked 1 slugged and chasing the third.

    This could easily snowball into a 4k depending on how long the chase last.

    4. Lets say this survivor gets healed with a beefy med kit and has 50 seconds left of DS.

    If your smart enough to know hes playing to aggressive cause he have DS simply go after someone else. He wants to body block thats fine same thing as another survivor taking a hit.

    How do you get baited? If you know you just hooked him and hes clearly back in chase trying to use his DS on you, why would you change your target.

    Keep chasing the same guy and if you slug the guy with DS in the process then thats just extra map pressure because someone has to come heal him.

    You dont lose that much distance in a chase from someone taking a hit and for sure not enough distance to lose chase, at most make it to another window/pallet.

    If you get baited by switching targets and chasing the guy with DS again then you as the killer have made a misplay.

    No reason to switch targets.

    5. I mean what is this? I mean you would clearly know the last person you hooked.

    If you make a big circle around the map and run back into a group of survivors that obviously just double healed the guy with DS.

    You would clearly have multiple targets to chase to avoid DS.

    Unless its a full team of blendys or something this should be an issue, even if your a god tier billy nurse and can down everybody hella quick and then get his by DS.

    So what your a god if you have 3 people downed or hooked and you get hit by a DS your straight.

    6. Number 6 is legit OP. This needs to be fixed as there is absolutely no counter play to this.

    DS should deactivate when you pass the exit gates.

    Granted these are all just my opinions and what i would do in each of these situations.

    I have 1200 hours and play both survivors and killer at rank 1 on xbox.