Why is playing selfishly frowned upon?

Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

My objective is to survive, and not break my back carrying worthless teammates. Im not going to farm you and Im not going to sandbag you intentionally. But Im not going to just give you points.

If I find a totem first, Im cleansing it. If I beat you to a chest, Ill search it and take the item. If I get to your item forcibly dropped by Franklins before you, I will take it with a smile. I will happily steal a safe unhook from you. I will open the gates, start the EGC, and promptly leave like Im supposed to. If there is a situation where I can pass off a killers aggro to you, I will.

Im sorry, but this new MM has made solo so unbearable, that I only care about my own survival now. All my teammates are just temporary 30 second distractions for the killer so I can get breathing room to finish gens.

So I dont care about the salt in the EGC. I survived. You didnt. Get over it.


  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Im rank 3 but ok. I try not to take this game seriously, but considering how bad matchmaking is, its infuriating

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    Why are you citing rank? Rank hasn’t mattered for 4 years

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Ooh, dont put me in your reddit cringe compilation. Maybe youll get 2 upvotes if youre lucky

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Sandbagging is bodyblocking a survivor so that the killer hits them.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    And? Like I said. I dont play for a team. I play for me

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Yes. I'm mainly arguing that you can't claim not to sandbag when you admit to ######### over your team.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Not to be that guy but don't you think you are making it worse for other solo survivors? I play solo most of the time and if you do that to me, I will gladly sandbag you.

    I think you depend too much on your teammates, just run kindred and or/ bond so it will be less sufferable

  • Skelemania
    Skelemania Member Posts: 227

    My objective is usually to try to get four stacks of WGLF, get as many BP as possible & finish any quests - tome or daily - that I have. Surviving comes second to all of that, despite getting the 5k for leaving.

    So for me, the rank of my teammates & whatnot doesn't matter. So maybe that's why the new MMR system isn't a big deal to me. I just don't care. I am playing the same pretty much every game anyway. Find a totem to break to turn on my Inner Strength. Or find any Hex totems if there is on. Get my stacks. Do the gens.

    If I die, whomp, queue again, try again. It's not that big of a deal. Second game of the day today I got killed with a Mori. Who cares? Just queue again. What am I going to downrank? Again, doesn't matter... who cares?

    BP farming simulator. Just focus on getting BP.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    If youre on a gen and I just so happen to run by, how is it my fault that the killer changes targets?

    And concerning Franklins, if you arent around, Im taking it. Im not a monster yknow. If you are there to witness me take it, or its close to you on a hook, Ill just bring it to you or leave it on the ground for you to have.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    And why should I try to help a team that doesnt support me and leaves me to die?

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Not actively. I dont go into a match ready to ruin the experience for somebody. I place my survival above everyone elses.

    And I wasnt aware that there was an arguement.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Yep. Im an ######### not going to disprove that. Nice of you to assume that Im lonely because we disagree. What does that say about you hmmm? I came to vent yes. You and your opinion, mean jack ######### to me.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 957

    "You and your opinion mean jack (gotta type a cuss word, like it makes it more with feeling) to me" <- and your opinion means something to the rest of us in the forums? And yet you are the one using the forums like a entry in your diary. ✌

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 957

    Moving on 😊 have a ..day

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    I don't think it's wrong but I rather someone try not to be that way until two survivors left or everything seems fruitless. If it happens at the beginning, then whatever. Personally, I'll feel guilty in leaving someone behind. Unless they wronged me.

    That's how i feel. I ain't gonna message them and waste my time. The match is done and over.

  • Zaonhort
    Zaonhort Member Posts: 101

    I play as a teammate as much as I can. There are of course situations where it's dumb to help like a face camping killer with noed can be a death sentence unless someone has BT (even then it's super risky). Solo I'll sometimes leave right away if I did a bunch of altruism already/ Especially if no one is injured or on hook, no point sticking around, just move on.

  • HarleyQuinn
    HarleyQuinn Member Posts: 247

    Being selfish isn’t a good thing. Not in real life, not online. I will always leave selfish teammates to die. I will also leave them to die if they’re toxic towards their own team (sandbagging & such). But otherwise it’s beneficial to be a team player.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    Tbh, the rift, as survivor makes you play sub-optimally anyway. "hide for 60 seconds within 10m of the killer without being spotted in a single trial" lel yeah no thanks.

    Just had a game with a 3man swf that tried to get me killed because i wouldn't immediately hook rush, while none of them were doing gens. I had the most pts the whole game and i escaped.

    I will save if its convenient and i'm not going to get one shot. Or if i use spine chill and when i go to unhook, it would end in a farm/tunnel/insta down. I mean, if you're injured and im in the area to take a hit, sure. But i'm in this to get points, not die 10 seconds into the game bc folks wanna run around and be stupid lol

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 627

    Your the exact type of teammate that ruins solo queue for everyone else.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    @MandyTalk please close this. Had an hour long session of bad games and got heated.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    The ironic part is, on average you'll do far better by not being selfish, because individual survivors are hilariously weak, and are only a threat to the killer's objective when focused, and find focusing easier when they can rely on each other. Stealing someone's item or intentionally being a dick just means they'll happily do the same to you. So now you've fractured your side and massively decreased the chances of you winning for no reason except that you're an idiot.

    Yes, we all get matched up with poor players from time to time, but if you've got that "I'm the lone cool dude who doesn't need a team," they made an option for you, it's called the killer.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    As someone who mainly plays solo and killer, I've got to the point where I'm no longer sympathetic for my fellow survivor players. I sometimes wonder if some randoms are worth helping or they're more helpful to the team when they're being carried to the hook by the killer.

    Although I'll still an altruistic player, because whilst there's an individual pipping system for each player, when you're playing survivor you're playing in a team (even if you're solo).

    The Criteria whether the killer wins or the survivor team wins is:

    4k: Killer wins

    3K: Killer wins

    2k: draw

    1k: survivor team wins

    All four escape: survivor team wins

    If the killer chases me for the majority of the game, but I get facecamped at the end and the three other survivors escape, then I class that as a win for me. If I escape through the hatch whilst my team mates got sacrifice, the killer still won.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Because you’re playing selfish.....?? It should be pretty self explanatory why people would dislike this in a team based game.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    @PrincessPoop except steal other's item from Franklin and not willing to give back. I find other isnt a bad thing.

    Chest, hook, totems, who find first, they have the right to get it.

    If u already have 2 hook and in chase, its totally ok to get Killer to another survivor, u're a survivor, do anything so u can live. But if u're no hook and lead Killer to last hook survivor, then its selfish

    EGC, job is done, either leave or stay for another survivor, its their choice. But for me, I will stay help if someone on hook (and I know there is a chance to help them), if no one on hook, I just leave.

    I had a game where survivor1 is dead, survivor2 on hook in basement and Killer camp (5Gen done), survivor3 told me to help the survivor2. I know there was no chance, but I just go. In the end, survivor3 on hook, survivor2 got down again and no DS, I just leave.

    I was rank17, survivor3 rank3 and super salty about camping (which Killer should do at that time). I had 4k more BP than rank3 and a pip.

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