Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

New matchmaking is not consistently balanced!

For survivor, it tends to put you vs killer that similar to your skill but teammates are horrible.

For killer, for 2 months not playing killers, it puts me against really good teams. Insufficient data?

Sometimes it isn't balanced at all.


  • MalEducado
    MalEducado Member Posts: 139

    What now !!!!

  • Stormhaven13
    Stormhaven13 Member Posts: 48

    I mean. It's been out for less than a day. Give it time to both gather enough data and so you have enough data to see if that's accurate or just bad luck.

  • Ebisek
    Ebisek Member Posts: 106

    What kind of data they want? Like killers on 15+ rank still waiting 10 minutes for lobby and get rank 2 survivors.

    That me on rank 4 gets rank 1 killers and three rank 17 potatoes? :)

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Just saying twice tonight my swf faced a rank 20 killer with only 1 perk. I don't think the mmr is working properly.

  • jmos
    jmos Member Posts: 5

    I agree. Even before the new system roll out, when previously matched with "lower" ranked players, the likelihood of surviving a trial is lower and dying on first hook is greater. These players don't seem to understand game play as well.. tending to not go for saves etc. will search chests and run around, and it becomes frustrating to play with such imbalance.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299

    before the released it they say it was already added for a week but wasn't use for MM just to gather data how much data does it need?

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    I’m always consistently rank 1 on both sides, the new MMR is pairing me with loads of 17-20 opponents that are CLEARLY new to the game based on their playstyle; not very fun for them to just get annihilated if I’m killer...

    After looping a killer all game I just get face camped. I ran a rookie Billy for 9:34 seconds, only 2 gens popped...#########!?

  • Stormhaven13
    Stormhaven13 Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2020

    First of all, the devs made a good point that rank does not necessarily corallate with skill. I'm very good but rarely get above rank 12 because I don't play that often. Someone who is average can get to a very high rank just by playing a lot. It was never an effective matchmaking mechanic, and they have specifically said that you will see more variation of ranks in your lobbies now.

    Secondly, it has been out for less than a day. Generally, to get a feel for matchmaking, a system will need a ton of data, which means that the first few days, maybe even weeks depending on the complexity of the system, won't be perfect.

    Thirdly, just because that is what you are seeing on the first day does not mean it is an accurate view of the system as a whole. There are going to be outliers on all this stuff, that doesn't mean the system isn't working.

    Finally, the fact that it is the first day means that there very well could be bugs to work out, so do please keep reporting them. But maybe don't just assume the whole system is broken because of a few games that were bad. If most people are having that experience for a few days, then go for it.

    EDIT: Fixed a spelling mistake, sorry!

  • Stormhaven13
    Stormhaven13 Member Posts: 48

    It's hard to know from our side, they've told us so little about what exactly is being tracked, it's very hard to predict exactly how much time we'll need. I'd give it at least a week, personally, I'm going to give it a few before I get worried. They're not likely to get it right on the first try anyway.

    Hmmm that's definitely weird. Happens occasionally though, so could just be an anomaly? I've been playing all day and haven't noticed anything too out of the ordinary. Were you playing much over the last week?

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    It was added in the background for a few months not even a week.

  • cyniChris
    cyniChris Member Posts: 207

    If they've been tracking data for the last few weeks/months, it's definitely not showing. I'm a rank 1 Hag main who was getting 4Ks in 80-85% of my matches before the change, and it's putting me against rank 20s. I know they're not using rank to determine matchmaking, and that after a while rank doesn't matter, but I am facing very obviously new and inexperienced players and I'm absolutely destroying them within the first 2-3 minutes.

    This isn't fun. I want competitive (ie; where I have to work for my kills and where survivors actually stand a decent chance of escaping) matches, and that's what the new MMR system promised. It hasn't delivered so far, and I have my doubts as to whether it ever will. And the funny thing is, I was getting some competitive matches before.

    Also, the queue times are worse! What the hell?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299
  • anphex
    anphex Member Posts: 7

    I just want to throw my chips in too as a survivor main. I am rank 6, Claudette as main and consider myself a commited casual but this new matchmaking feels off.

    Before I never had an issue with the matchmaking. Of course when you start fresh on a new season like everyone else ranks may be inaccurate at the beginning but normally it balances out after a few days of playing. So when I queued as Rank 6-7, I knew I would get similar team mates who knew the meta more or less and games were fun.

    With the new system now I had 4 games, all of which I was paired with low rank survivors and mixed killers. Sometimes a few high rank survivors too. In all of the games at least one of the survivors behaved noticebly like a newbie, making bad decision you would have made too at 0-20 hours playtime. As I understood, there was implemented some data magic and maybe drawn some too straight conclusions, but for me it just is less fun this way. Have you ever played Texas HoldEm against complete beginners? That's how every match feels. You can't rely on the survivors as you could with the old system in the higher ranks.

    Please bring back the old ones or implement a matchmaking that adjusts the survivor ranks.

    Writing this now a thought came to my mind: Maybe the Devs actually don't want the survivors to have meta team work?

  • Stormhaven13
    Stormhaven13 Member Posts: 48

    I don't mean to try and invalidate your experience, because if that's your experience, it is what it is. But many, many people have been complaining about the current matchmaking system for years. Maybe give it more than a day before completely condemning the new system before they've even given us any details on how it works, especially if you've only played 4 games with it, which is not enough to be drawing sweeping conclusions.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    I think the idea is that, if they've been collecting data for weeks/ months, a good amount of that calculation should already be done.

  • Stormhaven13
    Stormhaven13 Member Posts: 48

    I get that, but given everything I've seen I'm not sure how much they've actually done honestly, and I'm not sure how much the people who are complaining played during that time, because I can't be for obvious reasons. They've put out so little information on the new system its hard to judge any of this, which is why we have to give it a little time to see how often this stuff happens.

    I played all day yesterday, and didn't have any of what others are seeing happen. Doesn't mean it isn't happening, it obviously is. It's valid feedback, they might need to tweak exactly how new players get into the system, but calling for the whole system to be reverted after playing less than half a dozen games is not helpful for anyone. That's not how data collection and analysis works, you can't know the whole system is broken from that little data.

  • PeenutsButt3r
    PeenutsButt3r Member Posts: 695

    So how is the matchmaking after all that time? I wouldn't surprise if people still complain