Killer Idea: Cell (from Dragon Ball Z)

2 things I want to get straight:

1) I don't do super detailed killer concepts, so forgive me.

2) This will be the first form aka Imperfect Cell, since it is way more fitting for a horror game than his other 2 forms.

For those of you who have never heard of this creature, he is actually an biological android with prominent bug-like features. He can physically absorb an entire person (skin, bone, and all) by stabbing them with his tail. He is fast, agile, and stealthy. He can fire ki blasts and other stuff, but I'm trying to go for a more grounded, almost realistic Cell.

Here is a picture of him:

Dead by Daylight is not an anime, so he cannot look like that in-game. Instead, the developers would go for a design that is closer to this (not my art):

I like the idea of him being fast, but not to the point of being overpowered. Obviously he'd be a 115% movement speed killer, but I think some extra speed is needed. One of his abilities should be a dash that is similar to Hillbilly's dash, but without the extra function of damaging survivors. He would have a small cooldown from coming out of his dash, meaning you won't be able to M1 immediately out of dash, so that he isn't just a better Spirit or Oni. His dash should also use up a meter that needs to recharge, so that he can't spam it in like an exit gate patrol scenario.

Him having only the dash makes him a bit basic, and he should also make use of his tail. A secondary ability of his would be to stab and 'suck' a downed survivor with his tail to charge up his next gen kick. His next gen kick will do an extra (5?, 10?, 15?) percent regression to the gen. This animation should take a second or two, similar to Pig putting on a Head Trap. Once he charges up this stronger kick from sucking on a downed survivor, he cannot suck on another downed survivor until he does the kick, so no fear of OP gen regression stacking. Pop will also not stack with it; However much a Pop kick regresses the gen, that's the max. To make sure a survivor isn't farmed for this stronger kick, a survivor cannot be sucked on again until they've been hooked. So the most optimal use of a survivor with this ability is to down/suck > first hook > down/suck > second hook > down/suck > death hook.

His mori should be pretty obvious to my fellow DBZ fans: Getting absorbed completely through his tail.

His add-ons should be pretty easy to come up with. Faster dashes, quicker recharge, quicker suck animation, 2-5% extra regression from the strong kick, etc. Maybe his iridescent add-on would be that the dash does do damage on impact.

Sounds, looks, and cosmetics for him are completely up to the devs and whoever they'd be partnered with to make Cell come to DBD. Same with music, map design, the accompanying survivor (I have no idea what DBZ character it would be) if any.

If this does happen one day, I hope the devs do their research (aka watching the Cell Saga) and take game balance into account to bring my dream DLC killer to life. It was fun thinking all this up, and I hope you had fun reading this. So what do you think?


  • jack321
    jack321 Member Posts: 28

    You shouldn’t need to be told that cell won’t fit in a horror game.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Any villain from DBZ onward would have to be so neutered they'd no longer feel like themselves. This is a hard no from me, despite how much I love DBZ.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    He definitely would. In his Imperfect Form he's essentially a walking horror film; at one point you can literally see the souls of the people he absorbed because he uses that to fuel his power.

    Thing is, he's too overpowered compared to, well, humans. He'd either be completely broken compared to other killers or pathetically weak compared to the source material.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    Well Cell at one point of his evolution surely had a powerlevel low enough to fit the version of him which you described. After all he had to absorb countless people to become the threat he was. Of course there's also the explanation that the Entity simply felt like limiting his powers to give survivors a chance and thus hope.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    Holy ######### is a real suggestion? I don't think i've laughed so hard at a post ever. I ######### love DBZ tho

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    No please.. PLEASEE

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Sure, when he was a fetus-like creature. Other than that, he was born much more powerful than any normal human.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    I just wonder who even would be the survivor in such a chapter, I don't think any of the z-fighters would fit in there.

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    no he's a super villain at that point.

    horror isn't about how "powerful they are" they are about how much fear and terror they instill, villains bring fear sure, but not personal "your fingers would look good on my wall" sort of fear.

    Myers for example is an excellent example of a horror killer because he is obsessed, dangerous yet realistically human, the kind of realistic human you get scared by because a stalker could be watching... you. right. now.

    Freddy is terror because you cannot escape from him, sure you can stall by staying awake, and sure he cant hurt you while your awake, but we all sleep, we have to sleep eventually, even quentin learns this, the inescapable terror that is Freddy is he WILL get you eventually because you cant avoid his method of torture forever.

    Ghostface is sheer terror that he's a skilled and ruthless stalker who loves making a big story on the papers, so he watches, evaluates and calculates the best way to kill a person before he just goes and does it, he plans it all right down to how messy he does or does not want it to be.

    Cell is a super villain, sure he's "scary" in a sense but on a personal and realistic level? he's as scary as Eggman or Thanos, they are far to imaginary to be a horror genre because you cannot relate to it.

    next time you walk outside in the dark, think about how many eyes could be watching you, maybe one of those set of eyes has a personal taste for your hair? maybe they'd just LOVE to get up close and personal with your hair... maybe they even want to try it on... even if they have to skin it from you. that small bit of "what if?" or that chilling thought of that being possible? thats fear.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Horror doesn't have to be realistic at all. The Thing is horror, yet such a being is completely outlandish. Freddy is completely unrealistic as well.

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    unrealistic? sure, but they still play on fears that people realistically have.

    some people have fears of sharks, especially if they became intelligent or learned to walk on land. unrealistic? sure is but its still a realistic fear for the person, stuff that forms in childhood, an intelligent or more aware human being fears more realistic things, someone with less intelligence or awareness of the world fear less realistic things.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    sure is but its still a realistic fear for the person, stuff that forms in childhood

    There we go, it's relative to the person, so your claim that X is horror but Y isn't because the former is realistic and the latter isn't has been blown out of the water.

    I don't buy your conjecture that it has something to do with intelligence or "awareness of the world" since you claim Freddy is horror when even a cursory glance at scientific literature on dreams will tell you why it's 100% unrealistic, but that's a conversation for another time.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675


    Dubs, subs, it's all good as long as we all know which character we're talking about.