If survivors abuse the games mechanics, the killers can too.

Erk Member Posts: 230

What I mean by this is simple, lets say someone gets unhooked and they have BT and they just run at you because they have BT, that's not the intended use for the perk. Borrowed Time is an anti-camping perk but if the survivor abuses that and just runs at me, I can abuse the games mechanics too.

If a survivor gets unhooked and has DS and repairs a gen in my face, thats not the intended use for the perk. Decisive Strike is an anti-tunneling perk but if the survivor abuses it and repairs a gen infront of me, I can abuse the games mechanics too.

I can camp, its not the way the devs want me to play the game, yes, but they abused the games mechanics. Why shouldn't I ?

I can tunnel even tho its not how the devs want me to play the game but I will.

Don't bring up the "What about having fun ?" argument since what makes killer fun is killing survivors, so I'll just kill them. I was trying to be a nice person, a non-camping, non-tunneling, playing fair killer but if the survivors abuse the fact that I have morals and want that they have fun too, I will make it only fun for me.


  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    Players will abuse game mechanics that can be abused regardless of game.

  • Erk
    Erk Member Posts: 230
  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    I still bring up the  "What about having fun?" argument, since this is the reason why I play a game - to have fun.

    If you have fun to stand in front of a hooked survivor and watch them die while gens pop around you or tunnel someone to death, you can do it. I just think playing like this is hella boring and rather want good chases. (I play both roles equally, both in red ranks btw)

    If perks like BT getting abused, I try to make use out of it. If someone with BT runs at me, I just hit them (if it's early game to make them mend) and go for the unhooker or I just wait it out (pretend to go for the unhooker while the person with BT tries to block me - if BT is running out, I'll down the unhooked one instead).

    If a survivor with DS sits on a gen in my face I just down them and eat the DS if it's early game to get rid of it or slug them til it runs out in endgame.

    Same for flashlights. If someone clicks at you and want to be chased, just ignore them and go for someone else. They'll often follow you instead of doing gens. You can often bait the flashlight safe to get free hits on them.

    Tbh I rather go against a "bully" squad where I can take advanage of in some scenarios than against 4 Blendettes just rushing gens. I had a game a few days ago against a 4 man SWF where all 4 run me around the shack, trying stupid things with head on and flashlights and at first I thought it will be a terrible match, but this was one of the most fun game I've had for a long time. They were all running around for good chases, literally nobody did a gen and I got a 3k and gave the last one hatch. Also turned out they were really nice people in the chat. This was way more entertaining than 3 gens poping at the same time when you get your first hook.

    As killer I also play to have fun. But I'm having fun by just playing normally - but tbh I also don't really care about kills or pips. I just play the game and sometimes even try stupid things, that also kinde cost me kills. But I also noticed when I play just for fun, most survivors just join in. Yesterday I had a game as Piggy and I noticed pretty early that I was going against a really skilled group that were far above my skill level. So istead of swaeting for kills, I just tried out stupid #########, testing my ability with the dash and so on, just having a little fun myself. They noticed it pretty quickly and just joined in to try stupid things in the game. It wasn't a farming round or anyting, just everyone having fun for a few minutes and booping snoots. In the end, 2 of them even sacrificed themself on endgame in the exit gate to give me more points.

    I really enjoy rounds like that, but I also don't take this game serious at all. maybe that's why.

    If you want to stand in front of hooks, have fun with that I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    ^ this.

    The amount of killers I've seen say they're allowed to do this and that and then turn around to complain about what survivors do is just sad. Survivors do as they do because of these killer playstyles (usually)...

    Not saying you're not allowed to play how you please but like it sounds like you're complaining about what survivors do when you don't want them to complain about how you play, Erk. So just like... don't? and idk... no need to even bring this whole thing up?

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I don't stop being nice. Only positivety causes positivety.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Only if the other party is acting in good faith. Otherwise, you get ######### treating you like a doormat because not only are you gonna put up with it, you're gonna reward them for it.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I have to admit, i stop playing nice against OoO users and very toxic players in general. But against a bunch of solos? Hey, i get my hooks, let them so challenges ans escape.

  • MomoMoon
    MomoMoon Member Posts: 40

    Lol "abuse"

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    I mean, yeah? As long as you're not "abusing" something that isn't working as intended AND implemented there's no issue. And by that I don't mean stuff like using DS aggressively instead of defensively by that I mean stuff like the Wake Up bug and Legion Blades bug when they were around.

    And from what you're saying you avoid the other "sin" when it comes to playing "dirty" too - being a hypocrite. Nothing is worse than someone doing something commonly considered dirty/toxic/whatever that then starts absolutely seething when their opponent(s) do the same thing in return.

  • ClawsOfHell
    ClawsOfHell Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2020

    Don't play toxic just because people are toxic to you but punish them if you know a survivors it's running at you because they have BT and DS just wait the BT and down him and let the DS run out and, don't tunnel people just because they are click click with flashlight most of the times thoose people want you attetion because they are good looper or just because they have broken perks that suport their lack of skill like DH for brain dead plays so you probrably gonna loose because you're chasing the wrong guy.

    As a killer you should not have fun JUST when you kill people you have to have fun playing and doing great plays and stuff like that as i huntress i love when i play a good match when i can snipe people and wins loops that they think they are safe even if i loose because sometimes you do so well but still loose because how unbalanced the game is i'm still having fun and this make less frustrating playing killer when you have to deal with toxic people.

    I'm not saying play fair always NO if you know they are toxic you should play smart and malicious "Oh you know that when you leave the hook 5s later someone rescue?" great hook, leave and go back immediately and punish them but just do that when is necessary sometimes killers tunnel me just because i'm good looper but they should not stay in a chase if takes to long i was playing against a spirit and i use two times sprint burst in the same chase(Vigill btw) and she camped me and said "toxic" and i was afk for the first hook but she got so mad just because i did my "job" this it's a example of punishment without necessity.

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    Once again, justifying your own actions so much... You don't really seem comfortable with your own decisions, and your morals. And someone's morals are judged by their ability to almost never derive from them.

    For me, camping is characterized by the deterrent effect, which prevents the survivor from being unhooked. We talk about tunneling once the survivor is off the hook. Borrowed Time is not an anti-camping perk, it's an anti-tunneling perk, it just depends on another survivor.

    When a Survivor is unhooked while you're nearby, and that Survivor walks towards you, you may think for a moment and suspect that he has the effect of Borrowed Time, and decide not to hit him. Same goes for DS, all it takes is a little memory and thinking: hit it, it's always less generator repair, and wasted time for the survivors.

    Normally, you are only allowed one mistake each time. If you decide to hit a survivor with the Borrowed Time effect, you have to remember who has the perk, and don't hit again in the future and take the opportunity to hit the other survivor. Same thing for DS (and it is therefore better to eat a DS in the early game, rather than be surprised once the exit doors open...).

    I have no problem with "tunneling" as long as the survivors have enough tools to deal with it. It becomes more questionable when a killer decides to ignore all of the other survivors (although that would have been a better decision, strategy not to ignore them), only to interact with one survivor. This is partly the problem with camping as well.

    From memory, I see only one perk actually acting on the camping. It's Camaraderie, and it's really useless.

    Finally, it is a little strange that these perks comfort you in behaviors / strategies when their goal is precisely to prevent that. If something bothers you about these perks, denounce it, but don't act in a way that specifically justifies the existence and effectiveness of these perks... DS is pretty debated right now, if that can give you any reassurance, a change is predictable.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    That isn't really wrong either

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936
    edited August 2020

    That's not really "abusing the game mechanics" but yeah, you should play however you want. Nobody really cares about the other side's enjoyment anymore so you shouldn't care that much either. This doesn't mean you should camp every survivor or anything like that but don't be afraid to play a bit dirty to win.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    I completely agree w this statement. Camping and tunnelling doesn't need justification.

    I never get mad at a killer for camping. I just work on gens. But I would like to get mad at the survivor for killing himself on purpose instead of buying time for the rest of us to finish gens.

  • Erk
    Erk Member Posts: 230

    I don't mean staring at someone, I mean patrolling the hook aggresively (if thats what you call it), standing in front of a hook is really boring.

    In a normal match I don't tunnel, camp or do any of that. If the other team is actively ruining my fun, I'll ruin theirs too.

    By "abuse" I mean using something not in its intended way.

    If the other side can play dirty, I will too. In a match where everyone is respectful to each other, I will be a fair playing killer. This is not hypocrisy. This is basically "giving them a taste of their own medicine".

    Well, I'm a Clown main. I don't care about clicky btw, why do people think that ? Thats not abusing a games mechanics, thats actually nothing !

    I can't punish a toxic and decent SWF team while playing fair, I need to do some dirty stuff if I want to compete with them.

    I can rant about these perks all day but I don't think thats very original, is it ? In this post what I'm trying to say is simple, if the other side uses something not its intended way I, too, can use something not its intended way.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    lol none of what you said makes sense because none of those example are abusing mechanics.

    That's exactly what should be done with BT, especially if the gates are open. BT allows you to take an extra hit, so that's what you use it for.

    DS allows you to not be back on the hook for 60 seconds. Idk why killers have it in their mind that survivors can't choose to do what they want with those 60 seconds. They can heal up if they want to. They can work on a gen and be one shot when they get found if they want to. They can go break totems. They can jump in and out of lockers.

    Killers swear up and down that survivors have a rule book for how killers should play and then pretend that they don't have one themselves for how survivors should play.

  • Erk
    Erk Member Posts: 230

    Ok. If you think that BT is there so that you can take an extra hit and not an anti-camping perk, go ahead man. I have nothing to tell you.

  • Erk
    Erk Member Posts: 230

    By the way, if the survivors can "choose what they want to do" then I can choose to tunnel them !

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986
  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Do as you may. Screw what others think, you bought the game, you play how you want

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    So if everyone starts dc because he dont like the killer is it ok?

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2020

    Why would you give those twits anything? I would have 4k then casually said "GGWP" in chat then stayed a few seconds to see if I p*ssed any of them off so I could report them for toxicity in the endgame chat.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    The perk is a perk, it is not forever, i dont really understand why killers complain about DS its like 1 minute, and if they pop in a locker you can just wait or if he is doing gens in your front of you, you dont need to grab him like a bot or pick him in 1 second you can go pop the gen see if anyone is near the survival for flashlight save adn this will take likw 20 seconds and the ds will be over, and bt for bodyblock its a perk and durate for five seconds and if you are nearby you or probably camping or the survival is jsut dumb, you are basically saying that is toxic the survival use his perks to advantage, oooh the killers cant wait to the least gen pop to use noed and kill the guy in just one hit, this is not being toxic its just you cryng and trying to find a way to justify why are you camping, if this is happening to much if you, try to learn and conter this

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Actually, camping is explicitly intended by the devs.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Uh, just a quick little correction: the Devs actually do want you to camp and tunnel. Not in a malicious way, just in that they consider it a (relatively) fair tactic.

    They also consider aggressive use of anti-tunnel perks to be fair, though, so maybe we should take them a little less seriously.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    Why shouldn't I?

    If the survivors make the game fun for me and aren't even playing seious, it's a good reason for me to give the hatch to the last one. In those examples I named I had pretty fun rounds. Not all survivors are toxic and sweaty, and I want to give something back to those who make the game fun for both sides. If they don't play serious, I also chill a bit.

    It's another story with OoO SWF groups, where 2 try to bully me and the other 2 stealth around and rush gens. They give a damn about my game experience and just want to be toxic. I'd not give anything to them.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Abuse at your will, there is really not a point to play fair since there will always be someone who will think you played toxic, there is no honor code anymore so just play for YOUR fun and nothing else, from my experience survivors don't care about my fun as a killer why should I care for theirs? I tried to be nice for like 1 year and I still get hate from the opposite side.

  • Erk
    Erk Member Posts: 230

    You can't "pop a gen" if someone is working on it. You can't interact with it. You can't lunge at the survivor, the game automatically grabs them.

  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    This is the problem with the DBD community. "They can play in a toxic way, that's why I can play like that too". And then it all goes on a slippery slope full off crap.