A list of killer perks and why they're badly designed



  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414


    Here are the results from my last 3 games. All of which had at least 1 person DC during them.

    Game 1: Deathslinger - Shelter Woods - 1 Heal

    Game 2: Freddy - Crotus Asylum - 2 Heals

    Game 3: Huntress - Badham Pre-School - 4 Heals

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Forced penance is fairly decent on legion IMO, I have gotten quite a lot of people broken with it due to how easy it is to hit them. Though, it may be a waste of a perk slot due to the fact that they already have an add-on that does the work forced penance does even better.

  • CL_Crusader
    CL_Crusader Member Posts: 13

    Most of the perks you named here don't deserve a Nerf or buff because they're already powerful enough to work with other perks as it is. The game is supposed to be equally challenging for both sides and I play both sides. Fire up, remember me, and bloodhound don't need a Nerf and neither does zenshin tactics. But perks that could use a buff are thrilling tremors, trail of torment, and dead man's switch

  • TheEntitysRightHand
    TheEntitysRightHand Member Posts: 25

    I don't understand why iron maiden is even up there. The two killers you mentioned don't even benefit from it but bubba,Billy and nurse all do benefit from iron maiden. It's meta on nurse. At least I see good nurses with this perk all the time. The other two have it as a good filler perk. I personally run iron maiden on all three of these killers.

  • DBdude55
    DBdude55 Member Posts: 26

    Yeas these perks ars bad on there own but perks like overwhelming presence and huntress lullaby synergize with other perks and can make some of the best builds

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    This post wasn't about buffing or nefing perks. But about why certain perks are designed poorly.

    I scarcely mentioned how to change them except if the change was obvious.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    There is not a single viable build in the game that includes the perks you just mentioned.

    They're awful and their uses range from niche, to completely useless.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    You must be new.

    IM cuts down on Huntress's reload time by half. This also stacks with her reloading add-on, allowing her to reload in less than a second.

    A common tactic against Doctor is to hide in lockers when he begins charging his static blast. But IM reveals the survivor after they exit the locker, giving the Doctor more map knowledge and making it harder to avoid him.

    Saying stuff like "it's meta on Nurse" kind of gives away your inexperience with the game.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    You'd think that be high priority wouldn't it?

    Or at the very least on the back burner as new content is added. But it seems that most perks are just left untouched despite how badly they are designed.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Legion can force that perk too, since they can force protection hits in frenzy far more often than many realize. : D

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Legion can force the proc but doesn't get as much value out of it compared the other Killers I listed.

    He doesn't synergize with anti-heal since his power gets max value on healthy Survivors. So you want anti-injured perks not anti-healing perks.

  • extonjonas
    extonjonas Member Posts: 41

    Stopping for a few seconds during a chase is not even close to hard my guy. This perk is awful. It should make it so survivors cant lose exhaustion while working in gens. That would make it incredible. They would have to wait for exhaustion to come back which would signifcantly slow down the game and since they are not likely to do it they will not have their perk which is likely to make chasing them much easier. Either way the killer wins

  • TheEntitysRightHand
    TheEntitysRightHand Member Posts: 25

    Iron maiden is terrible on huntress and I don't see why it's good on doctor. But my point still stands that it's good on nurse bubba and Billy. Why call me inexperienced? I have over 3k hours on the game. I just have a different opinion about iron maiden and actually most of the perks you put on hear I don't agree with but I'll leave that for later. Saying it's good on huntress is proof that you're inexperienced.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414
    edited August 2020

    I find it very hard to believe you when say you have 3K hours and yet don't find IM useful on Huntress.

    Tell me, what part of cutting her reload time from 4 seconds to only 2 is bad? The other effects of IM are completely negligible compared to this huge upside. And as I said, even stacks with her reloading add-on. Allowing you to fully reload in only 1 second!

    Once survivors realise you have the perk they instinctively avoid lockers. With Nurse or Bubba, this means that after a free down or two smart survivors will not enter lockers and the perk will become useless. That's why I put it on the list to begin with.

    I'm curious as to what other opinions you have on the perks in this list.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    While Legion can indeed triggered more you will still get far more value out of using the Legion pin and you ever will that perk.

  • TheEntitysRightHand
    TheEntitysRightHand Member Posts: 25

    You have an add on that does what iron maiden does already. It's a waste of a perk slot. On nurse they can't locker juke which is the best and most safe way of not getting hit. Iron maiden completely throws that out the window. Which is a blessing. Billy is the same thing you can't locker juke so you just die instead of taking an M1.

    IMO iron maiden on huntress seems pointless because unless you're not very good or are reloading a lot for some reason than it's just better to have the deerskin gloves and have let's say monitor. Point is it's not worth the perk slot on huntress.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    I have read everything, and yep, these perks definetly need a buff. It's a shame there is only few viable perks for killers. It would be more fun if we had more choice

  • Queenuwu
    Queenuwu Member Posts: 10

    I agree with pretty much everything here, aside from the fact I'd still run surge and thrilling even with the cooldown

  • extonjonas
    extonjonas Member Posts: 41

    That would be interesting from a survivor perspective because it would make each of them a little different if one of there teachables was actually not. Like claud could teach self care and botany but she could not teach empathy.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Hey! You actually did it.

    I will say that Thana has the upside (or downside) of being really good on one or two killers in particular so buffing it is... somewhat problematic. Seriously, Legion can make really good use out of Thana. They can get people injured really easily and then Thana tricks the survivors into thinking that healing is a good idea when Legion can peel that health state off them again in a matter of seconds.

    Also for Trail of Torment... yes the fact that it announces that you are using it isn't great. However in spite of that...the Survivors don't really know where you are going with it so I've actually been able to use it to fairly good effect. Your point about Tinkerer and Dark Devotion are valid, but ToT is much much nicer about its activation requirements. Just kick a generator. You control it so you won't be getting it mid chase. Gens are almost always easier to find than your obsession. So despite announcing its presence, it is a lot more reliable than the other two.

  • CL_Crusader
    CL_Crusader Member Posts: 13

    Yes there is certain perks designed poorly but you practically listed every perk in the game. I admitted that there is a few that need it. But at the same time there is so many that are already good as is because they are designed to work in sync with other perks. No perk is perfect and that's why you have 4 perk slots, balance each perk instead of focusing on the purely bad parts of every perk.

  • CL_Crusader
    CL_Crusader Member Posts: 13

    Distressing and infectious fright work perfectly together, so does overwhelming presence and distressing. Distressing and huntress's lullaby. Pretty much any perk that works off large terror radius mixed with distressing is a great 2 piece combo. Just be smart about the perks you select and you won't have the problem of a perks counter measures screwing you over completely. Know what perks are still in cool down and know where to use your perks to your advantage.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Skill check reliant perks really need to go.

    Autodidact/huntress lullaby/old ruin, it was so inconsistent and about luck it's just not even useful, the whole part of skill checks needs to be revisited so they actually have some real weight in the game's pace rather than being there for the sake of it.

    Also Thanatophobia just doesn't make sense when a survivor is dead but it doesn't count as a debuff anymore, that's just silly, the name implies as much ._.

    It's pretty tiring that this game is trying to promote all kinds of builds and playing around with many perks, yet so few of them are even remotely decent to be used, they need to revisit most of them, hopefully soon enough.

    That's how we get rid of the meta and people can actually have a fun time, just saying, I hope it happens.