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General Discussions

If you only play one side, you probably shouldn't ask for changes in the other one



  • Member Posts: 266

    Yeah I agree with you. However, you get bloodpoints for doing totems so theres that incentive.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Yhea... Unfortunately most people keep saying "oh no gens are tooooo slow" or "ds should have a buff and killer shouldn't be able to move for 10 minutes" ecc. I'm not only talking about entitled survs, i say that also for the people who thinks that the nurse and the spirit needs a buff ecc ecc ecc... Well I guess that the community divides more since the ruin got changed and it splitted out even more whit the nerf at billy's addons (bc in my opinion if they didn't change the addons, people wouldn't be so upset)

    I may have went offtopic a bit but still... Bhvr should encourage ppl to play the game for fun and not only for winning and insulting the other side

  • Member Posts: 48

    The change to DS could be simple , in that it deactivates when you touch a gen , so you can still sabo , get in a locker , open chest open doors, do totems , heal players , but not gens

    As for NOED , make it to where it's not unlimited , change it to where when noed activates it changes all dull totems to noed , and every time you hit someone the totem breaks itself , so a maximum of 5 noed hits , and if the survivors has done 3 totems already then only 2 noed hits

  • Member Posts: 50

    I totally agree, just the analogy I didn't get on with. It's nice to actually see an articulate argument and not a series of contradictions, insults and contrivances.

    You sir are worth havimg a conversation with.

  • Member Posts: 50

    Got to say I agree with slim0b. I'm actually hesitant at times to respond to comments or sometimes play the game as I find the represented community on these forums have some really bad aggression issues and are unable to have "conversations" without resorting to sarcasm or insults or the my side you side debate, ad infinitum.

    I had the same feeling with the dark souls community and the Git gud homogenisation.

    It's just dumb.

  • Member Posts: 95

    Dude unbreakable and soul guard is fine if you hate it so much pick them up if you even suspect them of having them or just pick them up immediately if your that paranoid and if they have ds eat it I do all the time it gets rid of it so you don't gotta worry about it later and soul guard only lasts seconds so wait it out

  • Member Posts: 22,851

    The thing with Soul Guard I dont like is the recovering fully.

    I don't want to take a 5 second stun because I returned to the hook (after finding nobody on a gen), only to see the injured person, so I down them to continue creating pressure.

  • Member Posts: 95

    I don't find it that bad bc to be honest totems are easy to find 99 percent of the time so the recovering fully only happens 1 in 10 games if that and if it lasts longer than ok they have it but once you know they got it you can just pick them up I don't have a problem with soul guard bc that's usually what I do and I'll run a hex every now and then to

  • Member Posts: 551

    It's not necessarily an issue of which side is stronger, it's just how killer is more difficult since you're responsible for 4 different people of different skill levels.

    The core balance of this game is behind the idea of 2 kills 2 escapees. so if both sides play really well this should happen. But playing "really well" as survivor isn't the same as playing "really well" as killer in terms of how good the player is.

    I'm not saying buff this side buff that side, but they should be equally difficult I suppose.

  • Member Posts: 400

    I think there is still valid points to me made even if you are a killer/survivor main. However, if they make those comments they should be able to defend their point and be willing to see why they might be wrong when counterarguments come up.

    DS, imo isn't fine. Its not an anti-tunnel perk as many say, at least it doesnt work only as one. It mostly works as an anti-momentum perk which can easily lose you games from a single stun. Some have said you personally dont need to have it on for a killer to choose between eating a ds and leaving you on the ground, as long as someone else has it. But I would say its worse than that. Most of the time you dont need it at all as long as someone is an obsession. Its a terribly designed perk that ruins a lot of come-back potential slower killers have.

    NOED is..technically fine. For 4man SWF its absolutely fine and not a problem, for solo players or swf with less than 4, its sometimes a problem. Players need someway of being able to know how many totems are left, I like running detectives hunch but even with that sometimes a totem eludes me, either because of it being on the other side of the map or because of a scary to play against killer like nurse or spirit.

    And there are many other things a specific side can showcase why they think its a problem. Situations should also be taken into account. Like I said sometimes something thats ok/balanced against 4man SWF can be horribly imbalanced against 4 solos. Or something might be really good against the strongest killers, like DS can destroy the ability of good killers to win games, but it absolutely shuts down the come-back potential of slow or bad killers. Especially if paired with unbreakable.

    My point is this. Dont ignore something just because that player doesnt know any better. View it from his side, but take into account his specific situation, and then explain why he might be wrong or at least doesnt have to full picture. Or agree with him if its something both sides agree on (for the most part) like keys and moris being game changing, in the worst way possible.

  • Member Posts: 8

    I don't care what anyone else has to say about this, so I'm not reading any other comments but OP.

    I 10000000% agree with you and have been saying this for a long time.

  • Member Posts: 551

    Some suggested a lit candle in the basement for each totem left on the map, I'm really into the idea and it would probably fix the solo queue issues that come with NOED.

    But again, this isn't a NOED problem, it's a solo queue problem. In my opinion and many others Solo queue should be buffed to SWF level so the devs can start working on balance with minor consequences.

    Solo queue should just something like a quick-chat button with pre-input messages, or maybe just base-kit kindred, I think it'd allow for much more organization which solo players desperately need.

  • Member Posts: 375

    Reaching Rank 1 as Killer and as Solo Survivor will give you a new perspective.

    I can't take anyone serious that hasn't reached those ranks yet and for some reason still think they know the game.

  • Member Posts: 400

    Yeah I dont want like full communication in DBD for solo players, but if it would be something like predetermined messages like. "Killer here", "Being chased" "Camping", or "4 totems done". Or maybe just even it automatically telling you something like that would be amazing. But kindred + that shrine suggestion (I saw it as well) would do wonders for the balance between solos and SWF. Or maybe let solos run 1 additional perk (possibly limited to information perks, like kindred, Alert, Detectives hunch and the like) but its possible it would be too strong.

    But in general I agree, if the difference between solos and 4man swfs were a lot smaller the game would be a lot better, considering the balacing would be easier to not give 1 side something that would be hopelessly OP. But wether thats done by nerfing SWF or buffing solo, or both I dont know. But the same goes for killers though. The strongest killers like Nurse and spirit need to be brought down a notch and the weakest killers like Clown and Pig need to be brough up a notch. At the very least one of them needs to happen, if only solos are buffed then up goes the weakest killers, if swf are nerfed down goes the strongest killers, ETC.

    If the rift between the strongest and weakest can be reduced then balancing will be easier as well.

  • Member Posts: 279

    That's exactly why i don't cleanse obvious totem. I only cleanse the harder one. A totem counter would help to coordinate with other solo to make sure to cleanse them all so we can bridge the gap between solo and swf. But right now the best strategy isnt to do them all.

  • Member Posts: 551

    Okay I changed my opinion from then, if you only play one side you should NEVER have a say in balancing this game with all due respect.

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