Updates to the game

Please stop adding new content to the game until you fix the issues you currently have. It is incredibly frustrating to see stuff like matchmaking update pushed out when new auras still haven't been fixed and turning on the tome when you have sync error preventing people from earning bloodpoints and being able to get items. It sucks to try to get a dlc character and be stuck with nothing or trying to play to earn ranks and getting rank update error. Now people literally are stuck unable to even boot the game they bought. No one should have to VPN in to be able to play your game and we shouldn't have to rely on community workarounds because your updates have wrecked basic functions of your game.

Stop adding stuff until you fix the basic infrastructure I don't care if it is already prepared I don't care if it is a different team, the optics of pushing skins you are coding into the game while so much of it is broken not just balance wise but game functionality is disgusting.


  • Angerydoge
    Angerydoge Member Posts: 106

    I do agree that their primary focus at the moment should be to fix the many bugs that currently affect the game but if they stopped making new content then the game would die out.

  • Draygun
    Draygun Member Posts: 9

    The game will die out if it sucks to play too. You can't build playerbase if people hate the process of trying to play even if the base gameplay is good and people will just rage and quit with all the bugs and BS.