Fair start to new players

dead by daylight has been out for 4 years now and is still going strong. To keep the game in strong, I would recommend the game being easier for new players. Something to entice them more into playing the game.

Perks shouldn't be locked behind a pay wall and I know they come out in the shrine eventually, but that could be 6+ months from now. Survivor perks can be locked behind this wall just not killer perks. The killer power should be locked behind this wall to encourage the player to buy them. Have it so survivors can pay X amount of blood points to access a dark blood web, inwhich they can level up the killer at a slower pace to get a perk they want.

The game should also give new players a boost to blood points so they can quickly level up. Something like 3 or 4x normal bp to invest them into the game.


  • Smoker101
    Smoker101 Member Posts: 52

    Thatd be cool I know resident evil resistance gives free points booster right when you start

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    just grind your killer bp as survivor, and be certain after a few matches that you'll enjoy the killer since like any sample the first one is always free but after a few good matches you'll start hittin the swf and a big learning curve. you might wind up happier on survivor on the end. if they wind up with a killer shortage that's on them to fix not you. The bp for new players thing for the first month or so is a good idea though, especially if the player goes for wglf/bt and bbq first thing to stack with it for a nice boost now that cakes are gone or being hoarded. You gotta have some sort of incentive to work if it doesn't feel much like play eh?

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Thing is, best 2nd chance perks new players have is Andrenaline & Deadhard, and it requires a ton of time to able to combine both of them in a build.

    Consider that a survivor take 6 hits to die (on 3 hooks), with 4 2nd chance perks can extend it to 10-12 hits. And newbie can only make 10sec chase per hit, while expert can extend it to 1min minimum. We have the different between 60sec chase in a whole game for newbie, and maybe 10min for expert. The gaps is too much.

    For easy fix, characters should have Tier3 of their own perks. Starts with 1.000.000BP so they can grind before play. Double BP for a week. Im sure they will have a decent build to play, and various perks to experience.

    I speak this for new players, Devs.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I even think about giving new players 18000 shards so they able to buy 2 original characters as their choice. In return lock out Huntress & David.