this one hurt my soul.

those poor sweet children. I was even trying to let the last one get out the gate, but he was too slow to figure out how to open the gate and got munched. :(
EDIT: forgot to add: I spent the first 5 minutes of this match standing still and eating an ice cream sandwich. When I was done, there were still 5 gens. :(
Poor kids, never stood a chance.
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Aw. I hope this new system improves. I just had the opposite, a bunch of rank 1-5 survivors against a rank 19 killer with one perk.
😢 I felt so awful. When everyone was at the exit he just turned and walked away to go hide in his basement.
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every game tonight as killer I've been coddling sweet tiny noobs, and I'm OK with that. I'm SO used to "if I'm chasing a good looper that means their SWC teammates are popping all five gens while I'm wasting time with this chase", but now that's totally not the case; the good looper is the one red in the match and all the rest are precious potatoes trying their best to figure out the controls while the red and I play the big kids' game. <3
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"Precious potatoes" 😂
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I had the opposite.
It was bubba on The Game everyone was a rank 7 purple except for me the lone 16.
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OMG this match. I strung them out as long as I could, and my heart broke a little every time one died before getting unhooked. No gens were repaired, and I dunked the last one. I can only presume they were all COMPLETELY new. :(
As you can see I've stopped using add-ons, and I'm gonna have to stop running Dying Light so these poor kids can at least get a few gens done.
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Makes me sad that some of these new players will just stop playing because of this unfair matchmaking. We don’t want to lose players because of this. And I’m sure most of them will just quit before getting to play around 10 matches for their MMR to settle.
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I played more than that and still got matched up with behemoth purple/red card carrying G-men on both survivor and killer.
Literally bought this game less than a week ago and I'm already uninstalling it.
Only reason I'm still posting here is because I'm bored and pissed that I spent money on something that was good for like 5 days.
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Was the "gg kids!" really necessary?
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I decided to try spirit out and i got a 4 man bully squad. Fun times
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50 minutes vs 3k hours.
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Yeah, I keep getting this stuff too. I’ve just stopped using items/add ons and strong perks and make sure to be kind in post-game chat. The nice thing about this MMR chaos is that I’ve seen a ton of really sweet people encouraging and helping each other, which makes me remember how great this game community can actually be 💕
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I feel the same no matter what side I´m on (Killer or surv) i totally destroy them and then after the game i feel sorry for all those rank 20
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Omg this is pretty accurate about OP's posts.
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I was trying to be encouraging. 😕
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this matchmaking meant to be better?
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Are you serious? Saying "gg kids" is not encouraging at all. You could've just said "gg" and that's it. Or maybe just not say anything at all. That would've been better.
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in retrospect, I could have made a more encouraging word choice.
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i don't know new MMR either your low facing high or your high facing low this not good for newer players.