Dead Dawg Saloon is weird AF

I literally spawned into the saloon map with all other survivors. No one brought a shroud offering, but yet we all spawn right next to each other. Like... shoulder to shoulder. We spawned in looking like this:
BHVR can you fix this? Survivors should be social distancing RN, not posing like a tetris T block.
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I noticed that on other maps aswell, we often spawn together and usually as far away from the Killer as possible so we finish the first gen before the Killer even gets there lol.
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The T-spawn asserts dominance over the killer, you need to keep this position until you walk out of the gate.
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I actually love this spawning, and it should be the same for all maps
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On Ironworks all of us, including the Killer spawned between the Tree Lane.
Us 4 were like 1 metre apart from each other and the Killer was on the other side of the Lane looking at our direction after Spawn.
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That's the RNG for you.
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well... how else am i able to do it? :P
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This has happened to me so many times in that map and it's so ridiculous lmao it always happens in the same end of the main street also.
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Depending on which killer you face, it is imperative that you and the other survivors spawn in The Flying V formation.
Because when times are tough and the odds are stacked against you
Ducks Fly Together!
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The map looked interesting before it came out, then I played it and realised its absolute dog #########
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Really the biggest change I'd have for Dead Dawg Saloon is that if your character screams on that map, instead of the generic 'AAAAAA' it should be 'YEEEEEE-HAWWWW'
*laughs in Doctor*
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Played a game as survivor last night were myself and two other survivors started off by a hex totem. Not sure what it was because it was cleansed immediately.