

Who’s your Fav none DBD YouTubers?

Member Posts: 1,289
edited June 2020 in Off-topic

For me I would say Mr.Nightmare because he has some interesting stories.And my other would be Lindsay the frugal crafter because I like her art and enthusiasm.

Post edited by NinjaDette1 on

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  • Member Posts: 953
    • CharlesBerthoud and Nathan Navarro - insane bassists
    • 66Samus - guy who loves blast beats
    • VirreCSGO and Skooby - CSGO compilations
    • RossBoomsocks - hardstuck plat LoL player
  • Member Posts: 545

    Non-DBD YouTuber Channels I like:

    IGP; TheRadBrad; Marz; Alpha Beta Gamer; GameSprout; The Click; Top Five Scary Videos; Gab Smolders; What If; GrayStillPlays; MostAmazingTopTen; WorstPremadeEver; MissScarletTanager; Gore And Perkins; Dead Meat; Ohmwrecker (He does some DBD, but it's one of many he plays).

  • Member Posts: 982

    DashieGames, GMM, Davie504, DeadMeat, MrBeast, MsBreezy, NakeyJakey, Pyrocynical, SOG, MKBHD, JohnTron, anthpo, UberHaxorNova, Unbox Therapy, Pewds. A lot others but these are the main ones I watch lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    I'm part of the Fallout 4 settlement building community on YouTube. Most of them are my friends, so I guess you could say I like all their channels :)

  • Member Posts: 158

    Burtalmoose hands down is my favorite YouTuber ever. I have watched that man play video games, watch movies, cook, play with a science kit, play at an arcade, eat candy, go on road trips, and most recently watch sold as blank VHS. It's hard to explain exactly what type of channel he is but "chill" would be the one word id use to describe it.

    Also there's this fecker named CallMeKevin i feel obligated to mention.

  • Member Posts: 158

    If you like GrayStillPlays you'd probably really like CallMeKevin. Grays videos are actually how i found Kevins videos because they both do a lot of Sims 4

  • Member Posts: 545

    Oh! Is he the Irish guy? I think I saw some videos of him doing a chatroom style game where people would be doing standup comedy on a virtual stage. Thank you for reminding me of him! :)

  • Member Posts: 158

    Yeah he's the Irish fecker lol. Not the one with the green hair, the other one. Really funny dude

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Cyanide and Happiness (Explosm Entertainment). My sort of dark, unexpected humour.

    Vanoss and Wildcat. I know they don't really care about their fans and would advertise condoms to grandparents if they were paid enough but I like watching group videos.

    There's more that I can't think of.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Some of my favorites:

  • Member Posts: 3,099

    Theneedledrop or Anthony Fantano. Dead meat. Deep cuts. Alfo media. Spectrum Pulse. blackyspeakz. Mr Nightmare. My favourite of all of them is theneedledrop, I love his music reviews.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    Due to my childhood, Chuggaaconroy.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    Sylvibot... but she hasn't uploaded in 2 years :(

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    None of them. Honesty, none of them.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    • Pewdiepie, new pewds is actually pretty good in the last couple of years
    • Fredrik Knudsen, doesn't post videos often, but his videos are usually an hour or 2 long and pretty good and go super deep into a topic or event and such.
    • videogamedunkey, for the memes
    • sydsnap and Gigguk, for anime stuff
    • GMHikaru, i'm a chess person
    • Dave Rubin and Joe Rogan, for politics/podcasts
  • Member Posts: 545

    • The Click: To me, the standout YouTuber of Reddit and more.

    • IGP: Some very decent snapshot videos of games, with a great way of bringing the viewer to "live" in these gaming worlds. His videos with IcyCaress are also fun.

    • Ohmwrecker: He does play DBD, but he plays a number of other games. His positive commentary really needs to be spread.

    • GrayStillPlays: Basically, a cross between a father, a mad scientist and outright sadist of video games.

    • Gab Smolders: The Queen of the Survival Horror walkthroughs.

    • Dead Meat: An entertaining look at horror movies, and mostly renowned for the kill counts and TITLE CARD!!!

    • WorstPremadeEver: Disfunctional friends trying to work as a team during various games, and failing. Often.

    • Marz: A walkthrougher of many styles (mostly story-driven), and spends time to go through the lore to help the viewer become more engrossed.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I love Sylvi 💜 Her voice is so soothing.

    For me: MrKravin & CoryxKenshin 🥰

  • Member Posts: 3,347
    edited August 2020

    • Fredrik Knudsen. Some serious quality over quantity content, doesn't upload often but when he does the videos are usually long and good. Looks at unusual communities, events, personalities and more.
    • Night Mind. Deep dive-style videos on everything spooky, eerie or just plain weird. Creepypastas, weird media, spooky ARGs and bizarre video series/channels, that's what you get to explore here.
    • Jim Browning. Takes "scambaiting" to a completely ascended level. Ever wanted to see someone "hack the hackers" and really mess with scammers? Perhaps get access to their CCTV system to do some private investigator work? This guy got it covered.
    • Raycevick. Long quality videos yet again, but this time usually more gaming-oriented.
    • PBS Space Time. Quality videos about all the cool things out there in space, how stuff works and how we think it works. Tends to go quite in-depth at times compared to many other popular science-type channels.
    • Isaac Arthur. Usually long videos focusing on topics like futurism, aliens and possible challenges and triumphs we might encounter in the near or extremely distant future of humanity.
    • Anomaly. Sort of a CSGO channel, sort of not. Very silly and this one comes down to if you find him funny or not.
    • AquaFPS. Gaming channel. Mostly Rust and Escape From Tarkov, but there's some other stuff there too
    • aloneintokyo. Music and gaming channel focusing on Rust. No commentary in their gaming videos and uses their own tunes as the soundtrack, really chill if you like the game.
    • Pestily. Escape From Tarkov channel. Guides, highlights, video series - all the stuff you expect from a channel that's essentially a staple of a game community.
    • b4nny. Team Fortress 2 content from a player often considered the overall all-time greatest player the game has ever seen. Competitive stuff, stream highlights - all the stuff you expect from a gaming channel.
  • Member Posts: 110

    I really enjoy watching John Wolfe (he streams DBD but he plays alot of other games so I'm not gonna count him), Ink Ribbon and The Sphere Hunter, I like John's sense of humor, I find Ink Ribbon's 50 facts and 10 Easter eggs series interesting and the Sphere Hunter's Resident Evil retrospective videos are the reason I decided to try some of the classic RE games.

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