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Why stay at the gate? (just a rant)

OK I want to know if there is a genuine answer for this. Why do Survivors stay at the exit to taunt the killer, some stand at the front to let themselves get hit knowing the killer can't get you. Why not leave? why salt the wound? If a killer has a bad game (which let's be honest matchmaking is only marginally better if you can even say that, so it's alot). You are already the majority in a 4v1 scenario sticking around butt dancing or flashlight clicking only makes you look like an ass hole. It's so toxic I swear it's the only thing that puts me off killer games. Just leave there is no in game benefit to showing off. Plus it can back fire I've seen it happen. BHVR I don't understand how you tolerate something like this in a fandom you claim is so great. I would not complain, but its literally all the time.

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  • Member Posts: 551

    Just take the benefit of the doubt and assume most of them just do it to make sure everyone comes out alive, if they see NOED they leave if they think they can pull off the rescue they go back and do it.

    As for people on comms who know they can all escape but stay at the gate it's usually just to taunt the killer, shoo them out or just stand in a corner and contemplate why you chose to play killer in red ranks

  • Member Posts: 1,936

    Free hits for points. I don't taunt unless the killer was toxic and if you are really getting bothered by this so much then I'd say part of the problem is also yourself. If you really hate it just hit them and force them to leave or just don't go near the gates.

  • Member Posts: 2,446
    edited August 2020

    Usually if I'm chilling at a gate, I'm doing it because I have no idea how close at least one of my teammates are to getting out. I'm staying in in case I need to go for a save or so I can buy them some time by making the killer force me out. No toxicity intended.

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  • Member Posts: 29

    This I understand fair enough of do it too. But it's people who stand right at the point of no return and wait for the killer to come up to them.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    As a Solo player, I do it mainly to make sure anyone still alive gets out that might be injured or hooked. However, others will do it just to boost their own egos and make sure you know how badly you lose that match. They also need you to hold their hand out the door or they just get very confused about how to move on to their next match.

  • Member Posts: 1,054
    edited August 2020

    force them out , really this isnt an issue

  • Member Posts: 29

    To my knowledge in not doing anything toxic, I never camp or tunnel can't imagine what is be doing to being this. One thing I do is if I'm in a loop I can't seem to break or if a survivor tries to bait me I just go find another survivor. But I can't imagine that's considered toxic.

  • Member Posts: 1,319

    i do it if I'm sure there's no noed in case somebody may need me to pop out and take a protection hit when im full health

  • Member Posts: 257

    When I stay at the gate it’s to let the killer get a couple more bloodpoints, make sure everyone’s safe, and to nod head which I hope they take it as me telling them that I had a nice game, but probably not.

  • Member Posts: 85

    In short its to give the killer points, if I think the killer had a rough game I'll give them 2 hits (300 points per hit) at the exit gates.

  • Member Posts: 331

    I will admit their can definitely be some toxicity with survivor. But the same thing can be said for killer. Toxic people will be toxic regardless. Saying that as someone who has spent a fair amount of time on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 1,936

    I'm not saying you were toxic, some survivors just play the game to annoy others so they don't need any excuse to do this kind of stuff. Just try not to care about stuff like this too much, it's just a game after all.

  • Member Posts: 1,652

    I stay at the gate to help take a hit for an injured team mate. Or to heal anyone that wants it. Finally to let the Killer get an extra hit on me if they want it.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    (or they want to let you hit them and get some bp :^) )

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    I let the killer get a free hit for points, if everyone does that it’s like 2000 extra I think? If you had BBQ maybe 4000!!! As a killer I appreciate this, not sure why so many think it’s automatically BM or taunting.

    Ive even managed to finish some dailies with killers I don’t play, cough Nurse cough, because the survivors let me get hits after routing me.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    If not all the remaining survivors are in the gate they're waiting in case others need an assist. Otherwise it's 50/50 between giving the killer some last minute points and them being toxic. If they are pointing at the exit they want to give you some final points.

  • Member Posts: 32

    As far as I knew it was to make sure everyone gets out that can and to also give some points to the killer. Is one thing if they are lined up flash lighting you but if not, just slap them out the game and take the extra blood points. Everything doesn't need to be taken so personal. It's a game after all

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    When I stay it is in the interest of getting more bloodpoints, whether helping a teammate or the final boldness points from a chase. Just chase them out.

    Its interesting how demoralized people get from this game.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    Because now everything has to be considering toxic, sweaty, BM, whatever you wanna call it.

    Now, if they’re standing at the gate and as soon as you get close they dead hard out the door they were being toxic. But if they’re standing there pointing and let you hit them it’s just being nice.

  • Member Posts: 162

    Funniest time i ever seen that was when someone was tbagging a deathslinger at the exit gate. Ds shot him and dragged him into the noed. Never laughed so hard in my life.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    funny i got survivors at the gate one time and hit one of them but they weren't close to the out part picked them up and hooked them it was funny.

  • Member Posts: 1,289

    If I have teammates who are on hook and we’re terrible the entire match I leave.If the killer was sweaty trying to go for me an entire match.Then yes they deserved to be greeted by butt dancing as I make an exit.

  • Member Posts: 337
    edited August 2020

    There are three reasons I stay at the gate:

    1. Teammate is still in and might be in trouble.
    2. The killer was having fun with us - so I stay to let them get a hit in as a thank you.
    3. The killer worked really really hard with zero to show for efforts (often after the game I see it was a mismatch) and I want them to get some points too so I will either let them bash me. The odd time - I'll even stay so they can hook me - but that's rarer.

    I don't teabag or anything. Teammates that do annoy me as I think that's disrespectful to the other player. I tend to avoid those kind of jerks in future games where I can.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    I think the most annoying thing as solo survivor is when we all are together to open the gate safely so I leave and then 1-2 of the others stick around to teabag or stare at the killer who clearly wants them to leave. I’d like to say gg and apologize for poor matchmaking in chat but I’m not waiting two minutes to do so

  • Member Posts: 550

    My 1200 hours of play time sure differs from what most in here claim they stay at the gate for.

    When I play survivor and I’m hooked for the first time after all gens are completed, I usually see all of the remaining survivors crouch in the gate area and wait for the killer to come chase them out. They usually have plenty of time to leave and split up to come save me, but don’t. They also don’t stay and give the killer an extra hit, they just run out as soon as the killer is in sight.

    When I play killer and I head to the gate to chase them out, they usually wait till I get a few steps away and then run out without letting me get a hit.

    Either way, I would rather they just leave than watch them stand there doing nothing while I hang on a hook or just to taunt me that I didn’t kill them.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    yea that what normally happen to me they not there give points for hitting them because soon as i'm close they gone just do it to waste time be toxic trolls.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    All those Suvrivors saying you stay to give the Killer blood points, the Killer would get more points if you left earlier and let them start a new game.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    If he’s right there no, he’s getting a couple thousand points in like 30 seconds. Now if hes nowhere in site and we’re all standing there you have a point

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    Sounds like healing needs to be negated during EGC and dying survivors can’t exit the gate. I bet that would stop a lot of shithead’s poor winning/losing.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited August 2020

    Couple of reasons.

    I always stay in the game until everyone is going to escape, even if i'm the last guy and there's another on hook getting camped, i'm going to try to get the save if possible. I only play solo, so i have no idea where my teammates are, so until i see everyone else either escape, or at the same gate, i'm not leaving.

    After that, once i have seen everyone and know everyone alive is safe, if the killer is there, i let them hit me 2 times so they get an extra 1kish bloodpoints (300x2 for 2 hits, and 200 for a "chase")

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    I stay at the gate until I know that everyone remaining is safe and clear, then I leave. If there is a conflict going on elsewhere while the door is open, and I am still in the match, it means there is one more potential pressure point that the killer has to account for (somebody going for a flashlight save, body blocking for an injured teammate running to the gate, etc.). If I leave before everyone is safe, it definitively clears a path for the killer.

    What I don't do is stand there and taunt the killer, because I'm not a sore winner. I might let someone heal me (and/or heal them) if the situation allows, but if we're all at the gate, generally I am out.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    It’s almost like different people can have a different experience playing this game. I’m also not saying this is the case, it may be just luck, but if NOONE is letting you have free hits and is teabagging you on the way out it may have something to do with you.

    There is no right or wrong way to play killer, but if you’re camping, tunneling, etc then I know a lot of survivors will take that one last chance to rub it in.

    Meanwhile I try for 12 hook games as killer, I leave hook unless someone comes for an immediate rescue in my face, I don’t use broken addons, and I don’t tunnel. Even games I get stomped by full red SWF they all stand at the exit and point signalljng they want me to hit them and I thank them in endgame

  • Member Posts: 337


    @shalo and @johnmwarner

    That makes sense. Next time If the killer is far and there are no teammates that could be in trouble. I'll leave sooner rather than wait.

    I like to be fair to everyone though. For me, a good game is when everyone has fun. Even if I don't make thew exit. I like to walk away from a game feeling like everyone had some kind of win/win with something.

    It's okay to fail. For sure. I hate it when someone has bad game after bad game and no fun. I've been there myself more than once and don't want someone else to fee that way. Especially when I can see how hard they were trying. That to me deserves some kind of kudos.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    only time i camp or tunnel is in the EGC yes when i have to do that in the egc they t bag a lot more like i was camping all game not just egc but how fast egc comes iit feel like i camped start of the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    So that may be your answer, you ARENT doing a thing wrong because I agree once you hit endgame camping is pretty legit... but survivors don’t see it any differently so they’ll call you a dirty camper and tea bag you like you face camped all game

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    If I do it, it’s to give the Killer extra hit points otherwise I’m out of there.

    Not all Survivors do this though, they just love to rub it in the Killers face that they’re escaping.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    well they need to get a grip because survivor easy anyway they do need to get out and win every match.

  • Member Posts: 1,289
    edited August 2020

    Why do gifs not work on the forums?.

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    It was worst before end game collapse. I usually open the gates as killer if the survivors had a good game to speed up the end of match.

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