Who thought this new Leatherface was ok?

Seriously, every single match I play against this waste of space is the worst experience I have with this game, I love this game, but this new Leatherface just sucks any fun I can have with it.
From I can tell people just haven't learned how to play against him yet. Most of the time when I chain downs with him using double iris it's because no one tries to get to a locker or pallet. I think a lot of people are so used to him being bad that they act way too cocky around him and don't respect his power.
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Yeah, I guess that makes sense, I tend to be a bit more... Slow in learning with games I play, this one not being an exception, especially since I started playing this game regularly not too long ago after years of neglecting it.
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Use windows to your advantage and avoid feeding pallets when possible; take pathing that requires him to use more of his charges (obstacles that allow for zig zagging, etc)
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He is countered in literally the exact same way. Windows are just as effective. I don't know why people aren't taking more than five minutes to realize this.
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Learn to counter him. Avoid open spaces and ALWAYS stay near a window. Leatherface is completely destroyed by windows, especially now that charge add-ons are gone.
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People think that Survivors just haven't learned to counter Bubba yet, when in reality it's the Bubba players who haven't realized how insanely high this buff raises his chase potential and think he's still bad.
My advice? Suicide on hook.
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Get gud
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He is the same killer as before. Only difference is he's now better at punishing outpositioned- and pallet greedy survivors. Other than that nothing has changed.
Windows still hard-counter his ability, some pallets can still be looped if there's a near-by window and even without a window he's usually not quick enough to down you if you loop the pallet once before dropping it.
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Which is good for bubba at the moment :) here I come as bubba.
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Strong killer. Not fun.
Seems about right.
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Learn to counter him.
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Tell that to the guy complaining.
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Leatherface Match = Automatic justified hook suicide 100% of the time
Seriously if your up against any pay 2 win killer you should be notified before the match starts
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This is why I run bamboozle on bubba and new tinkerer is god tier on him
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Pay to win? Hahaha then Ds is pay to win and every dlc perk! Really dude grow a brain I think the old one just leaked out of your mouth and into this forum. Different killers have different powers they are unique. That is what makes it fun. Go DC and cry about it to someone that cares. And as for the suicide on hook, please please make it obvious so I just don't hook you and let you bleed out for two minutes for thinking of wasting everyone's time that actually wants to play the match and not be entitled babies.
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My gf (who doesn't even look behind her in a chase) literally just had a 4 man escape against a Rank-1 Bubba as a solo player. We recorded it, too. One of her teammates was a rank 20 with 1 perk.
Think about that for a second.
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There is exctly one build for him, that makes him not a total pushover. And even with that, he is maybe mid / low B-Tier.
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Not gonna lie. I read Leatherface and it instantly made me think "oh another Facecamping Bubba" I literally get those 6 x out 15 trials. I've grown accustomed to calling him not Bubba anymore but, Leather-FaceCamper.
But that's not the subject here. ... just had to say 😖
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I tried using a locker and LF had Iron Maiden... 😭
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Tbh if he has 2 or more Charges then Window's kinda don't even work vs him because his chainsaw mobility is way better now and faster so you probably won't make it to a Windows and if you do Like I said if he has 2 or more charges he can catch up pretty quickly and use his other charge. Ideally vs new bubba you just gotta feed him pallets and not get gready going for extra loops because that will get you killed fast.