Please I beg you. Please fix the 111 error.

Largoo Member Posts: 10
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

More people are experiencing errors than the developer thinks. But We're just waiting because of the word you're working on.

I have no reason to play the game because of an error, and I can't even proceed with XP and archive. You have kept us waiting for two weeks even though you are aware of this, and we want compensation. Please fix it as soon as possible.


  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,289
    edited August 2020

    This is the error that prevents you from getting your account updated with experience and bloodpoints right?

    If it is I've lost a good 500 - 600k BP from this bug. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't pissing me off. How can BHVR detect that I have escaped or finished the trial in some way, detect my original BP before the game and then say hey you finished this game we're not going to update your BP amount later? Legit actually tilts me when this happens.


    Every single post game error message is actually so tilting! Why? Because it covers up EVERYTHING. I cannot click on anything at all and I can't even like let's say see someones rank or BP gains that game. The post game error messages are so frustrating because they lock you out of everything else and just give you a middle finger back to the main menu. Wouldn't be so frustrating if it didn't block my view of post game stuff.

    If I had a major grievance that's frustrated me for years every time there has been a bug in DBD it's the post game error messages. I absolutely hate them just as much if not more than the infinite loading screen bugs.

  • Largoo
    Largoo Member Posts: 10

    That's what i'm saying. This one is really annoying.

    No point in playing as long as this isn't fixed

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,725

    They released a tentative fix for it that clearly didn't work for everyone. Best thing you can do is go the Rank Update Error section on the subforum and keep on submitting report after report with as much detail as possible. It's clearly not an issue that can be replicated in-studio, like the no sounds bug, so this is imo your best bet.

    Fingers crossed now they found that tentative fix, they can find another relatively quickly.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    that's not what I asked.

    Can you pinpoint WHERE in the game's code the error is caused.

    Because that is what's always the issue with this kind of thing. locating the bug.