BHVR can you explain?

3rd match (apparently even the SAME SWF)
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Killer specific matchmaking in your ass BHVR, I literally unlocked this Killer 2 hours ago.
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You know what time it is.
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It looks like you're doing pretty well, if you're getting ~20k points per match.
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The MMR has changed, basically the rank numbers do not matter in that regard anymore. You get matched based on the skill rating of the killer you're using. Here's a Q&A that goes into a bit of detail about it:
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It has been explained before that it takes some matches for the skill rating to go into effect properly in that regard, if it's a new killer of if you have started a new game.
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wait we get matched by the skill of the killer not are own skill using the killer?that don't sound right...
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Does that mean if you unlock a new Killer that you have never played, you automatically get put against the strongest people and then slowly rank down? I played 4 matches as Deathslinger now in total and every single match has been against some red ranks. I managed to get 4 kills in my 2nd match only because one person killed themself on the hook, if that didn't happen it surely would've been another 4 people escape.
So if you say it requires 10 matches to calibrate, how come the first 4 matches are all exclusively against red rank Survivors while I am a total noob...?
I hope the "Skill rating of a Killer" is not based on an universal performance rating of that specific Killer but the actual player that controls them???????
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Statistics have shown that red rank does not equal the player being good. Previously it was possible to get red ranks by playing the game more than enough - that's something which changes with the new MMR. You might be put up by red rank players, but the possibility is that their MMR rating isn't as high despite them being in red ransk. They might have just played enough before. This post goes a bit more into detail about it:
Here is another post you can check out with Questions asked by the community being answered. The last one explains a bit more in regards of playing a new killer that you haven't played before:
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At the end of the day, even with that system, there's no reason 4 survivors that have played enough to unlock teachables for many of the cast should be going against a rank 15. Especially not a SWF.
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Thank you very much for taking the time to link me those Q&A.
I find it a bit frustrating having to learn new Killers in such a way BUT after reading through it, I guess I can take is as a compliment. It does make sense to use the "overall rating" as a rough estimation but it's still tough and kinda scares me to try out new Killers.
Luckily Deathslinger is not a complex Killer but I can only imagine what it must be like for someone that wants to get into Nurse, Oni or Hag, for example. Weeeell gg I guess, time to play Survivor.
E: Also a bit confusing that Killers like Otzdarva face relatively new Survivors with barely any hours of playtime despite him having thousands of hours and surely played every Killer hundreds of times :-/
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I have been playing Leather Face none stop since the new MMR took place and I still get paired against low skill survivors who barely understand this game. I can assure you, none of us are having fun, not me, not them. When can I expect the new system to do its magic?
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I have the exact opposite problem with Leatherface, trying to get his adept while things are supposedly "easier" to learn and I've been up against nonstop sweat squads. Alternatively, since they put in the killer lock a few days a go I've been practicing Oni a lot and all of my matches since MMR went live with him have been balanced.
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...and meanwhile as survivor I face a russian Streamer with several hundred viewers and thousands of hours .....along with Rank 16 teammates. E: The guy has 5600 hours in Dead By Daylight, what the hell
Could it be that a persons KILLER rating is responsible for the KILLERS they get and the other way around? It sure as hell looks like that, Killer mains get weak Survivors while Survivor mains get weak Killers.
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bro why are you complaining, you got a 4k
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Then what was all that BS about "we're already gathering MMR data" we heard some time ago?
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They did say it's been working the background, so I don't know where this "take time for it to work" excuse they're using is coming from.
They said themselves, MMR has been working in the background, so I don't understand how much more data it needs.
And they're refusing to answer this.
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doesn't make it any less frustrating to never get a single kill, plus you can get more bp as survivor usually with a lot less sweat and a bit more fun and then stack it with wglf if you were just playing to farm bp. you have to actually be able to hook two or three different people in order for bbq to be any good. I would have just begun afking for at least 5 or 6 matches after a few that horribly mismatched while i was trying to learn a new killer hoping it would eventually throw a bone and a potato or two.
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Answer: They broke it.
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plus I think he recently did a 4k with every killer stream, didn't he?
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Please remember to keep threads on topic and contribute to the discussion at hand.
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So what is the point of maintaining rank?
Because from my perspective, all it is doing is causing confusion and angering players who can't separate rank from MMR rating. It's a net negative and imo needs to be removed until you reintroduce your "new ranking system" along with ratings.
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This new MMR system is garbage and everyone knows it but BHVR apparently. There's more that needs to be done to get this game to matchmake according to real skill. It's clearly not matching people appropriately. I am a rank 12-13 killer with about 800 hours in the game (mostly as survivor as my friends like to play with me) and I keep getting people who run circles around me at red ranks. They CLEARLY have the advantage as they've played thousands of hours. I don't, I don't play enough killer to be as good. How is this fair? BHVR isn't doing a good job at this. I know that when it was first implemented it meant that there would be MMR loosely based on what we had played before, but come on. I'm also getting newbie killers from rank 15-20 in most of my survivor games as a rank 3-4. It just doesn't make sense when you look at it like that. Having a hidden rating system is confusing and clearly not working.