Do people like looping as gameplay?

I find it boring from both perspectives and wish there was more to a chase than just loops, any thoughts?
Edit: I am not saying that looping is bad or should be removed just wondering if people would like more than just looping or if they are fine with how it is.
It's not super fun but it can be if loops are engaging. Autohaven or Red Forest tiles with absolutely no mindgame are stupid and annoying as hell.
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yeah it's more fun to run in a straight line and wait to easily die don't you think
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I think we all wish chases were a little more interactive, but beyond Pallets and vaults, theres not much we can do. And BHVR have spent 4 years doing nothing to add more to chases. I'd love to see more interactivity with killers and maps. For example, Hawkins. We all know the doors either open when a Gen completes, or stay sealed, but what if both survivors and killers could activate buttons within a room to seal a door, and open another in the area. Essentially, you'd create a new pathway for yourself, and slow the other person down. Just simple little interactions like this would spice up chases across all of the maps. And it wouldn't have to be limited to doors. It could be anything.
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Looping is the reason this game was unique and became popular.
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There's nothing wrong with looping. It's literally each side trying to fake the other one out. The problem is you often get a loop with no mind game potential. That's when looping sucks.
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it's the most interactive thing in the game.
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I mean what do you want them to do? What can they do to make chases more interactive for both sides of the field without seriously nerfing the Killer's damage to survivors or increasing survivor's health?
It's hard to find something good that will stick and be fun to do over and over again without becoming tedious, it's much harder to program and implement such ideas to the game.
There are proposed ideas outside of chases that would potentially make the game more fun, but since no one is able to test those concepts no one can know for sure, it's all just speculation.
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Don't like it one bit, it's one of the last things i'd resort to.
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Looping is fun when it’s not “run 3 times around a low wall safe pallet and then drop it”, or “drop unsafe pallet and hold W”. If there’s some kind of prediction and interaction it’s a lot of fun, in fact it’s the only thing in the game worth playing for and why DBD has lasted as long as it has in my opinion.
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I find that weird as it's the most interactive thing for survivor but to each their own I guess.
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I find it dull as both sides. It may be more inconsistent to do non-looping strats, but win or lose it's genuinely more fun than running in a circle.
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I understand why people loop but I do personally hate it (as both a survivor and as the killer). I want to play a horror game, not Scooby Doo.
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I find it extremely dull and it's one of the reasons why I avoid playing killer.
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how about making holes that you could crouch through? just a thought, not saying this should be in-game but. Let's say that it's pretty balanced as the survivours will take long to get through giving the killer some time to hit them, or as killers such as pig and ghostface it would also work. Im not fully sure how you would balance ghostface with that though, since he has no cooldown. again, just a thought
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I think new ideas are cool, maybe the graphical update will actually bring some good and new map design. We can only hope I guess.
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pretty sure juking, looping, "techs" is what make dbd uniqe and stand out from the rest
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I think they have merit, but it's hard to tell for sure, y'know? I've seen Hunt gameplay and it has similar features, but they don't feel all that great.
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Would be neat if other survivors had stationary (or semi-stationary, like on a rail-track or something) defenses they could use to help someone else who's looping the killer. Right now outside of body blocks and a few other small tricks, a chase is a very 1v1 thing. I think giving certain survivors tools to help loopers keep looping would slow the game down (which is good right now since the games are too fast) and open up the game to players who maybe aren't great loopers but want to help in ways besides just holding M1 to do gens or heal. For some examples: A giant spotlight to really blind the killer (maybe a charge time and telegraph?) or a giant gong/bell to deafen the killer and make it easier for a wounded looper to slink off for a few seconds. Breaking a pipe to cover an area in water to temporarily hide all survivor scratch marks in that area, etc.
Alternatively, killers could go out of their way to trap areas of their own, maybe add a remote control item they can collect in certain stages, where hitting the secondary action button would cause a pathway to change and force a survivor to take a different route, or windows with actual glass in them that a survivor could go through, but would sustain an injury (but not a down, so already being injured would be the preferable way to go through it) and would hemorrhage for a while.
None of these are like 100% workshopped-to-polish ideas, obviously, but there are things they could do to spice it up without having to completely redesign the game. Introduce experimental maps that you have to opt-in for where maybe they just cobble together some other maps and random props to try out new loop concepts and gameplay elements and see what people like. DBD is going strong so I get that they don't want to fix what isn't broken (well, usually) but getting complacent can also cause problems.
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survivors love looping killers
killers hate looping
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Looping is fun as long as it's interactive. If there's no mindgame to it and both roles don't have an equal chance to outplay the other then it's just mindlessly going in circels.
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It’s the funnest part about the game for me.
The mind-games, the RNG, the uncertainty and outcomes. Those are things you remember... you don’t remember holding M1.
With that being said, I do wish some loops were more interesting. Have structures where parts of the wall are falling, or objects you can interact with during a chase, like grabbing a random axe on the wall to break through a wall and create another “way” to that room etc
I made a post a while back (before breakable walls) where windows could potentially become doorways (my idea was a possible solution to god windows) as a way to interact with the killer AND the environment, through different vaulting phases:
Basically the more you vaulted it, the more it would crumble down until it because just an open doorway.
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I really enjoy the chase so looping adds to it. I don't like mindless loops.
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I mean, devs said numerous times in streams that want to praise stealth play over loops, whlch is understandable but with the countless amount of aura reading perks/addons, and now NVIDIA filters who allows you to see up to the other side of the map like a picnic area and supposed dark areas are now brighter than snow in noon, I heavily doubt we ever move from that endless loop gameplay.
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What’s the alternative? Playing Damsel in Distress simulator?
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The problem is that stealth gameplay is much more frustrating as killer than loops imo.
I rather get looped for 5 gens by neon Nea than playing against 4 Blendettes on Yamaoka and not finding a single soul while all gens get done.
This is just boring and frustrating. It often happens when 2 survivors are left in the game and both are waiting for each other to die so they can get hatch. So they just stealth around and without whispers you'll never ever find them. It happened 2 times to me, nobody did a gen, I couldn't find anyone, I checked lockers, basement, everything..and in the end I just tabbed out of the game, went afk and watched youtube videos.
Stealth gameplay is the worst.
I'd even wish they would implement something that let's the killer start endgame collapse after a certain time has passed.
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I really like that idea, that would be super fun but also I could only 1 or 2 on a map or else it would be too much. I agree that looping should not go away but I do agree that certain loops are boring and should be removed and replaced maybe? Props on the idea though really creative!
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looping is what makes the difference between a mediocre and pro surv...
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It's not that loops should be removed, I was wondering peoples opinion on looping and how much they like it or hate it and if maybe something fresh should be added to a chase?
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That's really cool.
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Fair criticism. Kinda not fun on killer side
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Looping is boring and brain dead af to me.
As a survivor there is no skill what so ever involved with looping simply because your feeding off of information and that's not skill imo
As a killer, dealing with looping is like a steak the slowly loses seasoning with each bite! Get looped by 1 survivor, down and hook them and it's on to the next survivor so they can do the same thing so that the next survivor can do the same thing!
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I'd like it if there were more mindgame loops and less "This pallet is either 100% safe or 100% unsafe" Otherwise, unless you're a killer that can use their power to also use their skill to hit a survivor to end chases faster, it's very annoying
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Thank you! Tbh when I thought of the idea, ultimately I only saw it working on the bigger structure loops/tiles.
I think there is something to be said that after a while looping does feel like you are running in circles, so in an effort to enhance the “looping experience” , having something like some kind of wall-crumbling mechanic to add to that intense-adrenaline-jump scare factor would be very cool.
Thank you 😊
Post edited by Johnny_XMan on1 -
i mean is funnier than holding m1 on gens,.
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I like looping as Survivor but I hate looping as Killer.
Sometimes looping is needed to win, sometimes people only do it to troll the hell out of already losing Killers.
It is what it is, I stopped hoping for empathy of Survivors when I'm having a bad day, especially after yesterday when I facing countless red rank SWFs while trying to learn Deathslinger on Rank 16.
Just sucks that especially Survivors always have to rub it in that they won or that they're the "better" players and I say that as a Survivor main.
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I think looping is an ok mechanic overall as survivor. I enjoy looping as killer when the survivor cannot see me, otherwise it's boring unless playing a killer with anti looping mechanics.
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looping is too easy in most maps with most loops because there a safe spots that are no mindgameable. It feels like we're just going through the motions. When multiple safe pallets and windows can be chained due to the map layout, the game is boring and one sided unless there is a massive skill discrepancy between killer and the looper.
The jungle gyms that are mazelike, but only have a few windows are more interesting because it gives a chance for killers to catch the survivor off guard while also giving the survivors a chance to stealth or escape a direction the killer did not predict. This way no side is guaranteed to win the interaction.
In general there needs to be less pallets and less safe pallets. Vaulting needs to be fixed with regards to the entity blocking it. Many times it is not registered when vaulting multiple times in a loop like at the shack. Perhaps even double window areas need to be tweaked with regards to dimensions or orientation.
At the end of the day, I'd rather be juked or outplayed than run mindlessly around safe pallets and god windows like what happens in most high rated situations. It's just too guaranteed atm.
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Looping is annoyance for me, no matter if we talk about my sight as killer, or survivor.
... But it is one of the best things you can do in dbd. So I can understand the survivors. Besides that, only stealth is left and that is not something for everyone.
I like chases, but not always around some tires or so... I mean... Comon man... Why I just can't push those tires away, or jump over that car?
Would be interesting to see how a cinema audience would react to a movie with loops as major content. Guess that movie would be remembered as one of the worst horror movies ever made^^.
That's also a reason why I prefer killer-characters who can either stop chases around loops, or have there at least a little advantage.
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It depends, there is looping and looping. Mindless looping around one single pallet, dropping it and switching to the next loop is boring af. Looping done by chaining different tiles, windows and pallets is fun and engaging.
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i couldnt have said it any better myself.
As a rank 1 killer nothing is worse than stealth game play. It sucks.
Loop me all day, but please dont hide in the corner when you hear the heart beat, and this does always seem to happen when its down to the last 2.
Loops is what makes the game fun imo, I enjoy the different tiles and i like pallets with LOS blockers and non LOS blockers.
Pallets without LOS blockers come down to a good ole ring around the rosie in determining whos reaction time is better.
Pallets with LOS blockers come down more to the mind game, moon walking, weird pathing, ect.
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That sounds awesome, say you vault a window once and it becomes easier for the killer to vault through, second time the vault speed is increased again, third time the window is now a door with no vaulting required.
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I love loops that have mind game potential, loops that are semi-safe loops can be the most fun since you can't see the killer around obstacles so there is a lot of mind game involved. I also love those kinds of loops since it's a battle of wits and mind game to survive or to get the down as killer.
It can be mindless at times especially at safe pallets though.
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To me, looping is the worst and most boring part of the game. I usually dont disconnect, but i had games where i stop playing as killer if i got people that just run from one loop to another.
As survivor, i dont loop, instead i juke the killer and make him lose me, which to me is much more engaging.
Looping is effective in the game, because you can waste the killers time and he doesn´t just get so someone else, but i hate it. Its the reason i play less and less killer. (but i am a survivor main anyway, just play killer for the change of perspective).
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Not at all. Looping is the most boring thing in this game for killers. That's why I play nurse.
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on both survivor and killer? honestly it just feels cheap and goofy.
i mean the only time i'v ever seen "looping" in a horror movie was...
scary movie... a spoof of least what i can remember i cant find the scene if someone wants to chip in please do im sure scream get run in circles around the table then stops to catch his breath while the girl continues screaming in circlessays alot when the best survival tactic in DbD is from a joke horror doesn't it?
give us less loops and more stealth in our horror focused game please, add doors to use like pallets but you can also hide bhind but killer can also call you out on said door by slamming it to hurt you if your behind it or hiding behind an open door.
give us us small crawl spaces we can hide in like a locker but lower to the floor so its harder to find for both survivor and killer.
give us windows we can close to slow down the killer or for the killer to close pre-chase so that the vault is denied unless they jump throw it and put themselves into the bleeding state if injured or injured state if healthy.
give us more damned interaction with the maps we play in, slow doen gens alittle, make the killer ACTUALLY SOMETHING TO FEAR!
less of this looping bull crap and more focus on not getting caught by the killer, make games last that little bit longer by slowing down gen speeds AND hook death speed (as in the sacrifice progress) so the killer has more reason to not camp because it'll take so damn long.
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I would find it exhausting, so no.
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Gaming around a jungle gym or LT etc etc is a lot of fun but running around the same rock three times till the pallet goes is pretty dull.
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yes, main reason I picked up DbD in the first place. I enjoy this chasing interaction a lot