You have to leave the lobby as Trapper if someone has a map

This was already an issue, you couldn't play Trapper if someone had a map so you would switch to someone else, right ? Well, you can't switch killers anymore so you HAVE to leave the lobby and queue up for like 10 more minutes.
How often do you even see a map in a lobby though? And there are also maps that can’t track killer properties.
if you are scared of an item (same as flashlight for hag) then leave the lobby. But you don’t have to.
killer specific matchmaking is still the better and more important feature than switching because of survivor loadout (even though matchmaking still needs work put into it..)
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Who even uses maps nowadays?
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That's dismissing the issue though, better said is why haven't they removed the ability to see traps with a map yet?
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First of all, I agree that maps should not show where the killer's traps are. That is just dumb. With that said this also isn't that big of a deal either.
A.) Maps are rarely used.
B.) Maps that track killer belongings are even more rare.
C.) Even if a survivor has a map that can track killer belongings, they can only see the auras when activating the map which has a very limited amount of time to use. They can also only track items they have been close to. So they can't see every trap placed.
D.) Also not every survivor plays SWF so the amount of information relayed to others is limited in most games. 1 player having limited bonus information does not mean auto lose.
E.) Trapper has a number of add ons that are pretty effective at countering survivors disabling traps.
In conclusion, Trapper does not need to quit if a survivor brings a map.
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You still have options though. Equip Franklins, Kill the map wielder first, play less trap reliant ( ye I know easier said than done).
I personally dont mind maps too much and I play Trapper a lot in red ranks. Just try and adpt your playstyle. This of course is only possible if the survivors dont cheese you into a disadvantage with last second switching, this tech is total BS.
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Why? Your traps still manage the purpose of cutting of loops.
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Franklins is your friend in that uncommon situation.
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I never trought I'd see the day where someone complains that maps are OP.
You know they have limited charges huh ? switch your trap places mid game and the map holder won't probably know a thing if he saves his charges for the hatch.
Thus I heavily doubt map holders main objective is to disarm traps in the first place, unless it's a rainbow, map don't track killer belongings.
Thus you can play around it, if you see a map bring the auto rearm addon then your map holder will waste time disarming traps everytime.
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There is so few people using maps. Why not take the risk ? also not all maps are equipped to see traps.
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I mean your argument kinda falls flat when people have small game or just use their eyes.
Trapper is more of a setup guy who leads his prey in the direction he wants them to go. You shouldn't rely on the trap set up a mile away to do anything for you.
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OoO hurts Trapper way more than a map...
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He didn't say that maps are op though? He just doesn't understand why maps are able to track Trapper's traps, making it more powerful specificaly against him (and maybe Hag as it can track her phantasm traps), while it doesn't hurt other killers as much as long as they are not using perks like Hex: Ruin.
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"have to"
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The Trapper has to use 2 addons if he wants to play against competent teams ; A bad addon + Tar Bottle. I already made a discussion about this a while ago so I'm not going to talk about that. Basically, there is no room for another addon if you want to play against competent teams.
What ? Then why don't I play Clown ? You know there are 4 survivors, right ? And you probably know that you chase one at a time so people can disarm 'em.
1 - I didn't say they were OP. They just completely disable your power and someone can just tap a map to see where traps are.
2 - There is NO addon creativity for the Trapper. Look at the first answer.
3 - "Switch your trap placements mid-game", alright, I'm going to switch every one of 6 or more traps in the game because I have time for that in the mid-game when there are like 3 gens left, right ?
Thats not a fix for the problem.
You can't see if a survivor has eyes or small game, if they do then they'll counter you, thats it but you can see if someone has a map which basically tells you before the game starts "go shove these traps up your ass". That's the problem and to see some traps you need to pay A LOT of attention.
Thats not a fix for the problem.
Yep. You see how I debunked your argument ? Thanks for not contributing.
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Next thread : I don't want to seek counterplay, I main doctor and I want calm spirit gone or I RQ every game.
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I mean it's like if you said " there is a Nea in the lobby, i'm not gonna play Hag because she will certainly have Urban Evasion" ^^
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So, just equiping an item can basically kill a killers' power (using CS doesn't get the 2.5 secs of not being able to do anything) and thats okay ? You want Trapper to be a M1 killer ?
No. You can't see if someone has Urban Evasion but you can see someone holding a map. Your comparison doesn't make sense
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I see maps every single day playing, not sure why people act like they never get used.
"How often?"
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ok then "survivor holding flashlight" oh no i cannot play Hag coz traps will be destroyed, or Wraith because imma get burn.
"survivor holding medkit" oh no i cannot play Legion coz they will heal.
Every killer has a small counter by items but it's not that game-changing ^^
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- Flashlights are actually a big counter to Hag since it doesn't even take a second to destroy a trap which is stupid.
- Wraith can still go around the map at high speed.
- What do you mean Legion gets countered by medkit ? Legion's job is injuring people, not keeping them injured.
- When you are playing Hag or Trapper and you see a flashlight or a map its not going to be a fun match. The survivor can find your only power and destroy it and at that point you are just a M1 killer with no power. That's not fun to play as.
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Well most people don't know about flashlight destroying traps + it's your job to be unpredictable as Hag
As for Trapper, i don't think the basic map item can show bear trap.
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Thats what franklins is for. Especially with trapper as you can trap the item
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Nobody uses maps
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The Rainbow Map can + If you are in red ranks people know they can destroy traps + they can just wave the beam, y'know ?
Thank you for not fixing the problem.
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Yeah I just play against the map. If its that much of a concern bring Franklin's and set a trap on the item.
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So? Do you leave the game too as Freddy when they have a map? Or Hag when they have a flashlight? Form a strategy, employ proper perks or add-ons, and you'll be fine.
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Maps never bothered me as trapper because they are hardly used. Headsets on the other hand do but you can't tell if they have them or stop them from using them.
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That's stupid. Small Game is used more than maps and it tells where traps are. Just don't play Trapper if you are so scared of survivors...
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maps are pretty rare but OoO now that... one is something that survivors magically have in their loadout whenever i have to play trapper but not when i play other killers.
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People who hate NOED
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Wait, what does Freddy have to do with this ? Anyway, I guess you want me to "form a strategy". So, what is that exactly ? Even if they don't see you place the traps they can just tap the map and see where your traps are. You become a M1 killer. Why are we still talking about this ? Isn't my point clear ?
Yeah, you can't. Thats why I switched killers but now I have to leave the lobby.
I don't think you know how Small Game works. It doesn't show the aura of the trap, it just tells you there is a trap. Besides, Small Game is a perk that counters Trapper with skill since it doesn't hold your hand and says "heres the trap" while maps do that and they can make playing Trapper an absolute nightmare.
If you say "thats stupid" and "don't play if you are so scared of survivors" you are missing the point. Maps require no skill to use while completely removing the Trapper's power.
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Map counters Freddy Pallets. And again, it doesn't matter if you pressure them and cancel/minimize loops. It's not complicated.
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If the map worries you run franklins
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So you are scared that one survivor just runs around and disarma traps? You understand thats one less doing gens right? Also you can bring in addons for this special case. You obviously dont play Trapper well.
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I use Small Game all the time and have never stepped on a trap when I run it. In fact I use it to cancel them all to protect my teammates. How is some dude with a limited map in a better position?
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In rank 1 games at least one survivor has Prove Thyself. One less doesn't matter when you are a M1 killer since you can't end chases in safe pallets AT ALL.
Well, pallets are worse than snares tho.
Believe me, he is. I have lost games just because the map existed. If it wasn't there I would have won those games but I didn't because using a map doesn't require any skill whatsoever. You learned how to use a perk and thats good for you, you used skill to counter the killer but maps don't require skill.
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This proves you're just baiting people with this post because you'd rather focus on Freddy's Pallets being "worse" than snares compared to everyone calling you out for being a bad Trapper. Gg, gl
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Dont know any decent survivor that runs prove thyself. Its a bad perk.
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I don't dodge them but i do bring a green mori everytime i see a map and guess who's the first to die right off hook the map person period.
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That was due to an outside program survivors could use that told them who the killer was but that has since been patched out so you shouldn't see that to much.
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Dude, if you think Tar Bottle is necessary then I don't know if we can have a constructive conversation.
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If maps are a huge concern when you play Trapper then maybe swap in Franklins when you see a map? You can't change your killer but you can change your loadout in the lobby. And as a bonus Franklins will make them drop toolboxes, etc as well, plus you can trap the dropped item if you really want to annoy the person who dropped it. 😈
In addition, you could focus on chasing the map holder when you spot them. Just tunnel them down and hook them to keep them from avoiding your traps. It might cost a little extra time but odds are it's only the one survivor with a map to worry about. (Kind of like a Trapper variant on how you might want to tunnel down a survivor with Object of Obsession.)
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I literally didn't understand the rest of the answer that you gave. You didn't respond to anything I told you and didn't say anything so I just answered what I saw. You are changing the subject and you are not adding anything. If you, honestly, think that maps don't hurt the Trapper, you are just delusional and you hate playing against the Trapper because you don't know how to counter him besides a stupid item that requires no skill at all.
Say that to the legacy SWF groups I get that just rush gens.
Thats actually a good idea. Thank you.
Have fun setting traps in The Game, Hawkins, Haddonfield or Badham. You can't control which map is going to get picked, you have to be prepared for everything. Of course you don't need the Tar Bottle in Autohaven or MacMillan but you don't know if those maps are going to get picked (even tho the Tar Bottle helps even in Autohaven or MacMillan, its just a must have).
That makes sense tbh. You could do stuff like that but that sacrifices a perk slot just because of a single item which I don't really fun.
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Don’t think of it as sacrificing a slot, think of it as using a slot to patch a weak spot you’re encountering. And even if they don’t bring a map you’ll still probably get value out of it by removing toolboxes and medkits and keys.
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Oh my god, the ignorance. YOU think that having trappers power rendered useless by small game, maps OoO etc is ok? Get good.
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Tbh items countering certain killers so hard feels like an outdated relic of the past. We shouldn't have items that hard counter killers like that, especially with the new system locking killers imo.
Plus none of the killers that get countered hard by items are near the "too strong" list, so I don't really see an issue with just removing that feature.