Add a little shrine in the basement with 5 lit candles for each totem remaining in the trail


Add a little shrine to the basement with 5 lit candles.

Every time a totem gets cleansed a candle gets extinguished.


This would help solo survivors know if there are any remaining totems in the trail, more reason for survivors to put themselves in danger and go down in the basement to check, possible buff for territorial imperative, cool mechanic which fits the DbD theme and makes the realms more connected with all objects within instead of suggesting a totem tracker to the perk Small Game (lame)

Let me know your thoughts


  • xlRadioactive
    xlRadioactive Member Posts: 27
    edited August 2020

    Thank you for your opinion, and the thing is this wouldn't largely benefit a coordinated swf at all since they already count the amount of totems cleansed and give out the info to anyone else.

    It rather improves solo queue

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I rather like the idea. That way, both killer and survivor can go to the basement if they want to know if a totem is still up.

    But at the same time, it'll make it too easy for both solo and group survivors to know if all totems got done since all they'll need to do is go in the basement.. But it might make basement perks more useful (Territorial Imperative, to catch people going downstairs to check on the totem status, rather than catching them looting basement chest, and maybe even Monstrous Shrine... oh who am I kidding, no one's going to be using that one haha)

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    This is really nice. I like it.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Con: It'd help NOED-Killers too, cue the survivors not wanting this /s

    Good idea. a thousand times better than the braindead UI or aura suggestions that'd help SWF more than solo.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    4-man SWF already know how many totems are left. UI wouldn't affect them in any way whatsoever.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'm not gonna lie that's pretty good. Will be annoying for solo survivor to go to the basement to look but it's still pretty cool.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Highly off-topic,but voicecomms are neither reliable nor instantaneous at GATHERING information. While theyre good for conveying information from A to B, A still needs to remember to actually convey the info only they are aware of.

    An UI update would give any info to all 4 survivors instantaneously, remain in the Hud probably permanently, and be highlighted enough so that comms now can be better used for coordination instead of gathering information.

    Cwf is a multiplier to anything a survivor has ingame, unless it's tools to convey information (voicechat, quick messages pingtool), which cwf already has. Adding anything else will be more efficently used by people who can communicate than by those who do not.

    Closing the so called gap between solo and swf is rather hard, because the only 2 differences are sirvivor intend ( "me for the team", instead of "me before the others") and voicechat.

    To get back on the topic at hand, Op's suggestion is better than ui chanhes as theres a downside, but sadly its still more useable to cwf than solo.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    I kind of like this idea, personally I would be satisfied with a totem counter in the HUD. But if shrines were located either just in the basement, or key locations like.

    Basement, Main building, Exit gates. Or something similar to help people keep track of them. Only reason I added more is if there is noed, the last place you wanna go is the basement.

  • logbomb
    logbomb Member Posts: 19

    I really don't see how it's more usable by swf than solo. When I play swf we just call out every totem we've done until we reach 5 (if we get it). We would never go in the basement to check, bar very specific conditions (extremely long match, maybe someone couldn't remember if they did 2 or 3). But in 99% of the cases we would have no use for the shrine.

    In Solo Q tho? It would make a world of difference. I always thought a HUD display for totems would be too much too easy info, that's not at all the point of the totems. But forcing the survs to go maybe half way or full across the map at the end of the game to check the totem shrine might really make for a good "balancing" action. I think this is a fantastic idea and might give second wind to forgotten perks as someone pointed out earlier

  • Human
    Human Member Posts: 40

    I really like the idea! Gives more reason to go down there and risk your head other than just a chest

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    I love this idea

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    This is an idea I saw elsewhere on the forum like a year back. I think it's probably the best way to implement a totem counter that's not tied to a perk and is still thematically appropriate. Maybe Monstrous Shrine could also hide the number of candles or something.

  • EmotionalDaisy
    EmotionalDaisy Member Posts: 159

    Can we make this happen? I'd love this to happen, please.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    They should also add the candles around every totem so you can see how many totems are left when you cleanse one/find one.

  • Angerydoge
    Angerydoge Member Posts: 69

    This is a neat idea and would add to hex perks. I agree that this would be a fine addition.

  • Parallax
    Parallax Member Posts: 273

    I love the idea, though I doubt I or anyone else would us it.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I love the idea. Not only does it encourage risks, but it makes the reward for it actually useful.

  • logbomb
    logbomb Member Posts: 19

    I'm glad this isn't buried yet. I'll keep coming back to see if it needs a bump! Really would love to see this in the game

  • logbomb
    logbomb Member Posts: 19

    That would completely defeat the purpose of the shrine. You would just be able to check how many totems are left every time you cleanse one. The purpose of the shrine is to have a way to get this info without it being directly displayed on the screen. For all you know, you might have to travel the full map to go into the basement and check at the end of the game. That adds to the game difficulty and strategy.

  • H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3
    H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3 Member Posts: 189

    Is there a petition for this? I wanna sign it

  • logbomb
    logbomb Member Posts: 19

    This here is the petition! Don't let it get buried, keep coming back to see if it needs a bump :) we need visibility on this idea, literally the best I've seen so far

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    I figured the purpose is more so that you check the basement to see if there's any left when you can't find one

  • Rareware0192
    Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360

    I’m all for this change. I really like this idea and hope it gets implemented. :)

  • logbomb
    logbomb Member Posts: 19

    Nah, the point is really to make survivors go into the basement if they want to check that. If you read the main post OP mentions that as well

  • logbomb
    logbomb Member Posts: 19

    Another idea would be to have this shring spawn randomly in the map. It wouldn't give the buff to the perks OP mentioned but it would make more difficult for survivors to find it unless they run into it by accident.

    Also, could spawn only after 2 gens are done or 2 totems so that you don't spawn on top of it by accident.

  • logbomb
    logbomb Member Posts: 19


  • logbomb
    logbomb Member Posts: 19
