MMR: Otzdarva and rank 15 survivors



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  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Hmm.. I think I'm gonna try some killer adept trophies this weekend.

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113
    edited August 2020

    Rank does not equate skill. The devs have said so themselves. It only reflects frequency of play when it comes down to it, which is why some red ranks still seem derpy.

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  • RelentlessShadows009
    RelentlessShadows009 Member Posts: 192

    Question, do you and other Ireland 1s play different when ranks reset?

  • TTVfbYTigTW
    TTVfbYTigTW Member Posts: 85

    How would anyone know that definitively if the supposed MMR system is hidden?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I don't think "worse" is the correct terminology because although you'd get a higher MMR for getting a 4K, a 3K is also good by the developer's standards. 🙂

  • TTVfbYTigTW
    TTVfbYTigTW Member Posts: 85

    You’re stating how other games have implemented an MMR. This is bhvr. The MMR is hidden, there are no tiers to understand progress or regression. There is no known understanding of what helps or hurts MMR.

    From a rank standpoint, for example, I’ve played games where I’ve done 2 gens, for a safe unhook on the only hook in the game, lost the killer in chases, escaped through hatch, and de-pipped (seriously). Having zero faith that the MMR is that much different than what they already use for scoring and rank, how would a game like that affect the other people who couldn’t save, etc.

    what about the games where you’re caught in chase for a majority of the match, don’t have an opportunity to save/heal/etc and go down at the end to NOED and die on first hook?

    Until there are actual known tiers or some understanding of what’s being calculated, there’s zero reason there’s actually a true MMR system even in place

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    MMR is based upon how good you do as killer. I'm assuming it's mainly based upon kills since everything else is subjective. Farming would mean you're either a God (due to points and high score) or trash and lose points due to not killing anyone. It's pretty simple. Getting a lot of points but everyone living every match would be a terrible way to match people xD

    Yeah, the survivors game the killer a ton of hard chases with a few wacks and after they was done toying with him, they all left so let's give him a high MMR. That just doesn't sound right. I'm gonna say due to the devs wanting 2 kills, 2 escapes per match. Otherwise, there are just too many variables to determine skill. Are people ######### around?

    Is the killer respecting or eating pallets? Did they escape using a key or die by mori? Did the person dc or get 1 hooked by their teammates? The list goes on and on. They said the MMR is trying to predict the outcome of a match. That would be if the survivor's survive or the killer's kill all or some amount then places with a group with a similar amount of the opposite. You killed 4? Here's 4 that escaped a killer until it boils down to 2 and 2 per match. That's my guess.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    It was posted the day after. Unless he doesn't upload for days, then it should be current. Screenshots of different killers with different results using MMR won't be accurate. I stand by what I said. If people want to call me bootlicker and shill for making a statement yet they want to worship some guy on Twitch and justify anything he says as absolute, doesn't truly see the irony in it xD since that's the definition of what THEY'RE doing xD

    I criticize the devs for certain things as I do streamers. I don't side with anyone. I don't watch people all day every day. Otz had 350 views yesterday when he stopped streaming. He might have 5000 followers but not concurrent 5k people xD I use to get 250 views on YouTube per video so I must be as good? Take my word and if someone doesn't agree mindlessly, let's trash talk them :D

    That's mob mentality and I've stated before, I won't reply after awhile to that. Be civil or don't mention me. Think for yourself and come to your own conclusions. Anything else?

  • C_Frank
    C_Frank Member Posts: 179

    As the algorithm works internally we do not know and should not know, to avoid expoits. If we should know at least for us our MMR. To know if we are improving or not. The lie that they don't say it so that we do our best, is because they know that it works badly. You clearly can't pair new players with veterans. With this system, unbalanced games are generated for both sides. I have friends who don't want to play SWF unless we are all 4. With only a low skill player, the game is very unbalanced against good killers. A game like this you can accept, before it was rare that this happened, Now it is a constant. We have many captures that demonstrate it. It would be good if the dev showed their faces and gave a good explanation and how this is going to be fixed. For now, you only have to avoid lobbies with low skill players. Check steam profile, ask for rank. Or play killer.

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  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2020

    Views is how many watched his video. You can't say he had 100 views but 10,000 viewers xD Subscribers are the amount of followers. That doesn't mean he had 5000 viewers watching him at that time xD

    Edit: Why are you still talking to me? I believe I already said I'm good on talking to you.

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  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2020

    @Shenochek Alright. I admit I was wrong. I'm man enough to. I just went to his stream and confirmed what you said. I apologize about my misinformation. Thank you. Can't believe I'm saying this but thank you for being civil and not throwing insults. It's just easier to explain then show with proof instead of people just ripping into someone. Thanks again, Man.

    Edit: He seems like a sweet man.

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  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    You have to remember. Not everyone uses Twitch. Some are from YouTube and it's based upon total views. When I went to check yesterday, he was already offline so all I saw was 500 views. It's easier to explain it than to just tell them to figure it out. Its how people come to their own conclusions like I did. Thanks again. Just something small makes the world of a difference.

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  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    He's playing as PH. I know. He's stated that they don't have any MMR so he's being nice. He plays how I play when I think people are new. I tried Twitch from YouTube a few years back but hated it. I like having a video recorded and don't have a set up good enough to handle restream or double monitors. Been watching him for a bit. I use to watch him on YouTube due to my schedule.

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  • Xyex
    Xyex Member Posts: 140

    Do... do you really not understand Twitch and the difference between VOD views and live viewers? VODs - that is, video recordings of streams - are saved after the stream ends. The view count they show is how many people watched the VOD. Not the stream, because the VOD isn't the stream. It's a recording of the stream. The VOD view count and the stream viewer count are independent. The stream could have had 5 million viewers live, but if only 5 people have watched the VOD the VOD view count will be 5.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I was already explained to. Thank you, though. Fixes a lot of problems when people just explain it rather than calling people names and such. Creates an understanding instead of resentment.

  • calciumstructure
    calciumstructure Member Posts: 13

    Has anyone bothered to mention how the devs said that MMR has been working in the background for months, so logically it should already be sorting you with people of your skill level, yet it has barely even done that?

    I just feel like I should mention that. It disproves the BHVR apologists who are all "xd GIVE THE GAME TIIIIMMEEE TO CALCULAAAAATTTEEE"

    They said that, yet the MMR system acts as if everyone has been playing since it came out - that is, only a few days ago.

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113

    Not talking about Tru, though he IS overrated ( and a bit of a cry baby at times).

    I'm saying that there are red rank survivors/ killers that still 'suck' despite being at red ranks. I have known plenty of people who have made it to red ranks, yet still struggle greatly with holding chases, landing skill checks, and overall performance in matches.

    Basically, if you play enough, you will make it to red ranks. Devs have stated as much already.

    You're free to take it out of context all you want.

    Doesn't change the facts.

    Don't believe me? I could care less.

    The devs have said what the devs have said. Hence why rank doesn't mean anything anymore.

  • faff
    faff Member Posts: 68

    maybe otz region lacks high mmr survivors so it throws him the first available ones?

  • drakonukaris
    drakonukaris Member Posts: 132

    Then MMR will not work because often your skill is not at play as there is something called map RNG in this game where you have killer and survivor favoured maps. Certain killers are just bad on certain maps, would the game take that into consideration?, I doubt it, they don't even show your MMR so keep kissing that ass bro.

  • Xyex
    Xyex Member Posts: 140

    After his MMR stabilized he got some solid Survivor teams that he really struggled against.

    And yet, I've noticed a difference as time has past anf I've played more games. On MMR launch my lobbies were horrible. Now they're pretty good. My Survivor lobbies are some of the best I've ever had.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    That's definitly not the case as I'm in the same region (EU West) and for me the exact opposite is the case.

    I 'm Rank 16 Killer and I constantly face red rank Survivors without exception. Meanwhile Otzdarva, a red rank Killer, with like 5000 hours of playtime, gets some Rank 15-20 Survivor.

    There is no logical explanation for this, it's just a purely garbage matchmaking and to be honest if I provided such a low quality product to some of my customers, I would get fired immediately.


    ...but it's the gaming industry, there are no obligations or responsibilities and we Gamers just exist for the companies to make as much money as possible until we realize it's all money grab. The worst gamers are those that constantly defend companies for their overprized low quality products (this last part is not specificly aimed at BHVR or a person but at the gaming industry in total).

    Wake the ######### up.

  • faff
    faff Member Posts: 68

    mmr seems to be giving me fair matches after the first few. I lost a lot at first (10-20ish games) , then I won a lot, now games seem rather fair as killer. survivor is still hit and miss even though I play it more

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    What do you mean when you say "fair"? For me the matches are always either an easy 4x escape or an easy 4k, they are always unbalanced in one way or another depending on what side I play.

  • faff
    faff Member Posts: 68

    fair as in I don't get looped for 4 gens before getting a single hook, while also not getting easy 4k's, it feels like my decisions and skill are relevant to the opponent's I'm facing, I'm not the best killer, I've been finding the matches I get mostly purple ranked survivors in my matches the closest and most fair for me, and these seem to be mostly what I'm getting. usually even if I don't manage to get kills and all 4 escape I've managed to put most on death hook, but I'll usually at least kill a few, sometimes 4k especially if I get a good map.

    I've almost exclusively been playing the doctor since mmr came out, dunno how it will fair once I switch killers, but I assume it'll go through the same 10-20 games of losing followed by a bunch of winning (4k's or 3k + hatch) to evening out.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Tbf what Scott Jund was talking about, which he mentioned, was that, even if the MMR system works perfectly, thats not something people want either. Because then peoples "favourite content creators" would only meet tournament squads and never do silly things anymore. And the best survivors/SWF would only meet god tier nurses and spirit and most of them dont want that either. And that at the very least it would grow boring. He then went on to say that he dont think its gonna work perfectly and more or less predicted this outcome as far as I recall. Could be wrong on that last part, but the first bit is accurate. He was only worried about it finding "perfect matches" so people always had to try, instead of people deciding how much they wanna try to win in each game, and how much they just wanna goof around.

    Agree or disagree that was more or less his opinion.

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  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    Yeah Rank may not properly equate for skill, but a person who has reached Rank 1 has at least played the game long enough to probably have more than the basic mechanics of the game down, know at least how looping WORKS even if they can't properly loop themselves, know how perks and items work, HAVE perks and items to use, etc. Meanwhile these people who have only like 11 hrs of playtime being matched against people who potentially have tens to hundreds times that. That's not fair, that's not fun, and it'll probably actively discourage people from either continuing to play or keeping the game (if they can still refund it that is).

    It's the same for people who only have recently bought the game and are trying to play killer too. Playing against Seal Squad 6 (whether SWF or Solos) as a new killer, that'll demotivate and demoralize you like nothing else.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited August 2020

    Do people not understand how MMR works?

    Ignore the ranks, they should have been removed along side the introduction of the MMR system if I am being honest, but who knows what the DEVs were thinking.

    MMR will even out over time as people play more matches. You can have a higher MMR but be at like rank 13.

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113

    That's just it. I have carried people via SWF to red ranks, and even made it to red ranks within my first week of playing (I started when the game released on console). My knowledge of the game was VERY limited compared to what it is now and I had little to no perks (not that I understood a lot of them).

    Again, the devs have said that rank does not equate skill. Hence why it is no longer used for matchmaking.

    They announced this all recently, I don't understand how so many people are struggling to grasp this concept.

    Rank is, literally, just for giving yourself kudos.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    But shouldn't they matxh you closer to your emblems then slowly back away from it? Than match as far as possible??

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,381

    You aren't seeing people complaining they are being matched against green or purple ranks. It's people complaining that the ranks they are being paired with grey ranks. With rank reset only depipping people to the previous color, it's unlikely experienced players are in the 17-20 ranks.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    I believe he mentioned that as well, that it was usually to do with time played. But honestly I am not here to defend just to set the record straight. Watch the video yourself instead of getting me to play middle man

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited August 2020

    MMR based things usually start everyone at the same amount, then you go up or down from there.

    I don't know if they are going to have some sort of season split like other games, or if every 13th it will be reset to a lower amount or whatever they have planned. Some things are very unclear.

    But yes, ranks 1s will be paired against rank 15s and everything in between. Don't pay any attention to them, it is not the thing to be looking it. That's just how it is going to be starting off.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,381

    The devs also stated they were recording data for the mmr system for months. It would be one thing if the devs didn't state they were recording data for the mmy system at all and it went live. People expected they wouldn't be thrown at new players, because the devs made it a point to state they were collecting data.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    Okay but the game literally just released on Console, everyone else probably ALSO didn't know how to play. If you had started now, after it had been out on console for a few years now, do you think you'd still get to Rank 1 in a week? Also approximately how many hours total do you think you played during that week?

    If you're playing Solo Q? Yes I WOULD argue Rank takes skill. Or at least more skill than someone completely new to the game has.

    Do you honestly HONESTLY think, the new MMR system, once all the kinks are worked out? Will fare better than what we had? That they accounted for enough variables to give an honest view of skill? I don't, because there are too many variables to properly account for. Bloodlust, Perks, RNG pallet spawns, RNG window Spawns, fat shaming spots, Survivor Spawns, Killer Spawns, can they loop, can't they loop? Hitboxes, lag, dedicated servers. Add-ons, items, offerings. Moris, keys. Map size. Map layout. RNG Gen spawns. RNG hook spawns. So much.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    I mean I just unlocked Deathslinger 2 days ago and played a total of 4 matches with him, all of those were against red rank Survivors while I am Rank 16 Killer. 3 times all 4 Survivors escaped and one time I managed to get some kills due to an early DC.

    How can I have the same Rating with a brand new Killer as those red rank players with 60 hours of playtime in the past 14 days?

    There is just no excuse. It works backwards. Tru3 is a red rank Killer and gets Rank 20 Survivors, I am Rank 16 Killer that gets red rank Survivors. How is that not obvious????

  • SiNiquity
    SiNiquity Member Posts: 4

    Poor killer Nurse didn't even know how to blink, survivors literally running circles around 'em.

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