How the hell do I get better at huntress?

yeah basically ik every one is going to say this but just practice man it takes time im going through the same grind as you man ik it sucks but tuff it out
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Crosshair built into your monitor
#1 tip: Be patient.
Use Whispers, NC, BBQ, Ruin. You need tracking perks because you're so slow and you cannot afford to waste your time.
You need to get familiar with what you can throw over, what you can't, and what tiles you can play with her. It's a very long learning experience. Good survivors can and will make hitting hatchets mid range difficult, close-ish range you simply wait for them to strafe left/right then let it go mid to opposite to their current strafe.
You should also accept the reality that you can make one mistake and lose an entire match because of it or a very bad chase. She's fun, learn to have fun, but learn to accept that you're going to lose a lot. Often to your own faults, often to your own mistakes, often to things out of your control
Huntress is only a top tier killer in the hands of a very good player controlling her, and even then you can very easily lose
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There’s a time to hatchet and theirs a time to just hit them with a basic attack it’s up to you to decide when. And practice
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Abuse hitboxes
This is a joke. But also semi-serious
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"Huntress is the character with the highest skill ceiling in the game."
*Nurse wants to know your location*
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Aim at the air 6 feet to the right or left of the survivor, and not actually the survivor.
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A lot of practice.
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I don't use any cheap crosshair pasted onto my screen, learn to know where the middle of your screen is.
She is easy as ######### especially with fast wind up times and instadowns with ultra rare.
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Pretty much this. Unless a survivor is running straight ahead of you (which most good survivors will not do) you will have aim where you expect them to be after the hatchet travels.
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Training. Just training! She's fun to use but unfortunately she is hurted by majority of the maps
Leave chases when you need it
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Be patient, aim really slowly, also use WASD keys (or the left thumbstick) to move when aiming, can help alot
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"All the good Huntress players do it"
I highly doubt this.
AFAIK both Zubat and Scott don't do this and they are probably two of the best Huntress players out there.
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If this is true I've lost some respect for both of their Huntresses.
It's like finding out your favorite baseball player bats with a corked bat.
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Umbra I think is the best huntress player shes actually who encouraged me to go back to maining huntress but learning huntress in red ranks is hard as hell
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If you think Nurse is all about muscle memory of the blinks, then you clearly never played Nurse.
The difficulty of Nurse is not knowing how to blink, but knowing where to blink.
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Umbra is good. She uses Shadowborn and I just can't do that with Huntress myself LOL. It really changes your aim. I would rather have something to generate map pressure or tracking survivors instead.
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While many suggest cross hairs I dont, but it's a either or situation. Shadowborne is nice same with Monitor and Abuse, but the FoV can really mess with your depth perception if you take it off and throw hatchets.
Remember to mix up pallets occasionally throw and sometimes just M1 right through. Keep them guessing. Get good at melee and midrange hatchets. If you get good at melee hatchets you can almost immediately put someone into the dying state.
You'll miss a lot at first and even hit random things that make no sense or even hit things that u should clearly be able to hit over or through or around. Hatchets are a bit wonky, but extremely rewarding.
Practice throwing hatchets with BBQ or in KYF. It helps significantly. Also remember every time you down someone its nice to reload if possible before hooking so you dont waste the BBQ aura reloading.
If you run out of hatchets mid chase consider the chase over and go reload. Hatchets add a mind game if they know you are out you've become a 110 m/s killer.
Dont use addons that affect the moment speed, cool down, and wind up until your used to them. Never ever use the addon for locker auras for hatchets. Literally the most annoying thing I have seen.
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In-game report under Unsportsmanlike is MANDATORY
Using 3rd party software or other tools to gain any kind of unfair advantage that wasn’t intended by the game, except if they have been whitelisted by us. We are not banning for the use of communication apps.
This is pretty clear and that is not allowed imo. Sorry admitting to using that and explaining why, giving any justification, you might as well say welp I use esp to even the plainfield with swf so no.
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I dont think tape is a third party software
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I agree on everything except the last part. If you yeet yourself you only got one try.
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It is obviously an advantage both coming from 3rd party software, ask any cs player to do that with the likes of awp/scout and see him get dumbstered quite quickly. Unfortunately i can not comment on the video as it will not play nor let me watch it on twitch.
A built-in software isn't a third party program now? Okay so coding an overlay hack, running using either of those whitelisted is totally fine than? ESP yes? Cool. Where does it stop btw? So are blinks via macros fine since most keyboards come with a made in tool, for perfect blinks or perfect 360 or perfect curves?
Oh and don't tell me this is not possible as this was how a friend of mine who actually does code for a living avoided being sued by blizzard as he used an overlay and didn't inject anything into the game files or modified them in any kind or way. Oh and you can totally fine code aim/trigger bots into the driver software of hardware of a mouse for example is that fine too?
You can't stop people from doing that just the advancement of technology.
Is this garbage honestly allowed? This is not cheating? Okay what about several of your streamers, having multiple 100k of auric cells which they probably got via bug abuse is that fine?
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You don't and can not prevent them from doing that. It is like asking how do you prevent a murder? You can not and will have to punish if it happens. Not saying that these two are alike.
The question is not how do you prevent it from happening, Valve stopped that years ago, you do however punish accordingly if caught ( look at banwaves for example from VAC). You are saying well how do you stop people from doing that? But that is besides the point, it is about whether you or furthermore they as in bhvr are ok with people doing that. Like I said if they are fine with that than they can outright toss that "rule" out of the window if the only question that needs to be asked is how do you prevent people from doing that because if you think that EAC is a good AC and prevents anything from happening than well nope.
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Nurse is not only about muscle memory. Muscle memory is the easy part of nurse. What makes a good nurse is how do you react to survivors moves. Nurse is definetly the hardest killer to play
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Look for Youtube videos by famous Youtuber players of this game on how to play Huntress the best.
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I learned about cross hairs from those two saying they use them. I had no clue people were even doing this until I was watching Scott and he admitted it. They both have monitors with built in cross hairs and have openly stated live on twitch that they use cross hairs.
I think the game should have one IMO.,
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Actually Umbra doesn't use crosshairs she learned without one I believe
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I don't think you've watched her stream then lol
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Devs should just add a crosshair, tbh. :) Good luck winning good survivors with huntress slowdown and cooldowns, if you dont hit those hatchets.
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Umbra says hello.
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I started playing dbd a little more than a month ago and can play huntress without crosshair at rank 1 no problem. I might have around 20 matches with her and began playing her recently. I have 5k hours in CSGO though, so I know where the center of my screen is. I do struggle against really good survivors and SWFs but against most red ranks it's really easy to get 4k. I never watched Umbra but ive watched ohtofu and otzdarva about killers and all. Edit: what I learned about huntress with ohtofu was patience with hatchet throws and that pretty much made me play way better
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Oh yeah this thread is old Im pretty good now haha
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you play her
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psshh yeah right! you know theyve all done it at least once to learn.