The thiccc competition

Thiccc competition!!
1st - Jane
2st - Bubba?
3st - Dwight
4st - Kate
5st - Myers
Please No
Post edited by Respectfulnancymain on15 -
The fact you didn't put David on the list despite the fact he somehow manages to have a thicc torso, pretty good ass, thicc legs in the shorts, and a thicc bulge in his dia de los muertos trousers makes me sad and disappointed.
Also Pyramid Head is very thicc too.
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Please stop
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Clown isn't on the list, he's pretty thicc!🤡👌 (so is Oni)
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Fine, but only because you said please.
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Kate is great and all but she's not really thicc
Dwight really
Replace Kate with Jeff
Replace Dwight with Clown and move him up.
Finally Myers replace with Oni or Trapper
1st - Clown
2st - Jane
3st - Bubba
4st - Jeff
5st - Oni
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Don't be mad just because nancy is a sticc
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Very accurate
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Jane has all the right curves she's number one.
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David and Spirit
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Spirit not so but David I agree on.
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Did you see that upskirt of Spirit in her schoolgirl outfit that was posted here ? I'll try and find it for you.
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Now this is a post I can get behind!
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please dont id rather keep my breakfast inside
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Okay, cause I had found it for you. 😄
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You should still post it 😉
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more like the cringe competition.
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Nancy, you should know better. You're either supposed to laugh or say "OMG JANE SO DUMMY THIC LMAO".
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They are just being respectful. 😄🎂
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Am I missing a joke/meme seeing 'st' after each number?
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David doesn't have an ass and I think that's what we're all focusing on lol
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this thread for real?
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The lack of Meg and Julie disappoints me.
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All I wanted to see was Clown's monkey chunky torso, don't play him often but you can get lost in that circus belly.
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Deathslinger is Thicc
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Hag is the thiccest and sexiest beast in DBD
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This comment right here officer.
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That's Yui. She has absolutely no ass.
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No, he just didn't sleep for 1000 years
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Huntress would like to have a word about thickness.
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Go to horny jail.
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Are people forgetting about daddy Pyramid Head in his Corrupted skin?
Not to mention Dwight in his skinny jeans... 😍
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*talking in sleep*
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I love Jane.
Jeff is the most stylish and good looking.
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