What got you into video games, and what was the first one you played?

So what got you all into video games and what was the first game you ever played (or remember playing)?
I got into video games i want to say because of my older cousin, who used to play video games all the time and with me watching him play and having a go now and then myself.
the first video game i played was probablly Paperboy on the Commodore 64
but i have fond memories playing all sorts of games back then along side paperboy like ghostbuster on the amiga
and thats just to mention a couple so yeah what are yours?
My first two were Yoworld and Ourworld on Facebook Avakin life I played on my iPhone.
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My first game was Halo 3. Played it at a cousins place. The first game I owned was Halo 4, and I spent hours on that game. Beat it on Legendary, got to SR 130, unlocked a decent amount of the commendations... and dominated the Flood gamemode (their version of infection). I had a lot of fond memories of that game.
My first gaming system was an Xbox 360, and now I have an Xbox one. I played the Souls series, Halo, and now DBD. It is funny how a lot of souls players (Scott Jund, Otzdarva, etc.) all came from Dark Souls to DBD.
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I dont remember which it was, but it was either Lego Star Wars or Virtua Cop(PS2 version), but we only had one TV, so that kinda sucked, but my god they had me hooked.
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I started playing video games around four years old, though I don't remember why. Among the various kid's games that I don't remember well, there are two games that stand out as among my favorites back then.
I loved these games. Still do, even though they haven't really aged well.
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Yeah I had that Ghostbusters 2 game on Atari ST. Could never complete the last level!
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Back when fish and chips still came wrapped in newspaper.
Trapdoor - ZX Spectrum
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I don't think i ever completed it myself well not that i can remember, i might have had my cousin do it for me though because i do remember nearly being in tears cause i couldn't get passed it, haha
Aww Trapdoor, I never had that myself but my big cousin did have it and i watched him play and had a few shots myself... i don't know why i didnt have it though seeing as i had to get back home from school asap so i could watch it.. it was important :D....
and a little bit off topic but when fish and chips used to come wrapped in newspaper... they just havent tasted the same since that stopped.. ah the good auld days.
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With Ghostbusters 2, baby Oscar just kept floating back to Vigo. It was highly frustrating! No internet back then to look for walkthroughs! Coincidentally, I recently watched someone complete the game on YouTube.
And yes. Fish and chips were way better back then 😊🍟🐟
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When I was really young my dad still had his old PlayStation and let me try playing on it one day. I can't remember what games he already had but he bought me a copy of "The Little Mermaid" off eBay after he saw how much I enjoyed playing them and to this day that's the first game I remember playing.
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There was a Little Mermaid game on the playstation? i actually didnt know that
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Yeah I think it was a mash-up of the plot of the first movie ane the second one.
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I've still got my playstation i actually might see if i can find that somewhere and give it go.
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If you happen to also have a vita and aren't having any luck finding it I'm pretty sure you can get it off the psn store.
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My mom brought a floppy disk with a bunch of bootleg games home in like 1996 or something, a colleague of hers gave it to her.
Sure it was sorta... crusty bootleg versions of many classic Nintendo games but it got me hooked. Then a friend got a Gameboy and a 1st gen Pokemon game once it came out and there was no going back after that 😄
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My first game was on Atari. I can't remember which but I was only 2 or 3 at the time and I've been a gamer ever since. I have nightmares about the first Ninja Gaiden game still.
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I remwmber being a little kid when dad got me into video games. The first one I ever became that involved with was this actually (for its time) indepth football simulator "Football Manager"
But my forst ever foray into horror was because of this goddamn witch from a game I think was called "Granny's Garden" The game was probably made by people on very questionable herbs, but once you failed a game (even if you weren't aware) this creep arrived on screen, accompanied by the loudest, oddest music I'd come across back then!
Her eye moved weirdly, and I feel like she was the first ever "jump scare" in video games.
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Granny's Garden.. that witch looks so familiar to me, i think i might have either played that before myself or at the ever least watched someone play it.
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pong any nintendo game on the NES zelda mario Final fantasy Dragon Quest.
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There was pac-man at the cinema, and original Nintendo with Mario and Duck Hunt. But the primary game of my childhood was Sonic.
Then there was a Doom on DOS. 3D? Yeah boy! But when Bug came out, that blew my socks off from a graphics standpoint.
After that I was all PC for years, especially RTS like Starcraft and Age of Empires. (The lesser known Earth series still holds a special place for me: Earth 2150 in particular. Oh, and BattleZone I & II). I’m purely PS4 now, but I do have pangs of nostalgia for the old computer days.
You wanna try a great old game that you won’t regret?! Star Control: The Ur-Quran Masters! It has a group of fans that made it usable on modern computers. Search for it and you’ll find their site. Space battles, diplomacy, resource collection, upgrades and modules, fleet management, and all this from an old DOS game!
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Knowing that witch, you may have blocked it from memory to avoid trauma :D. That weird part where you had to find the magic tree with no guidance or clues, etc. It's basically fuel for a Creepypasta or SCP!
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The first game i played was Adventure on Atari VCS.
What got me into gaming was Super Mario World.
It was a lot of fun playing Mario. I really liked the different types of yoshi and my favorite was the blue yoshi since he could fly when he put a turtle shell in his mouth.
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I think Super Mario on TV. Gifted to me by my parents.
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Resident Evil 4. My first video game that I played when I was 4. Man I played that game to death and to this day I still play it every now and again.