The Scummiest Perk In The Game

Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

If you read the title and guessed this would be about Hex: Devour Hope...give yourself a Milky Button.

This perk promotes and encourages the most dullest style of gameplay in dbd. Get a hook, leave with an intention of not going anywhere far in particular (maybe PGTW a gen because every boosted sod runs that perk now) and then come right back, either for a tunnel or to get a free chase and hook off the rescuer, because Hex spawns are typically trash they feel they need those tokens asap, thus making every Devour Hope match the crappest thing you could possibly vs in DBD. This perk needs hard nerfing, it really does. 24m away 3/5x for an insta-down/kill - that range should be 32m at least. This perk is disgusting. I'm making this post about it because it would seem like some tit of a streamer is clearly using this perk on every build they do because almost every match lately has had this perk used in it. Agree with the post or not, this rant is very valid in it's basis, Devour is a disgustingly boring perk to find yourself vsing in any match. Not to mention most players have the attitudes of "oh, my Hex is gone. I guess I have no reason to leave the proximity of the hook now." Jeez that perk really riles me up XD

Post edited by Onyx_Blue on


  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503


  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    It means i've become an internet tit that doesn't spellcheck XD

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Just because it's niche, doesn't mean it's function and activation criteria are far too horribly easy to gain for what the insane reward.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    It's not even the scummiest hex

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    You also could say its far too easy to destroy it even before it avtivate.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Lol like hovering 25m away isn't camping. Love, that's 1m further than Spirit, Hag, Deathslinger's base terror radius. Be honest, what Devour Hope gamers do you ever see playing their typical style of gameplay when the perk is active? The hard majority realise totem spawn locations on most maps suck so they aim to get as many tokens as possible before it goes. It hardly promotes not camping, since it doesn't take more than 3 seconds to make up a distance of 25m

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Which is what happens to me 30 secs in. Why I stopped running it. Made it to mori 1 time in in this game with it. no thanks not my type of perk.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    in all my years of playing i NEVER saw anyone camping with Devour Hope..

    Also how is it camping when you are 25m away ?

    Do you even know what camping is. I guess you are one of this kids who trashtalk to others and calling them campers while they were on the other side of the map chasing someone else.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    It encourages totem defense which is irritating, I don’t think any perk is scummy on their own but it’s how the person plays with it

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Because not every map has bad spawns. Also, who goes looking for bones when they're vsing a killer that actually knows what they're doing and applies proper rotational pressure? Vs those killers you wanna get your gen done before doing something like bones in case they have PGTW ('in case' lol they definitely do). And by that time they've got the criteria active for it to start ending peoples games.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    When I play survivor I cleanse any totem I see on my way to the gens. If I notice a hex totem i pride myself on scouring for it but not everyone needs to go out of there way for totems. Just keep an eye out on your way to butt pump your gens if you see one take the 10-15 secs to cleanse it it's 1000-1500 points as well. If all four members do that in the end you will be ind a much better situation if Noed pops up, and I doubt any other hexes would be up.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    It's in the bracket of it. Since the hook in is in your presence (TR), and you are close enough to spot approaching survivors as well as get back quickly before they heal/peel far enough away from the area. To pidgeon hole camping as literally being next to the hook is an horrific oversimplification. The killer has zero intention of doing anything but get tokens the easy way, ergo, they hover near the hook but in range of the token gain...clearly camping.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Imagine not being able to read a post, just expecting it to be NOED xD.

    Its about Devour Hope. Its never a dull totem.

    And as for the Op who things Devour Hope is scummy? What?. You mean a perk that involves playing the game 'normally', leaving hooks(not camping), going for a different target,(not tunelling) to avoid ds and get it faster than they can find and cleanse it. Having to get 3 hooks to get a 1 insta down before they know (possibly 2 before they know, if really lucky). Giving survivors the warning that they need to find devour hope. If they have been paying attention to totems they know which areas they dont have to look.

    If they cant find it or have to go for the unhook then whoops, the killer can now mori. This is insanely balanced Hex perk. Its high risk (running with 1 less perk if they find it), Insanely high reward (Instant down and mori), but you have to work for it, and the killer has to get at least 3 unhooks while far enough away from the hooks, before the perk does anything. Haste is either really not impactful, or a not working.

    And those 3 unhooks can easily be 4 or 6 or never. Depending on how close the survivors are when you hook one. You warn every survivor in the game to stop what they are doing to find this totem. Which usually means, unless the survivors are either very unlucky or are very smooth brained that the totem will fly before more than 1 mori gets done. Usually you get 0 moris out of this perk, but often you get a few insta downs before the totem is destroyed which makes it still a good enough perk. Like Haunted grounds, but one which works when you have worked for it, instead of when the survivors have fallen for your trap.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    Just because you do that, it doesnt mean everyone does that my dear.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    What? Devour Hope only activates after getting 2 Tokens, it's not a Hex before that or did I miss something? I'm fully aware that it's not about NOED.

    And your IF's can easily be countered with a simple IF of my own:

    If they find the Totem immediately, the perk is useless.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    To pidgeon hole camping as literally being next to the hook is an horrific oversimplification

    The game defines camping as being within 16 meters of the hook, so...

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Attacking Devour Hope AND PGTW? Should I point out that DH literally promotes the opposite of tunelling? Don't get me wrong, I don't like the perk, it's 1-in-20 matches power is holding back every other Hex perk from being properly buffed, but if someone is tunelling off the hook with DH, they were going to without it. There's just no reason, you can get at most 2 stacks, and the second stack invalidates the fifth because now they're on death hook and it'd probably be quicker to hook them.

    And given the current meta, if you haven't found someone when the unhook happens, it's actually a worse play to keep searching. There's 2 people at that hook that most likely just ran to a generator, 1 healthy and 1 that wants to outperk you.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    You and i could never see eye to eye. 😅

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I was expecting a thread about Insidious not gonna lie.

    I have to admit I'm surprised people dislike Devour Hope. I never use it myself but as a survivor I think it's a pretty "exciting" perk to go against because of the "shock effect" when the first person gets hits by 3 tokens Devour and suddenly it's NOT all about them gens anymore and you just know you gotta find and destroy that totem before the killer gets the other 2 tokens allowing them to go for the mori.

    I like the concept as it switches things up A LOT when it works. Also I think it's an interesting way to implement moris without offerings that allow you to mori someone out of the game within the first minute.

    But just out of curiousity: You said you want it nerfed so how would YOU nerf it if you could?

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400
    edited August 2020

    No its active from the start, the only hex totem that isnt, is NOED. Which is why I assumed you thought it was NOED, but fair enough my misunderstanding.

    And yeah it can instantly be cleansed. Which is one of the reasons im saying OP is wrong.

    Im saying he is wrong if he thinks Devour hope of all perks is scummy. It seems like you read my post with a wrong idea there?

    Ideally I would like all Hex spawns to be as difficult as they are on many of the newest maps, but even then I would say the other hex totems are just weak instead of useless, before I would say Hex Totem is scummy/OP.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375
    edited August 2020

    Oh wow, they must have changed that then because it surely wasn't active from the beginning back in the days. Now that I think of it, perhaps it was just a wet dream that it wasn't lit? :-/

    And yea I assumed sarcasm because;

    If they cant find it or have to go for the unhook then whoops, the killer can now mori. This is insanely balanced Hex perk.

    So apologies, it appears that I indeed can't read a post properly lol

  • surveilltheempathy
    surveilltheempathy Member Posts: 26

    I played some time with Devour Hope, but only in combination with Thrill of the Hunt to protect it. And if you are lucky, and both totems are not to far away from each other and you have also gens nearby the round can be realy bad for the survivors. But if your unlucky and the totems are far away from each other or a survivor spawns on top of it, than you play the rest of the game with three perks or even two, with that perk-combination.

    So for me it´s a fun build. It is so satisfying to get a mori (or even 4 moris) but it´s so f** rare that it happens. Because of that I run most of the time Perks which i can rely on the hole round.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I use devour hope all the time. I dont camp the hook. I dont intentionally tunnel. If im close to hook and dont know where people are then yes im going back to the hook.

    Devour hope is the perfect hex totem. All or nothing.

    Its my favorite perk in the game, and as a solo survivor i do get into situations where nobody is doing totems and the perk destroys us. Oh well. One bad game.

    Its not a prevelant perk by any means. But it is fun. Balanced. And a good thing for the game.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    If the person hovers 25 meters away it wont give a token. They need to be 32 meters away. This is also a stupid plan for the same reason camping is stupid now. Youre more likely to get gen rushed.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332

    Lol. What.

    Devour Hope is the only hex we have that actually is in somewhat balanced. You have to actually play the game to get anything out of it and it promotes you leaving the hook, even boosting you with a haste to do so and it's a hex totem so it can be permanently disabled at any time and most of the time will be disabled. It hasa notable impact on survivors when its charged and it's deadly-as it should ALL hexes should be since they are meant to be OP by definition but capable of being countered by being cleansed-

    What other hexes are killers going to use....huntress lullabye....Retribution....Thrill of the Hunt /s I mean. Ruin is at best B tier, Noed is an very last moment clutch hex and those are really the only two decent usable hexes in the whole game besides DH.

    I mean...using the logic that returning to a hook for a down-which you should be doing anyway...why would a killer NOT return to a hook when they think someone is going for-or just have saved- you must REALLY hate Make Your Choice, since that is literally it's entire gimmick. In fact it's worst than DH because it isn't a hex so it can't be requires no tokens for the exposed effect and most importantly the exposed effect is timed...meaning the best way to capitalize on it is to literally skirt the radius then return to the hook to capitalize on it.

    So if anything. Make Your Choice would be the scummiest perk if hook orbiting is considering scummy. I mean, I don't consider either of these scummy.

    I would consider the scummy killer perks to be: Insidous, Noed and maybe rancor. Just because two of them can snatch away a survivors escape points and Insidous since it heavily incentivizes camping primarily.

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115

    The Scummiest Perk is actually is a hidden one and it's called "Survivor".

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Lol... 25m is camping... alright

    25m is a range that I rarely can reach against most teams that lurk around for insta unhooks...

  • Human
    Human Member Posts: 40

    devour is completely useless against experienced survivors. They just know all the totem spawns and even if they don't cleanse it right away, maximum value you can get out of it is 1 instadown. It's already going to be cleansed before you even hooked the guy that got exposed.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    "zero intention" is maybe your playstyle. If something forces me to get away from the hook, I try to do something useful in the meantime. Staring at the hook at 25m distance is also a great way to tell survivors that you have Devour. Not sure if you had a bad game against someone like this and didn't read the playstyle properly, but from my experience this is maybe 1 of 10 games the case and the easier Devour matches. Devour is fine

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Devour Hope requires the killer to be more than 24 meters away to get a token.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Devour Hope gives survivors an extra objective outside of generators. There's nothing scummy about that. You ignore totems, you get punished. Simple as that.

    If a group of survivors LEAVES it, then the killer has a well-earned power fantasy of a game.

    You also have four very specific requirements that must be met:

    - Hooks. You have to do some of your objective first.

    - Unhooks, so no suicides or aggressive BT saves allowed

    - an ACTIVE Hex totem

    - distance from a hook when the survivor is unhooked

    It rewards killers for playing well and punishes survivors for ignoring their surroundings.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    I expected OOO to be the scummiest perk since it's usually toxic players who utilize it. But DH? Really? A perk that is anti-camping and to a degree, anti-tunneling? Idk who YOU'RE playing against who uses DH the way you describe (I use it often but I hardly meet high tier Killers who run it when I play Survivor on PC), but DH isn't commonly used like that. Also a perk that a Survivor controls by letting it stand or not? Jesus, talk about entitlement.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Expected Insidious, got whining about a perk that requires effort to use/deters camping.

    If someone is just going to return to the hook each time, Make Your Choice would serve them better as it's not a hex and provides a similar scenario of 2 one hit downs without being tied to both a Hex and 3 hook requirement to get started.

    Mori ability? Fair reward for intentionally allowing 5 unhooks, though people (good players) will unhook just as you're about to get into DH range after the first one hit down with DH.

    I guess perks that require fair effort, promote fair play and have viable counterplay (unhook distance/cleansing) are falling out of favor @_@

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    Imagine complaining about a park that can be denied just by pressing m1 during 14 seconds

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Ah. It is fine, I dont recall it ever starting as a dull totem, but I havent played from the very start. Only came into the game around Freddy (end of 2017) And yeah reading intent into words, isnt exactly easy. I can see how that could very easily be misunderstood xD. But I did mean it, when I said it was very balanced. Probably should exclude the 'insane' part though.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Lol, I just had a team burn a Midwich offering with OoO against my trapper. You can imagine how that went.

  • drakonukaris
    drakonukaris Member Posts: 132

    It's not boring, it is terrifying to go against when you realize the killer has it, you are forced to scramble and look for totems and be an immersed gamer for a while and get your ass off gens. I have no idea what you are talking about honestly, hex spawns are terrible on most maps for killer and so incredibly obvious, to this day you can spawn on a hex totem as survivor and cleanse it immediately. If your team tunnel visions on gens and ignores totems that's a fair price to pay, hex perks should be rightfully powerful because that's all they are... temporary perks

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    Yea, I also think so. It's a high risk / high reward perk that also requires efforts to become useful.

    Though that's to keep in mind: most of the time if it gets to 5 or even just 3 tokens, the match is already decided and DH just speeds up the process - at least that was my experience with it.

  • Blackhouse
    Blackhouse Member Posts: 15

    Devour also has the secondary benefit of distracting the killer from properly applying pressure to gens, as they are typically too invested in getting use from the hex before it is destroyed. Unlike, say, Third Seal, one does not run Devour as a supplementary perk.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    I find it mostly has a healthy play style to it. It makes you not camp as much for a chance at a late game snowball. Even then it is a totem so can be countered and as you said they have bad spawns so not too hard to find and break.