So, I had an issue in-game where I 3k and I juggled the 4th and let them escape so I don't depip (see my first post for more info), someone else in the game then reported me and said that they submitted a ticket and they apparently responded to her saying "we require no more evidence" after she allegedly sent them video proof.
She/he then told me "enjoy your 14 days cooldown", is this just rubbish or is that for real? I thought first ban was 24hrs...?
Prob just trying to scare you
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yeah maybe, but I still rly dont wanna get banned. I dont feel like I did anything wrong to be honest
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The lesson is: Get the 4k, no mercy, survivors will cry either way.
Btw, no, you will not get banned, ppl say this 'cause they're salty and will report you for anything, but only hacking/messing with files get you to ban zone.
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Are you sure? Please check my first post for info. There I explain the entire situation
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They wont ban you for being scummy, it is only if you break the game itself.
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they just say these things, probably often after matches they don't enjoy, to simply scare killers into playing the way they want them to just tell them to shove it int heir twitter holes and back out of the chat and start another match and forget you ever met them. if you ever get banned for playing to win or working around design flaws, that is not your fault and it simply tells you it's a game not worth playing and they saved your time from being wasted on it in my opinion. that's how I look at it.
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Did you get a 14 day cd?
If no then it's safe to say it didn't happen :P
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but if you look here https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/19450/game-rules-and-report-system
it tells you in Griefing, it says holding the game hostage. Im not sure if what I did falls under that category
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I read your first post and I still think your in the clear.
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same tbh, but I still really like the game, Id rather not be banned :P
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Alright, I'm still kinda worried though 😅
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Without a doubt, you will not get banned. Playing a game in a way someone else doesn't like will not get you banned. You outplayed them however you did such a thing, so you won't get banned for winning. If that were bannable, this game wouldn't have had a year of support, much less four.
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ok, thanks for the reassurance. She/He did seem extremely salty in the endgame chat. they said that Im dumb as **** for slugging... which... is a higher rank playstyle tbh. Idk, anyway here is what she commented on my ss post on steam from June 8th. (Before the new matchmaking
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Link me up, too lazy to search for it hahaha, but no man, 100% sure you can't be banned for playing the game in the way you want to play.
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Nothing will be done behavior has rules that have to be broken in order for you to be banned which can be found here
As long as you are not breaking any of these rules you won't be banned also for future reference letting one survivor go won't get you in trouble its if the survivor is working with you selling out their team mates the whole match etc now that will get you into trouble.
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You could just go on my profile and go into discussions lol, but here you go
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She is probably a bored 10 year old who needs to have the internet taken away from her.
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Yeah. Ik how ppl get banned for working with the killer, the part I'm worried about is "holding the game hostage"
I even said to her/him this (Screenshot)
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Probably :D
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In reference to holding a match hostage, this refers to when the survivors arent doing anything to progress the game and further (do gens ect) progress.
If survivors are just hiding for an absurd amount of time ect 20+ minutes with no progress made on any gens this can get you banned since the game is technically held hostage since the killer cant do anything.
Very rare this happens but it does.
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Holding the game hostage is a slippery slope however if i was told correctly in order for a killer to get in trouble for doing that you'd have to straight up body block someone.
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As one of my colleagues advised on your initial thread, whether this will be considered as griefing will be decided by Support if a complaint has been made.