Which is your favorite mori animation?

What the title says. I put in the poll some of which I consider to be the most iconic ones, but left an "other" option in case you prefer a different one!
You can also provide with your reasons.
Which is your favorite mori animation? 119 votes
Legion's I feel hits the sweet spot of brutal and realistic for what you'd expect. By this I mean someone like Trapper's mori, you'd expect the person to try to crawl away, try to throw themselves to one side, and while I love Oni and Deathslinger's moris the survivors just kinda...accept what's happening. Plague's is particularly bad for this, since they're alive until the vomit and yet didn't do anything to try to escape. On the other hand you've got Demo, who, as much as I want to love his mori, it's just kinda meh for me. Legion's they actively try to fight back and crawl away, and the whole animation is just so visceral because of it. I love it.
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Pyramid Head
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I love demos because he gives me a kiss and flower smile with his razor sharp teeth. uwu
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I find the plague's to be hilarious. It is cool seeing the praying and then the vomit and then the incense slap.
Close second would be Ghostface with the photobombs.
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I love michaels, I love it when they fruitlessly try to resist. Its a shame I don't see it more often.
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Pig. Used to really hate it, but these days compared to most new killers, I just enjoy that I don't have to watch 3 gens go off in the time it takes for a full on cinematic brawl and chase between the survivor and killer.
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Ghost Face
Easily GF with the selfies (and inevitable photobombs). Honorable mentions are Legion's (because of the stabbing and trying to fight back) and Hag's (because it's just absolutely brutal).
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i just love the beauty of a finisher in which the victim puts on some effort for a final struggle, specially when they put up a decent enough fight, i got the feeling that the vast mayority of killers have a mori in which they finish of the surivor with overwhelming force and/or the survivor just kind of goes along with it for no aparent reason
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For me, Legion is great for that reason, but my all time favorite has to be Pigs. She doesn't allow them to run, and is brutally efficient (even with survivor struggles).
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Ghost Face
I love the points y'all have made about the Legion's mori! I find Ghost Face's to be the coolest one, but Legion, Plague and Pyramid Head are also among my faves. And a honourable mention to Demogorgon because he om nom noms you head in a very sweet manner.
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I know everyone shits on this, but I love the Wraith's mori. It feels so expressive of his hidden rage, with the way he grabs survivors from the leg and them smash them furiously.
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Ghost Face
Ghostface's tells a lot about his character. It's such a demented animation, capturing a really messed up bit about killers and trophies.
It's awful (in a good way, I guess lol) and I love it.
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Deathslinger and Michael
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This was tough but I said other because I like Leatherface's. I also like Spirit, Ghostface, Oni, and Deathslinger's.
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I like Oni's and Clown's. Clown if against annoying survivor, satisfying stomping the head into the ground and then taking their finger so i can flip them off with it :P
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Wraith, I've always liked the 1st person POV Moris
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Ghost Face
I've always liked ghostface's mori. I like how he viciously stabs the survivors, then poses with them and takes a picture. It has adds a bit of humor to the mori (for me at least) .
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Myers all the way. Nothing beats picking up a toxic survivor and stabbing them. Look them right in the face and see the lights leave their eyes.
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Clown is definitely one that really got me when i saw it. Oni is a close second for me. Probably the mutilations sticks more to me. 🙂
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Myers for me, that casual way that he slings the body away from him - perfect Myers!
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Huntress and Bubba
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It looks very bugged doe.
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Michael Myers, because of the way he stares straight close-up into the face of the survivor, seemingly watching the life drain, and knowing his face will be the last thing they will ever see. It's just so damn intimate!
Special mentions go to The Hag (intensly primal), and the last 3 killers: Oni (brutal and ritualistic); Caleb (creative execution); and Pyramid Head (illustrates his command and painful).
Recently, the mori's have been brilliant, and I hope they continue to exceed this.
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Ghost Face
Ghost Face 😱📸😈✌
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gotta be bubba
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Clown, it always makes me laugh.
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Clown and Ghostface are close 2nd and 3rd, but I love the back and forth within Legion's mori.
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Oni's definitely, though I may be slightly biased.
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Pyramid head has such an awesome mori. Not the final judgement though, his actual mori.
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I like The Shape's mori
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I chose other cuz for me it's a tie between Demo and Deathslinger
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Definitely Michael Myers.
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Oni smash 'em